Not sure if I want to call it a good one.... it's raining out... dark and gloomy. Only bright thing is the fact that the grass is starting to look green instead of 'icky' winter brown. The sludge and grime that was left by all the snow and plows is being washed off the streets. Dare I even think that spring is here? When I see buds on the trees I will be happy. I did hear on the news that things may be delayed there. The trees had major trauma back in October when we had that major storm and they will be trying to 'heal' themselves a bit. I know I mentioned how our landscape was changed forever with all the downed trees. They've long since been picked up and carried off. Now you just see trees reaching to the sky with blunt ends. So many are missing the top branches. I can't even imagine what they will look like with leaves. Odd, no doubt. I just hope the many still in question will come back and thrive.

I won't get into all the details, but can I just say the DMV (department of motor vehicles) is absolutely absurd. My son went near the end of February to take care of a few things and was told he had to wait until his 21st birthday. So on that day he goes back and as they are looking through their system they tell him, oh our mistake you have to wait until the 17th, five days away. He's not happy but doesn't argue. On Saturday he gets up early and goes to a different branch (the first one was closed on that day) He gets in line and waits and waits. When he gets to the counter he is greeted by the clerk who promptly tells him, oh no you have to wait until April 27th. Well, he snaps. He loses his cool. She goes to get help as she tells him she is new. Two workers attempt to whisper but he hears them discussing that they don't understand and just tell him he has to come back. He is not a happy camper and I have no doubt he caused a bit of a scene. This is the third time he has gone and stood in line for hours only to be told a date further out. They don't want to give him his paperwork back and he drops a few f bombs. I know this because he told me after the fact. I calm him down and let him know he needs to kiss ass. The workers at the DMV answer to no one. They hold all the cards and can make his life miserable if they want. No questions asked, no recourse. I tell him to go back to DMV #1 on Monday, get they same girl and charm her to death like he is so capable of doing. He doesn't like the idea one bit, but after a bit of coaxing on my end he agrees. So last Monday he goes back and the girl is not there. He leaves and goes on Tuesday. He gets her and explains the situation, how many times dates have been changed. I know he gave her that cute smile with dimples as he asked for help and low and behold she gives it to him. She finds errors in the system and adjusts them for him. She proceeds to tell him the system needs to update and he has to come back on Thursday. He's not thrilled with that but happy she was able to help him. He says he will see her on Thursday as he gathers his things and she lets him know she won't be there until Friday. 'Friday it is' he tells her. So yesterday he went back to the DMV for the sixth time. YEAH! All is taken care of. I have such a problem with this. Why is it ok for these folks to mess with the rest of us? Why is it they have no chain of command that keeps things in check? How is it these people can make error after error and no one cares? We, the public just have to live with it and do as they say. GRRRRRRRRRRR You see it over and over again and no one is held accountable!!
Today is laundry day... oh the joy. I love the smell of clean clothes as I fold them, but I hate doing it.
It's only my things these days so you'd think I'd be ok, but I still hate it. I generally put it off and then when it comes time to do it I have mounds and mounds. I didn't know I had that many clothes! ::scratching head:: so why is it when I look for something to wear it takes forever to find just the right thing. Ohhhhhh maybe because it's in the hamper waiting to be washed. DUH!!!!
Technology is a wonderful thing, unless you're dealing with the DMV! I was doing bills earlier and guess what? My taxes have been deposited into my account. Steve's are there too! YEAH! Things happened just as they said they would, actually a day earlier then they said. Ummm... and yeap I'm still planning on shopping for more clothes ........ yeap to wash. LOL I think Steve and I will be spending some time together tomorrow. Dinner out for my birthday is his plan I think. He is working 3-11 and I work until 4:30 so celebrating on Monday will be impossible. Two days of celebration? Ohhh the joy of being reminded twice..... being old is not something to celebrate. I'd say I don't feel 46 but that would be a lie today... I feel old and tired. I know it's the combination of not feeling the greatest and all the emotions, but still...... it sucks!!
I uploaded the graphics for this entry when I noticed I messed up on one. Ok, maybe on more then one, but one is glaring. LOL Can you find it? My sister says it's me and I'd be the only one to see it, but I don't think so........ it jumps out at me and if you look I'm sure it will jump at you too. Ohhhhhhhh well, I'm not doing it again so you get it as is. Maybe I will tell you in a later entry..... :::evil grin:::
I hear dirty clothes screaming........... have a great Saturday....