I can't believe it is after 11 already. I guess that happens when you don't come right home after work. Never finished eating dinner until almost 8. OUCH!! No doubt not a good thing to eat so late, but dinner was soup so I think I'll be ok. No nightmares. LMAO no pun intended. My niece also stopped over. I wanted her to try the french braid up, and she did. OMG! Laughed my ass off as I had this Pebble's type poof going on. It went up with ease so I think a regular french braid is doable. I will be calling tomorrow to set the appointment. Now I just need shoes. I think that will be a breeze.
Spent the evening watching the hockey game and the boys looked good. They hadn't started the new year out that great, but tonight they played with some heart and desperation. Well, as much desperation as you can have when you lead the conference by so many points. I just want them back on track. The 7-1 win tonight was a good start! I did have a couple graphics from the other night. Just posting two and my new tag offer. Feel free to click on the graphic to make a request.
I hope you enjoyed the clip regarding the blizzard of '77... talk about snow! I will do a proper entry tomorrow. I'm just tired.

I can't believe Tuesday is almost over and where the heck did Monday go?? lol
I think you should post some pics of the braid : )
~ Jenny
i snagged them both. glad your boys won. hope you have a good nights sleep. ((((((hugs))))))))
Hugs Hugs and more Hugs! Hope you are warm tonight and enjoying the french braid. I miss my Grand daughter Torrey when she would let me take her to get her's done! She looked so cute! I love your snags..wolves are my thing.. I have a new little 8 week old beige husky and she could fit in the one with the blinking babies :)))))) Be well and hope to catch your journal again soon...time to go back to work. :))))))Doreen
Love the wolves. Hope you share pics of the whole you when you get done
So pleased your hair looked good ,just have to get the shoes now ,well done ..love Jan xx
Flip me Donna necer seen as much snow.How does one try to get out of that lot????? Beats me!! Glad the boys sound to have done good.7-1.Take care anjoyed the video in the last entry.God Bless.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astorisand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Hi i hope your feeling a lot more with it today. And i love the pics, you probably know which 2 lol, there awesome thank you.
love and hugs
I envy you, it's so much fun getting ready for a wedding. Can't wait to see some picutures. Joni
Well I hope we get pics when your hair is all done nice and your looking all glamourous!! Laine xx
Beautiful graphics! I'm sure whatever 'do' you do come up with will look splendid! I wish I could french braid. I have tried numerous times on my girls' hair, and it always just looks so BAD! They don't even let me try anymore... pooey.
Wow i love the wolves.I have the picture of the three laying around but you animated them-that is really nice.
You will be posting pics right???? Glad the trial run on the braid went well Pebbles.
Glad your "boys" are playing better....my boys better play good on Sunday.
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