Git your minds out of the gutter!! I didn't mean that kind of messing around, and like I'd tell you anyway. ROFL I had a half way decent hump day. After our departmental meeting at work all went smooth and the day more or less flew by. The temperatures here have dropped and it is pretty cold out. Still no snow tho! Around lunch time today it did start coming down pretty good. Big white fluffy flakes that made visibility tough. I called my son and told him he might want to leave a few minutes early for work. At work it ended almost as quick as it started. You have to love those lake effect bands. Not 5 miles away they got about 7 inches, and further south they've been getting 6-7 inches a day for the past few days. At my house? I am seeing grass. It isn't that vibrant green mind you, but it isn't white either. It's only a matter of time.
I pretty much lounged when I got home from work. Watched my boys play Chicago as I messed around in PSP. No theme, just touched on a few different ideas. My memories tag at the top was something that just popped into my head the other night when I found the vintage graphic while searching for something else. I am pretty pleased with the way it came out but it looks best on a white background. Probably should have left the drop shadow off... but hey I always use white so I don't think about it :)
Free your mind, I absolutely fell in love with the graphic when I got it. I think I may have lost some of the water movement when I added the rain, but it seemed fitting ......... and free your mind.. WoW it could mean so much, ya know?
The others, LOL just being silly ........
I did have some issues with AOL mail today, so I may have missed a few alerts.. sorry. No doubt I will be by soon. I swear AOL had a burp today. Mail went wacky and then I slowed to a crawl. I'd say it was me, but I had a few others tell me they had issues too. An upgrade no doubt. LOL!!! One alert I did get was from Kathy, onestrangecat. I had to laugh when I read the entry. A premonition no doubt. ::evil grin:: Oh, I didn't know, I swear. Go check it out, then make sure you come back............... ROFL!!!
Off to bed... hope everyone had a great day and wishing you a great day tomorrow!

lol her entry was funny. love the graphics, and i snagged them TY (((((((((((hugs)))))))))
have a nice night.
But you know you wanted it to be messing I was wishing one of us was getting some action...LOL...It is starting to get cold here too!!!NO snow as of yet..guess we will be getting freezing rain tomorrow or friday...I would rather have snow...I know complain complain complain..hhehhehehehe. Love the ring action going on...bling bling...Have a good night! TerryAnn
2 more days till friday:)
I loved free your mind. I have to put that on my poetry blog now...why do you do these things to me, I have room for your magnificient creativity,lol....
Loved the graphics missy. ~Raven
The graphics are fabulous all of them .The top one reminds me of my mum in the old days.The Free your mind Is the living image of what i see from my window each day the fishermen go out to see in this terrible rain God Keep Them safe!! and the bottom one looks just like me most afternoons LOL!! And the puppy one WELL its a real laugh Haaaaaa!!!! Looks a bit like me now all the goodies are eaten LOL!!Went over to comment onestrangecat Yes I'm back,whho wouldn't be? LOL!! Hope the snow doesn't get too deep for you in your vicinity Donna.Have a good Thursday.Take care God Bless.
I had major problems with AOL all day today and about 3-4 others said they did as well.
- Jessica
I lov ethe woman in puppy in long johns that is simply awesome. I sure hope you get some snow if you want it. I got an email on weather and what they expected the rest of the winter. I do not know if its true or not BUT......... I ll forward if you wnat me to. I ll tell you though seems they always leave a sliver of a way out of thier predictions. In the old testament they stoned you if you made false predictions.......... how many weather men would we have left today?????????? lol
As always great graphics!We still have high winds so unless it`s nailed down you can forget it as the gales in Scotland are a nightmare just now. have a great day Donna.
luv bella xx
We have high winds too ,and dark and grey so your graphic was very apt ,keep warm Jan xx
love the tags :P
it is cold here too, no snow though. I guess living in SC I can quit hoping,LOL.
have a good thursday
hugs and love
Was just going to lurk, LMAO, but thought I'd better say hi! instead. Nice graphics. Glad you did not get much of the snow, I am sure you will have more than your share before the winter is over. Have a greqat day!
Hiya :) thanks for the comments :) I had prob's with AOL yesterday was weird :( The graphics are beautiful per usual :) AND it got to 50* last night and into the upper 60's low 70's today... BUT it's supposed to really drop this weekend along with rain. I'm not complaining though, I LOVE it LOL. Cindy hates it :( Blessings! Teresa
Ok, so I have been a HUGE lurker lately! LOL
I have all but quit using the alerts. I am trying the "google reader" feed. So I am staying a little behind (not that I was on top of things with the alerts).
Love your graphics. YOu know I grab them and run. Don't take the time to comment. Sorry. I need to do better.
I love that top graphic, there's something so stylish about these vintage graphics! I hope you don't get snow like you did back in October! I think you had enough then to last you all winter! Stay warm! Jeannette xx
These are so nice! I love the top one and the lady in her red jammies! LOL! Have a good day.
I think the vintage graphic is perfect in color.... I love it!!!!
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