Which is it? My body is so screwed up right now it has no idea if I should be awake or sleeping. One of the side affects of taking pain killers and sleeping your day away. I was up late last night and had to force myself into bed. It's a well known fact that I'm afraid of the dark ROFLMAO and my TV is on when I go to bed. Last night it wasn't the best idea. Since I really wasn't tired I flipped through channels and watched. Do you know there is nothing on late at night? Cheaters? OMFG! That is a joke and a half, some other crap shows, who knows. I tried to ignore it, turned it off, turned it back on, tossed and turned. I purposely don't have cable in my bedroom, but I am starting to rethink that. If I can't sleep at least I could lay in my bed and watch something.............. or could I? I crawled out of bed early and came out to the living room. It was still dark out, but I could see a fresh coating of snow. Oh the joy!! I'm so ready for spring... a few more weeks and it will be here. I have faith! I also have faith we will get blasted with one more storm. My son turns 21 in a couple of weeks and there are very few years that have gone by that we didn't have some kind of storm around his special day. How many birthday parties turned into sleep overs because of ice, snow, or no power. Too many for me to count. So now it isn't even noon and I am tired. My eyes want to shut, my body is screaming to go lay down. Do I or don't I? I need to get back into the swing of night and day or tomorrow there will be hell to pay at the office. Can anyone say 'couch in the ladies room?'

It was brought to my attention by Marie (thank you) that I was on the 'journals page' I had no idea what she was even talking about, I asked for a link and went to look. Oh the light went on, dimly at first but then it got a bit brighter. I had heard a few others in JLand mention they were on the comment list but had no idea. Apparently AOL in their infinite wisdom decided to spend time updating/upgrading their 'people connection' page to include a list journals with the most recent entries, along with a list of journals with 'the most comments'. I have no idea how they calculate or pick, but it was nice to be recognized there and I thank you all for the kind words left while here. It is truly appreciated. As for AOL, well I'd much rather they spend time making our journals work! Have all the buttons appear, put the file manager option back on the entry page so we can add animation via our journal instead of an outside storage space. Maybe even give the codes and directions on how to get my text to wrap around my graphics. Hmmmm.... can anyone help me there? I know there is a way but I long since lost the directions when I found the 'dummy up way' AOL provided & then without notice took away. GRRRR How about alerts? Could they fix them so everyone gets them? I'm still hearing folks aren't getting theirs. Aaaahhhh nope, AOL preferred to spend the time on 'gussying up' something else. Anyone even know when it changed? I rarely go there. Maybe now that it is done they will fix the issues we've been bringing to their attention? Maybe?
Have a good Sunday all............ stay warm and safe.
I hope you have a restful day. Take a short nap maybe. That'll make you feel a bit better.
Have a great and relaxing day--- Do something special just for you! Julie :)
Heres another comment !have to keep up your reputation ,lol ..you deserve all the praise you get ,you are still the best..but you already know I think your very clever ..love Jan xx
You deserve to be on the page Donna. It's always good to see an entry from you! I hope you get your sleep pattern back before tomorrow! Jeannette xx
I can understand the plight of being on pain meds and knowing when I sit down I flake out for an hour or so. I had problems at night because the majority of the day was spent on the sofa zzzzzzzzz'ing every time I sat down! Now I only take them at night and do very little if any pain meds during the day.
Hope your Sunday goes well and yes, AOL did some changes last week and what a better way to get more peeps to start journals but to show some of the very best .."advertise, advertise" ..so you know your one of the bestest :)
Hugs and Happy Sunday everyone :)))))Doreen
i sent Joe an email asking what happened. haven't heard back yet. GRRRR
ah I hate the drugged left over feeling of pain meds. yeah I would rather they spend money on other htings in jouranls and have them work. I wish we could just copy an dpaste and the pics go in rather tna uploading somepalce and then putting in. but congrats on your nominations
I agree about AOL needing to fix what needs fixing FIRST before they start sprucing things up - and yes, I saw you were on the most comments thingie :) I hope you are feeling much better! Hugz, Teresa
i just hope the crazy "haters" dont make a list of those with lots of comments and go after those innocent journalers. Its been known to happen.
I like your tag....i cant believe your son will be 21! You must have given birth at what 8?
love you!
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