I got up this morning for work and my face hurt. Yeah, yeah, I know it was killing you. Seriously, I felt like I could pack my lunch in the bags under my eyes. My lower lashes even felt funny. My top lashes regularly touch my skin because of the length, but rarely do my bottom. I looked in the mirror and it was horrible. It looked like I was punched, without much bruising. I slowly made my way around the house and started to get ready for work. I took some sinus medicine and jumped in the shower. The heat and steam helped a great deal and loosened things up. At the risk of being gross I will tell you it is not an infection. All is coming out clear and not green. It did come out though. I went to work. On my way in I could instantly feel myself filling up and I swore my eyeballs were going to come flying out of my head. The pain along my brow line and cheek bones was horrible. I had actually thought about turning around and going home. I was almost there so I just went in. We had a department meeting this morning and I really didn't want to miss it.
The meeting was fine. This and that and some basic informational tid bits, nothing more. The longer I sat in the conference room the worse I felt. The room is decorated horribly. It's way too dark. They recently painted the walls lighter, but the dark chairs, the black lacquer book shelves and cabinets along one wall, and the recessed lighting makes it hard to stay focused if you're in there any length of time. When you don't feel well........ forget it! When the meeting was over I went back to my desk and tied up some loose ends. My head felt like it weighed 1000 pounds. I felt if I blinked too long I'd fall over to the floor fast asleep. My neck actually felt sore from trying to hold my head up. I decided it was time to go. When I got home I checked some mail while I had something to eat. I took more medicine and went to bed. I slept for several hours. When I woke up my ears were plugged but I felt a bit better. It didn't last long though. As soon as I started moving my head felt as though it was going to fall off my neck/shoulders. Literally I sat with my chin in my hand and attempted to bounce out of it. No luck. Nothing else really hurts or is sore. It's all in my head... well not 'in my head'.. but in my head :)~ I don't think I have a cold, I think it's either sinuses or some type of allergies. My little nose is as red as a tomato and almost raw. I swear if I blow it anymore it will fall off. Ok, now family members and those that know me will say my nose is not little but a blob on my face. To you.... :::razberries::: I will fight through this and hope it doesn't get any worse. The sneezing and awful tickle in my throat will drive me mad if it doesn't stop!
My boys were on tonight, and while I watched/listened I made a few Easter/Spring graphics. I will get into more later. The game was pretty good. We won 5-2. It's hard to believe there are only 9 regular season games left. Ok, so to some of you it seems like it's been going on forever. LOL We are the only team so far in the league to be guaranteed a spot in the playoffs, but there will be 15 others, just going to have to wait it out to see who goes. I'm looking forward to the battles to get in and for post season to start.
Well, I've bored you enough so I will stop here. Hope everyone had a good day today. Is it Friday yet?

Sounds like sinus problems to me, I think you need to stay home a couple days.
Who can work feeling like that anyway. Love the graphics, especially the little girl on the scale. I'm glad your Hockey team is doing so well, hope they make it to the playoffs. Joni
OMG that's horrible! Hope your body fights it well and that you recover soon...
Take care
ah you know what there is this vicks vaporizor machine.......... its like you put your face on it and I can send you a pic of it. BUT they use it int he UK a lot and My chiropractor told me about it and it works wonders. you use it for 15 mins in the morning nad at night. I do that with my 3000 mg of vit c once every hour for four hours four days in a row and that usually by the second day we are all well. I sure hop eyou get to feeling better
feel better soon:)
I hope you feel better soon.I love the rabbit graphic he is so sweet. Thank you. Well done to your boys for winning.
love and hugs
I'm soooo sorry you aren't feeling good. I love your graphics today. Linda
Sorry to hear you are suffering have you tried olbas oil very good for clearing blocked sinuses we swear by it in my house. Love the easter graphics.
Debbie xxx
I hope this morning finds you feeling better. Sounds like allergies to me. Hate head colds!
Love you,
It sounds like a sinus infection Donna if it affects around your eyes too. I have the same blocked ears, nose, my face keeps feeling swolllen! Apart from that I'm fine! I'm hoping your nose stays put and doesn't drop off! I love these graphics, I want spring to come back to me now! This is my second attempt to add a comment, my first disappeared into cyberspace! Lol! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
oh...how cute!!! these graphics are so adorable!
Oh poor you ,I should take a few days off and get your self better ,it sounds as though you have very uncomfortable sinus infection ,feel better soon .love Jan xx
Hope you feel better today, Donna :-)
Please do not put my weight total in your subject line! LOL
I truly hope you feel better D....I am concerned. I hope you feel 100% better RIGHT NOW!
Hope you feel better, I hate sinus infections.
Oh I hope you feel better real soon. Green tea and a teaspoon of honey will take care of that tickle making you cough. I drink it when that happens and it works. Love the graphics, snagged them TY. (((((((hugs)))))))))
Love ya,
Cute, cute, and more cute! : ) Love ya, Shelly
LOVED the graphics.... adorable!!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!
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