When the Momas & The Papas said, 'Monday, Monday, can't trust that day' they knew what they were talking about. I've always hated them, and today was no different. My day did not go as planned at all. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad, but it was far from good. When I got to work and walked into the department you would have thought my skin was falling off, or that I was glowing. 'Good Mornin', dead silence. Hmmmm... now I have never been accused of talking to softly or mumbling so I find it hard to believe the folks standing within a couple of feet of where I walked didn't hear me. I shrugged it off. I got to my desk, started my computer and went to get a cup of java to kick start my body. The couple of cups I had before I left didn't do the trick. As I headed back into the department I could see a couple co-workers mingling and as soon as they saw me, they jumped with a start and walked away from each other. I know my eyes rolled as I thought 'are we in the 5th grade here?' Whatever, I don't have the energy to play games. I went to work. What a fun day! I can't be sure, but apparently the meeting on Friday was something a few folks were upset about, though the ones in question wouldn't even know what it was about. Not like I had much of a choice, it was the President for cripes sake. What was I supposed to do? Say, 'I'm sorry sir but this might bother a few folks maybe we shouldn't meet.' Oh yeah that would go over like a fart in church. The one co-worker that is my saving grace was not in today, and with the personal things she has going on she doesn't need this crap. I do hope tomorrow is a bit different, at least for her. I had a few shorter meetings to follow up the one from Friday, but nothing is in stone or really decided for that matter. I don't even know who knows about the conversation that took place. I really can't get into all the details here, but damn this is not going as I thought at all. I sure as hell hope it doesn't drag of for days or weeks. It does look like it could be a good thing, so keep those good vibes rolling in, please? When things are settled I will give the low down, promise.
Got home from work and after having dinner and going through my mail I started playing. I started with the dresser. I cut the top and mirror off the base and added to it as I went. One thing led to another and I found the picture of 'bug' and put her in the mirror. Funny thing is she has a dressing table. When they bought the house they are in, the previous owners left the entire bedroom set. It's old, but beautiful, and for a little girlie girl, perfect! I might have been a bit presumptuous but I thought it turned out adorable. She is one face I could play with everyday. Looking at her makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. She calms my nerves and immediately gets me in a good mood. One of the few rules is not to snag personal pictures so I did another with a graphic that I had and stamped the one with 'bug' as a do not snag. I am pretty sure you all understand, so please leave 'bug', and if you like take the other one. Thanks!

I saw the island graphic and ached to be there. It currently is 10 degrees and the wind is howling. They are calling for wind chills of way below 0 tonight and tomorrow. Currently it is about 10 below and supposed to mild compared to what is coming in. I like the saying. It's so true. Give it your all. Do it with your entire being. Ok, so I'm a bit corny... LOL But it is how I feel. I will hang in there through this nonsense and move forward with a vengeance, trust me. The good vibes won't hurt tho.. :)

Oh I am sorry about your day. That sucks..... But I guess you are in 5th grade again. Why can't people be straight forward? Tawnya
have a good week:) at least monday is over with
So sorry your day was crappy. I hate mondays. I had chinese for dinner. My fortune said "Your luck is changing today." I think NOT. But it's a nice thought, anywho. I hope tomorrow is better for you!
Hope things get better for you...
be well,
Hope work gets better soon. I hate all of that childish stuff at work.
Have a good night sleep.
Oh dear a rotten atmosphere at work leaves a bad taste. Time they grew up. Hugs. Terry x
How awful for you ,nothing worse than an atohosphere,at work as you say very fifth grade ,good vibes going your way ,The Bug is so lovely ,has she seen it ,she must think you are a very clever Aunty ...love Jan xx
The atmosphere at work sounds like the one I suffered from certain people when I was promoted. I hope it soon calms down, not nice for you and very infantile behaviour from people who should know better!Bug's beautiful, maybe you could get her a job with you, at least it'd calm your nerves at work and maybe also bring a smile to your co-workers! Lol! I love the top graphic, beautiful! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
What nice co-workers you have there! Makes it miserable to go to work doesn't it? I have to work with the one with the snippy mouth today. I like the graphics today. The bottom one with the little girl in the mirror, not Bug, is awfully cute. Would look even better with Sarah's name in it. Hehe... Linda
it's raining non stop here in south UK :(
yes inquiring minds have to know............ what the low down is at work. Man that does stink. sounds like some people are upset for sure. that is a cute dresser and I totally understand why thatshould be for you only. Love the hang in there.
It beats me why adults have to be so petty and childish, if they have something to say or ask you they should come right out with it, instead of whispering in corners, and making things up by playing guessing games, hope tuesday is a better day for you
take care Lynne xx
P.S. love the graphics by the way x
Sorry for the bad vibes at work, sending good vibes your way! Hopefully, things will settle down once any decision is made and your co-workers will start acting normal again. In the mean time, hang in there!
phooey on the coworkers who are pissed or jealous..to hell with them. I have learned at my job and here in JLand to take care of ME first because if i dont, no one will. I hope you are going to get fabulous news and if the others at work cant handle it, they were not your friends anyway. I like the tag with the stuff on the dresser..it reminds me of my grandma. It is only 32 degrees here today....but wow, you are way colder than that. Stay safe and stay warm.
those wre not good work place vibes you walked in for sure. hope the day ended on a better note. Love the mirror graphics. your lil bug is just do adorable. I snagged the other one. we woke up to a -2 windchill today. come on spring. (((((((hugs)))))))))
Loved the graphics Donna, hope today was better. Workplace can be both heaven and hell
Donna, I was wondering whatyou were doing cutting the mirrow off of the bureau. Never heard of any one cuting up bedroom furniture.
The picture of Bug in the mirrow is precious. It was the one from the wedding pictures that I liked the best. Is she a good kid or is she a little devil or imp like my grandaughter?
I feel good vibes for you with this work situation. I have a feeling it is going to work out just fine for you. Don't be too concerned about your co-workers they will get over it and will probably become your biggest supportere.
My favorite saying, "hang in There."
Imagine 'spirit fingers' wiggling your way with good vibes ... just for you. 'Cause dang, they aren't working for me. There is a decided chill in the air at work and I am the recipient.
I asked my boss just this morning, "How old are we today?"
I love the graphic with Bug in it... she's just adorable!!!! Don't worry about the girls at work, it'll blow over, and if it doesn't, they weren't worth your time anyway..... if good things are happening for you, they should be happy for you!!
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