I'm not even sure where to start. Today was just shitty! From the time I got up and saw frost on the grass and a coating of ice on my car the day went down hill. I was in a 'blah' mood yesterday but I really wasn't crabby, angry, or upset about anything. Today every little thing hit me like a ton of bricks. My emotions were all over the board. I hated work today....with the pouting, drama, tantrums, you name it. I was working on a short fuse and boy I felt as though I'd explode. Nothing major really, but they all added up and by noon I was ready to just scream, 'leave me alone I don't feel like hearing it.' I don't mind being there, I don't mind lending an ear, a hug, a voice. But today the same person came to me in tears with every little thing. I know that sounds mean, but it is a daily thing. I don't have my coat off and they are at my desk and come back a good 10 times before lunch. Last I checked I don't have a license on my wall saying I'm a shrink nor do I get the pay of one. Don't get me wrong, because I know this probably sounds like I'm a bitch or that I'm whining. Hmmmmm maybe I am. I don't know. Like I said my fuse was short today. 'How's your sister?' and before I can say a word I'm hearing the first 10 things going wrong in their life. From burning dinner to taking a trip that got a bit mixed up. :::sigh::: why ask if you don't want to hear? I don't want or need the attention, but in comparison burnt dinner is not on my high priority list. Sorry.
I won't go into all the details but I was in tears more then once today. I was thrilled to get home from work to an empty house. I got out of my work clothes and put on sweats and just relaxed a bit. Did a few graphics to calm my nerves and mellow me out. Peace and quiet, no one yapping in my ear. It gave me the time to try and gather my thoughts. Get my emotions in check, if that is possible. Some how I don't think it is. Igo from being me to being so sad I feel like heart is being ripped out.
This weekend it is going to get cold again. Just what I need! GRRRRR They are calling for rain and then even snow. WTF?!? I thought spring was on it's way in. The weather is changing like my mood!! Saturday is Gage's birthday. He will be 8. I can't even believe it. Sooooooooooo tomorrow it is off to shop for a birthday gift. Any ideas on what to buy an 8 year old who has everything?? I'm thinking summer theme. Swim trunks, shorts, beach shoes, sandals, beach towel. He has grown like a weed and I'm sure he will need them. I kid you not when I say he has everything, and I helped them move into that house. He does not need toys!!!
Well, enough rambling from subject to subject, topic to topic. I'm gonna take some drugs and go to bed. Sleep well .............. enjoy your Friday I know I am going to!!!

I know what you mean about peoples trivial little problems I some times look at my friend, a woman who has had a priviledged life, and think if all you have to worry about is a supposed slight by someone not worth knowing then you should be grateful not moaning, but I'm too polite to say it to her (damn manners lol).
Debbie xxx
Some of us are more empathic than others and it's written all over our faces. It must be the size of a gigantic billboard sometimes! We are known as the steadying influence or the sensible ones in the group but just sometimes it would be nice to take a turn at ranting too....I know. But.... we come full circle...some of us are too empathic...
I love all of your graphics by the way. You are really very clever at doing them. I would love to learn. When you say don't take personal ones are they the ones with yours or other peoples names on? I would like to snag but not sure which yet. I love the little fairy in the rain above.
I reckon the changeable weather disturbs 'we sensitive folks'. You'll be fine soon. We had frosts and now Spring is in full bloom here in the Lakes. Chin up! Jeanie
cute elephants. yeah I know what you mean some days it woudl be better if you could stay in bed put a beachy poster of the surf on your windows and turn the heat up really hot and play some beach boys music. YUP I culd go for that. NO your not mean somepeole go to others with every little problem........... yet they dont realize others have problems too
I know how you feel, I've had people to work with like that before. This weather is very frustrating. Buds are on the trees tho! Linda
My husbands granny is very ill, so I will be traveling there this weekend a couple of states away. It's suppose to be rainy and cold there too.
I hope your weekend is better than your week.
Take Care,
Oh such cute graphics. Yep, it stinks when people ask but they don't bother to listen. Makes you a little bit nutty. You have your sister to worry about right now -- please worry about you too. :)
i did an entry last week along the same lines about people and how they come and go on and on with whatever their drama is and as soon as i say "cancer", well, back to THEIR problems. Sometimes that is very hard to deal with when WE can use a friend. Many many people on this earth have NO clue how to be a friend to others. They only think of themselves. But you have great compassion for others and you are a real friend so i can see you listening even as you are hurting. Wish there was something i could do to help. I am pissed you may get snow...SORRY! It will rain here and be windy and 50's.
LOVE always,
so sorry your day was so bad yesterday. i hope today is much better for you. the hraphics are just beautiful. TY for sharing them. ((((((((hugs))))))))
Cindy xoxo
You must have had a huge sign on your head that said "Tell me!" hope your having a better day...
luv bella xx
Fridays are ALWAYS better than Thursdays...
It's like a universal rule or something...
Hope today is better for you. I hate blah days.
This just proves how aproachable you are ,and the only thing is they dont give you a day off,do they ? It used to be like that for me most times I could handle it ,but now and again it can be a bit waring,hope tomorrow is better .love Jan xx
Hopefully your day today went better, I think I got your yesterday..today...
I agree with the beach theme present....Good IDEA
When someone is going through a medical crisis in their family, I tend to keep the conversations light. Not bitch & whine about crisp cooking. I think the person is ignorant & although you might have had a short fuse today, they still should have shut the hell up. ~Mary
Hey Girl....you have enough on your plate without hearing of other's burnt dinner!! So sorry you're going though this. And it's ok to cry....
Snagged the Fairy...hope it's ok..if not let me know =)
It is beautiful....thanks
Damn Donna you are having the same type of luck i am at work with childish bullshit..everyone has been so irritable and cranky this week i cannot wait for it to be over..UGH! We have a machine down ..so we are doing all linen on one ironer for the whole hospital...and we have only 1st shift...well this week we had to do a split shift and i volunteered to work 12-8:30pm....the last couple days...just to get some damn piece and quiet cause there would only be 3 of us there with no boss...UGH! What a person would do to get away from the crap...i tell ya! I have to work in the morning too...FUN FUN...< sigh> Hope things get better with you at work...sending good vibes to you...and myself...haha!
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