Thursday, January 11, 2007

~ BLAH ~


Couldn't think of a subject for this entry, can't figure out how I want to start, and hell if I could do a graphic to save my life.  Not sure exactly why, but after dinner I just got in a blah mood.  Not depressed, not sad, not sick, just blah.  I swear I did 30 graphics and hated each one and deleted them.  Started over, deleted.  I tried different types.. scenes, cartoons, valentines, animals, you name it.  Not one came out to my liking.  Some I even scrapped before I finished.  I thought about doing a tutorial, but they are a dime a dozen.  Sure I've done some, but anyone can do them, use someone else's creative juices and follow along.  Oh, don't get me wrong, some are absolutely gorgeous, but I don't want to get in that habit.  I want to use my creative juices and create something to share that came from my heart.  Not something I found on the net and just followed along.  Maybe doing so many graphics and offering them all up right away has me burnt out.  Who knows, so again this entry is going to be slim pickings. 


This next part might piss some off, not my intent.  I just can't put my arms around it and think it is way over the top.  Help me out .......


I will start by saying I am an animal lover.  I grew up with pets, and not to long ago had to put my cat down after having her for 17 years.  Never in a million years did I think doing that would effect me like it did, but I cried for hours, days.  I miss her.  I do.  I am not ready to replace her and have to go through that again. 


Now, today I had the most bizarre experience.  A co-worker came to me and asked for help printing out a birthday card.  Her home printer was on the fritz and she couldn't get the color one at the office to work.  She hands me a disc and I open the card/flyer.  It's cute, a few words, and a picture ofa puppy.  I ask her if Guss got a puppy for his birthday.  She looks at me funny and says, 'no, Guss, is the dog.  It's his birthday'  Ok, cute.  Doing something for their pet, she has a young son and doesn't want to let that 'special day' go by.  Through the years I'd given my cat special treats,  new toys, special food on her day.  No big deal.  She then goes on to say she is going to put her pets paw in ink and get his footprint on the card.  I must have given her a look as she proceeded to tell me what was going on.  Of course swearing me to secrecy first.  I agree.  Come to find out a friend of hers is throwing a surprise birthday party for her dog.  Now, she made me swear I wouldn't tell.  Who the hell would I tell???  Gus????  I think my eyes bugged out of my head, my co-worker doesn't even blink.  She tells me they are all going over to this surprise party.  Ok, odd excuse for a party, but hey have a few beers and have fun.  No..... she is serious.  Apparently Gus's owner will be walking him from 7-7:30  the guests are to arrive in that time frame with their pets and wait quietly in the basement so not to get Gus suspicious.  HUH?????   Oh yeah, they will be in the basement with their pets, some that Gus have never met and Gus's 'parents' will bring him down to surprise him.   Oh yeah, I see surprise!!!  WTH!?!  My co-worker then tells me what her pooch bought Gus.  Some kind of treat.  Gus's mom sent out invitations and inside listed the treats Gus likes, what toys he enjoys playing with, and what kind of blanket/pillows he enjoys.  At this point I'm looking for a get away.  This is beyond puppy love.  Oh, no kids will be there, just pets.  WTF!?!  Are you kidding me?  You mail out invitations for a surprise party for your dog?  With a list of items to bring?  You have strange dogs in your basement to greet your dog when you get home?  You make people swear not to tell to spoil it?  I said, oh I'd love to see that on film.  She gets all excited and tells me they will video it.  Ok, for America's Funniest Videos.  No, just for them.  I know people love their pets, treat them like family. this just a little bit over the top?  Bizarre?  Am I missing something?  Help me out......  I can't even laugh... I kid you not, this co-worker was excited about the party and looking forward to it. 


Ohhhh did I say slim pickings?  Sorry, don't even feel like uploading any and the one I did use has absolutely nothing to do with my post. LMAO....... hmmmm or maybe it does.  I did say blah, didn't I?


YEAH!  Tomorrow is Friday...........  night






Anonymous said...

ok that is just weird! a surprize party for a dog?????? wonder what they will do when this said dog goes into heat (female) or just horny(male) lol a shotgun wedding? I am so sorry about your cat its always hard to lose a pet. WOOHOO tomorrow is friday:)


Anonymous said...

I am sitting here still in unbelief about the doggy party. What the heck? Yeah, I love my dogs...BUT....I can barely get a b-day party together for my kids let alone dogs.....good gracious....I do LOVE this graphic, may I snag?

Anonymous said...

It is midnight here and I am laughing my ass off outloud and my husband thinks I am crazy. I love my dogs, I buy them little christmas stockings full of new toys. BUT a surprise party, tell me you are joking. With strange dogs. UH will there be cats too? EHHEHE.
I wonder if she got him a diamond studded collar too, LOL
I am thinking the woman has to be off her rocker a little bit. I am just sitting here in disbelief, you are joking right???

love ya

Anonymous said...

I've felt the same way about writing anything lately, but I'm going to try tonight.
I totally agree with your opinon of the "party" some people really need to get a life, there are important things going on out there, and yes I like animals too but really!  Joni  P.S.  I love that graphic, that is one of my favorite readings, used it at my daughters wedding.

Anonymous said...

Doggy party??? stranger things have happpend! I wouldn`t have waited that long to walk Donna lol!
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

LOL!! while I was reading this, I can picture your jaw dropping...because I was doing the same thing!!! :-D I was like.."Are you serious... this is a joke right??"
.....but I guess not.
LOL..what people would do.
You might want to remind her to teach the dog the value of money!
Gem :-D

Anonymous said...

People are funny creatures lol. I have heard some wierd things in my time but that one takes the biscuit. Sorry you lost your cat, know how you feel we lost our dog of 13yrs on Dec 4th and we still miss her company.

Anonymous said...

Donna that was crazy ,I hope the strange pets didnt fight ,can imagine all hell breaking lose it that basement ,hee heee heee ,and we think we are mad !,,lol ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

well to some they dont have kids or in my case grand kids so my dogs are my grand children. The dogs are of great comfort. We have had birthday parties for our dogs and buy them presents for special occasons hanukkah , birthdays and such. Never had anyone give us one. Now we did as I put pics of back in dec make a card for our vet with pictures of each dog ont he front and put thier paw print on the card as if they signed it. HE LOVED IT!!!!!! Just thought that was so cute. each dogs signature in paw print wasnt easier iether lol . But dont know that MY dogs now this is just my dogs would appreciate having other dogs wiating in THIER HOME lol

Anonymous said...

I'm with you .WTH !! and might I add I'm not cleaning the basement either !! You know jow dogs are when they get excited ....they wee wee all over themselves.  It's one thing to buy your dog a gift but a party ........who's pissin on who's leg here ??  

Love & Hugs Diane

Anonymous said...

ROFL! Some people are so cranky with their pets! I love my two cats but I always remember they're animals and treat them as such. I think it's totally unfair on them to use them as substitute kids or whatever. I'd love to have seen those dogs waiting in the basement! Did a fight break out?! People were asking me if I'd bought my cats Christmas presents or had a Christmas dinner lined up for them! I told them, no, my cats eat meat and biscuits and that's it, I know some people give their pets burgers and ice cream as a treat but it's just so bad for them, it amounts to cruelty! I think your co worker needs help! I can imagine you sitting there with your mouth open not believing what you were hearing! Lol! Have a good weekend! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

When people are that obsessed with their animals it gives me a creepy feeling, so I get where you are coming from.  Now you know I have a zoo in this house of all sorts of creatures, but I wouldn't even think of having a surprise birthday party for my dogs!  Can you imagine?!  My dogs would EAT everyone, especially if they were hiding in the basement and jumped out to yell SURPRISE!  There would be lawsuits!  LOL!  I have days like yours by the way, that restless anxiety feeling days.  They suck, but the next morning they are usually over.  Hope you are okay today!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sure do hope those blah's go away. (((((((hugs))))))))))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I am in hysterics here Donna this entry deserves to be framed it is brilliant . Haaa!! I am more than LMAO Haaaaaaaa!! I am doubled up.I agree with all you have put down here, but it is so of some people.OH! the other half LOL!! Maybe you were thinking of shoving her off the bridge in your inner scenses doing this Graphic LOL!!! I think it matches perfectly.LOL!!!
Take care have a brilliant day.You have made mine with that laugh Haaaaaa!! God bless

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A birthday party for a dog? LMAO! I have two cats and I give them their favourite food and some new toys on their birthday.  But a party... that's weird. I don't know how you kept a straight face while your co-worker was was telling you, I would've laughed. I'm doubling up in stitches here.... ROFLMAO!!!!

Best wishes,
Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I laughed at this i keep telling Daniel i have left everything to Blue, Iam kidding of course or am i lol. Have a good weekend
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

That is really insane about the dog party! lmao!  I hope you have a good weekend and get out of those blahs!  Love ya, Shelly

Anonymous said...


Ok, I LOVE animals to death and I do buy them gifts from time to time, BUT A SUPRISE PARTY FOR PETS....Ummm...if you're missing something, then don't worry, 'cos SO AM I!!! LOL!!

Love Ste

Anonymous said...

lmao, i love my two beagles but we havent become so obsessed we had any parties for them, just birthday hats and a cupcake once a year. I can just see you and the expression on your face!
XO lj

Anonymous said...

That sounds over the top to me as well.  I do know people how get their pets treats for their Bday and Christmas but I have not know anyone who actually has thrown a surpise party.  

Anonymous said...

For being in a blah mood, you had me rolling on the floor reading this entry.  The surprise party for the dog is a riot.  It is so much funnier knowing that the lady was dead serious about it. I mean, doesn't every dog dream of coming home from a walk only to discover a basement full of strange dogs trying to invade his territory?  I can only imagine that scene.  My childhood dog was a wonderful animal who loved people.  He would have broken his leash trying to get to those other dogs, though, and he would have taken no prisoners!  Sheesh!  Still laughing here.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO...I mean I love Grizzly, my lab mix, and we do give him something sweet on his birthday but I could just see my friends and neighbors if I invited them and their pets to the house to "surprise" Griz on his birthday.  LOL...I could just see Grizzly...he'd probably flip his lid and chase the dogs away.  

I know what you mean about the blahs...I swear I've deleted so many graphics midstream in the past couple of days.  Usually I'll see a tube that just strikes me, and it's just not happening.  Hugs Chris

Anonymous said...

OK that story is just too funny. I have a dog, love the hell out of him, and I give him treats when he is good, but

Anonymous said...

 Well you know how much I love my dog and yes, I sent out birth announcements but it was tonque in cheek type humor, not serious.  This is so funny. Thanks for sharing


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!!! Sorry, not. WTH was this woman thinking? I love my Pickles, but come on it's not a child , it's a dog. She rates right in there with the idiots who put clothes and dog booties on the poor souls on a daily basis. I do miss your graphics, but you deserve a break my dear. You went all out for the holidays and New Years. The blahs seem to kinda be taking over J-land. (Hugs) Hope things soon get better for you hon!! Love Ya Indigo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Girl, this was NOT a blah entry.   I don't think I could have NOT laughed and laughed hard while this chick was telling me about the dog party.     Did you check for hidden cameras??   lol    Oman.   That's a great story.

Anonymous said...

Omg this is too funny but at the same time "not"! I have 2 dogs and have had pets all my life but I want to know if they will rent the video out when the party is over just to see how many survived in the basement!!!!!!!!!! My girls are so territorial I know I would have a problem with any "strange" animals in the house <humans too>! haha I am in line for the rental.
Good post.
Hugs from SC
Doreen :))))))

Anonymous said...

OMG....I did laugh!  But, at the same time, they all need "help" and they need it BAD!  No you're not missing anything.  That's bizarre beyond words!  I kind of feel sorry for them because there's obviously a big hole in their lives that they are trying to fill.
Let us know how the party went. ok?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I love my cats as if they are my babies (i don't have kids) and I do tend to pamper.  But throwing a surprise party?  For a Dog?  LOL  Someone is slightly more off than me.  GReat.  You made my day!  LOL


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, least it wasnt a wedding party...Beastiality is illegal....LMAO....sick, sick, sick,,,humor I have..~Raven

Anonymous said...

Oh my!  Such a day!!!!  Glad to see you at CarnivAOL!

be well,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I came via CarnivAOL.

Now, I am obsessed with my dog, but I would never throw her a surprise party.
Ever.  Well, come to think of it, her first birthday was a "party" with me, a friend of mine, her daugther, and their two dogs.  But we were living with them at the time, and I mean it was her first birthday...

And now I've rambled on. ha ha ha.
Great entry, btw!

Anonymous said...
