I've been so caught up in things here that I forgot to say thank you to Jeannette. She was kind enough to send spring my way. It's been wonderful. Friday the sun was shining brightly in the sky and more then once I looked up and smiled at the empty deep blue. The only thing I could see was the large glow of the sun and the bright white trails of planes that had recently flown by. The birds were welcoming in the nice weather with beautiful songs. Squirrels ran and played. Up and down fences. Some even stopped to chomp on something they found. Maybe a lost nut from before the snow fell. As the sun beat on my face it made me relax. The warmth was so peaceful and so welcome. It wasn't extremely warm temperature wise, but it did get into the 50's. The snow was melting pretty quickly and there were puddles instead of ice in the low spots. It was great to see the reflection of the sky as the water made its way to the drainage section. I think my insides smiled as well as my outside. It helped ease the pain in my heart.
Today it was about 50 degrees by 8 in the morning. As I was making my morning coffee my son came over to do laundry. I never heard him open the door and he scared the shit out of me as he was beside me saying good morning. He stopped on his way home from work and ate some breakfast as his clothes went thru the various cycles and then went in the dryer. He told me he had no clean boxers and it was time. I was thrilled to have him here. He made me smile and had me laughing. It was nice and just what I needed. It did rain a bit early in the day and a fog settled. The warm air hugging the snow on the ground was the cause. Even though it wasn't as sunny as it was yesterday the warmth was welcomed by all. So Jeannette, thank you again you timed it perfectly!!
I played with some different water graphics. A touch of spring and a calming feel. I love the effect!! Looking forward to a restful day tomorrow. I can pretend it's Saturday ::grin:: as I took off Monday. I left work early on Friday to have my car inspected (a must in NYS) so it will be a nice extended weekend. Monday I will spend some time with my son. I can't believe he will be 21... I remember the day so well it's hard to believe it was that long ago. I guess one never forgets tho.
Going to go crawl in bed and get some sleep. I do want to thank everyone for the kind words, the good vibes, and the prayers. We all appreciate it here. In the past I've seen several sites set up where you can light candles and leave a note. I will look around tomorrow and see if I can find one. Anyone familiar with one? I'd appreciate you pointing me in that direction. Hope everyone had a good day today and I wish you a beautiful Sunday. Those of you in the states, don't forget to 'spring forward.'

Hey Donna....I always love your graphics! Thanks for sharing! It was a beautiful day here in PA, too!
It was very nice here today Sun shining a little wind which made it a little cold but nice. Then the rain came:) at least it wasn't snow lol
Happy Birthday to your Son:)
Have a great Sunday
I am so loving the warmer weather, keep it coming mother nature, lol. Hope you have a nice sunday. ((((((hugs)))))))))
It only got up into the 40's where I am in NY. I hope it keeps coming! I'm glad you had a nice day. Linda
great water pics. yes the warm up friday was great but yesterday blah dreary foggy day with cool winds. tehy say sun today and I hope so as that always makes it feel warm. Ihope the warm is here to stay. the cold was over staying its welcome far too long too deep and too late int he year. something about the sun in early spring so refreshing. well I ll keep praying and thinking of you !!!!!!!! I dont kow any candle sites. hoep you will share them when you find them
Wonderful graphics as ever ,I love the rose one ,I'm pleased you are feeling more chirpy ,How nice to spend Monday with Steve 21 A? you wonder where the time has gone dont you ?my youngest will be 40 in May that is scary lol ...love Jan xx
i am glad you got to spend some time with your son....it has been warm here too but i have slept thru it all. After the winter you just had you deserve some warm weather!
Spring is my favortite season... so I'm glad it's finally coming! Go here: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/enter.cfm?l=eng for the candle thing. I know there are others, but this one is nice.
Feels a tad like spring here this morning too. Lovely graphics today D.
Children grow so quickly congratulations to your boy on his coming of age. Spring is lovely isn't it a new beginning for the world.
Debbie xxx
I am glad you feeling bit better.Wishing your son a lovely 21st, and i hope you both have a brilliant day.Thank you for the Graffics there lovely,
have a restful sunday
love and hugs
I am glad your son came & brightened your morning. I hope some of the things you are going thru begin to take a turn for the better. ~Mary
You seem so happy and content. Spring might be just the thing you need. There is no better feeling than when your kids need you. He brightened your day. :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
so pleased that spring has finally arrived in your corner of the globe, love the graphics, especially the bitter sweet memories one, hope that you enjoy the day with your son,
take care Lynne xx
Sorry you are having a difficult patch. I do like these graphics, especially the one about bitter sweet memoires. It seems like all my memories are bittersweet. But maybe most people's are, life being what it is. I have planned some photos ahead, but I know me, suddenly I will think about a graphic and I just have to have it if it is available to write a poem or make some kind of point. So many times that has happened to me after I viewed your graphics. You have such a varieety. Got toonguykc's cartoon this week and that was fun Maybe spring will really perk you up. Gerry http;//journals.aol.com/gehi6/daughters-of-the-shadow-men/
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