He does, doesn't he? I was raised Catholic. I still believe even if my faith waivers from time to time. I don't go to church as I should, but I do pray. I believe in a higher being. I do believe. I believe in the power of prayer.
I remember when I got sick way back when. I hated the world. I thought why me? What did I do so bad that I deserve this fate. I fought with every ounce of my being and here I sit today. Someone, something watched over me.
I cried several times today. I cried for my sister. I cried for my friends here in JLand. Friends I've never met, never talked to other then mail and comments in journals, yet I feel I know them. My heart aches for them. I have no magical words of comfort, no magical wand to wave. I wish I did. I would make the pain of the world go away. The fear. The uncertainty. Life sucks! It's so unfair at times. I look to the sky and ask why. Why this one, why that. I've always been a firm believer in things happen for a reason, but I can put no reason to all this. I want to reach out and give hugs. Give support. Do something for all those that are suffering right now. What does one do? I'm sure you are all aware of the heart ache going around these days. Jeannette, Sugar, Indigo, Lisa... all suffering. All in need of support. I want so bad to make things right............... I'm sure there are others I don't know about yet... and if I missed you I'm sorry.
He does watch over.......... doesn't he?
I am not in a great frame of mind..... I'm questioning so much these days...... I tried to do silly cute graphics to keep my mind off things..... to make someone smile. I have no idea..........
Say a prayer... stop by and say hello... give a hug .... something......
I'm off to bed. I hope when I wake tomorrow I will be in a better place.

My best friend is sick again with Cancer.....so do I question? You bet!
He absolutely does watch over us, but sometimes it can feel like we are walking alone. We just have to keep those prayers going up, because they do work. Your sister, jeannette, Sugar and Lisa all have many prayers going up for them.. and I know he hears, even if we don't always get the answer we want right the moment we want it.
I know your faith is strong, Donna.. even if you don't go to church. I'm the same way. I have a 2 way communication line with God, and that's all that matters.
Hang in there... you have the majority of Jland praying right along side you!
Yes, He does...
Sending your prayers... for your sis and all... it has been a tough time...
be well,
I'm not the person to ask about a higher being I personally don't believe but I respect that others do and find comfort in doing so. I do send all my good wishes to you and your friends and family and hope that all come through their trials and live long and happy.
Debbie xxx
sometimes your faith does waver. Look at the great men in the days of Noah and Abraham and DAVID and oh moses. he thought a thing such as speach impediment could stop GOD from useing him. Sara OH man she even laughed at Gods angels about haivng a baby she sure did not have faith at that time. she thought it sill. I hav ebeen angry at times too. its okay he knows he made us. yes so many so sick. I stilll cant get over Carlene who had such a wondrful marraige example and yet............ Her husband is gone. Its just hard. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
Your graphics are great though
I know how you feel. It is depressing hearing about everyone having so many problems. I love your graphics today, especially He watches over because that little boy looks just like my Travis did as a toddler. Minus the halo and wings tho! Linda
I do believe in the power of prayer ,have seen the results many times,and that you dont need to go to a church to pray ,The lord is where you are ...I am praying for all our dear friends and their loved ones ,,,,love Jan xx
At the weekend i am going to Durham. There is a big cathedral there, i intend lighting candles for each jlander that is ill, i will also be lighting a candle for your sister and for joyces mum. I think when sorrow touches our hearts its so very hard to feel normal,,, But i think we have to put or trust in god although we sometimes question our faith. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
love and hugs
yes he does watch over us. I hope you will feel better today *hugs*
You feel these things because you are a good person and have much compassion for others. I will and do pray for these and others and i worry and i question my faith and everything else in life but in the end we can only put it in God's hands. I DO believe in prayer.
Please know i care so much for you.
HI,that's great!
You feel these things because you have a heart, and are full of love and compassion. I don't go to church either, but I do believe in God and I do pray. I have a ceramic heart shapped box my Jim gave me a few years ago for our anniversary. I put little slips of paper in there with jland friends and family in it and I pray every night before I go to sleep. And yes you are in it also, along with your sister, and everyone else here in Jland. I wish I could give you a hug and tell you everything is going to be ok. But distance makes that hard to do, so I will just continue to keep you and your sister in prayer. (((((((Warm hugs)))))))))))
Love ya,
Your top graphic says it all! He does watch over us, the future is in His hands, & only He knows the future.
Please let me know what is wrong with your sister, I have tried reading back to see if I missed something. But I keep her in prayer along with all the J-Land Ladies who are my neighbors & friends.
TY for your mention, very much appreciated. :)
morning ~d,
I sure hope you had a restful night sleep.
I've felt those same things. I don't question
why me because I wouldnt want anyone else
to go thru what I am going thru. Sometimes
I don't pray for myself cause I don't want to
be selfish, but then I wonder is anyone praying
for me or my dad etc. Pray is the only thing I am
able to do for family, friends and online folks.
It is the most powerful generous thing anyone can
do for anyone. I am praying for strength for you,
so you aren't weary and burdened so soon.
You have friends and Stephen to help you. My ears
never get tired so you know that all it takes is an
email. Beat this ear till I'm blue in the face and then some.
God Bless you,
kim <-;P
I have been reading everyones journals and it does seem like lots of saddness going around. I am hoping and praying everything works out for everyone.
A real and sincere prayer is one of the best things we can do for anyone. And any small, bright, unexpected thing can lessen a load and brighten a day. ((((Donna)))) - Barbara
The tough thing about life is that it DOES run on opposites. No matter how great a day we have we will, at some point, have a bad one. But GOD is ever with us, guiding us, filling us with His strength and enabling us to make it through whatever trial we're facing. I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. Just remember, dear one, that every trial comes to its own end- every single one. I'm but an email away if you need some extra TLC. I'm having computer problems which is why I've not posted the support graphics. Still trying to work them out, and will post them as soon as I can. There IS a lot of sadness going around J-land, but we will all be okay. Between the LORD and the support we give one another, we'll be alright.
Hugs, and love too,
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/FROMBARBSSPIRITUALJOURNALS
It is a gloomy time in J-land, no mistake, Donna. I'm glad you have someone to give you comfort at this time :-)
It certainly is sad, all this illness that we keep hearing about. Even though we haven`t met these people, we still think of them as friends and care about what happens to them. My prayers are surely with them.
all are so sick and don't forget barb she is battling cancer also and she doesn't have many friends. her is her link
Thats the good thing about J-land - for those who are fortunate enough to have good family round them they prob dont need us so much but I feel that it must be of great comfort for people who are lonely and have no family round them - J-land must be such a comfort - but also for those who do have family its an even bigger comfort to know that we are all thinking about each other - its a lovely community and we are all good caring friends - I'm thinking of you all - big hugs form me D. Laine xxxxx
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