I got home from work about 10:15 as I did every evening. I was a bit hungry and fixed peanut butter on toast. A craving I often had. I ate it up as I watched a bit of TV. Then it was off to bed. I did fall asleep but within a couple of hours I was up again. Indigestion from the peanut butter. I drank some milk and curled up in my big chair hoping the 'pain' would go away. It was a good hour and I was tired. I went to the restroom and thought I'd go to bed and try to get some sleep. It was then I realized it wasn't indigestion, but labor. Panic set in. I was 1500 miles from my family and there was no instruction manual. I went into the bedroom and bent over Thom, 'can you come sit with me I am pretty sure I'm in labor.' He moved a bit but did not respond. I grabbed his shoulder and asked again. He rolled with a start and replied 'No, I don't want to go to the beach!' I could feel tears in my eyes as I shook him again, 'Thom' He just mumbled no and rolled over. I went back to the living room and sat in tears. It seemed like an eternity, but it was only a few minutes and he appeared. 'What did you say?' We both laughed, me through tears. We timed the pain and they were pretty far apart. I called the Dr and he stated when they get to 5 minutes apart call him back and get to the hospital he'd meet me there. If not, he'd see me for my regularly scheduled appointment at 9. We sat up a bit longer but nothing changed. We tried to sleep but it wasn't coming. As the sun started to come up I went and showered and dressed. I called my Mom and gave her a heads up and let her know we'd call her back when all was said and done. Off to the appointment we went. My labor never got any closer.
I got into see the Dr pretty quick and he did an exam I was dilated a bit, but nothing major. What he was concerned with was my blood pressure. It had sky rocketed. He had me admitted immediately. Off to the hospital we went. Igot my room and was hooked up on several monitors. They predicted it was going to be awhile before anything changed. This is not about my x, but I will mention he left the hospital at this point. I laid in the bed and my mind wandered. I called everyone I knew. Each time the Dr came in to talk to me the phone was to my ear. It soon became a joke that he would surgically remove it while he delivered my baby. He did understand I was scared, alone, and my family was all so far away. The pain wasn't too bad, just a bit uncomfortable.
A good ten hours later I was moved to a 'waiting' area. My pains were getting closer and I was dilating a bit quicker. The nurse assured me she called Thom. The pain increased and a nurse held my hand. She asked me if she could get me a wet wash cloth and I agreed that would be nice. As she went to leave, I asked her not to let go of my hand. How was she to do both? I have no idea but I didn't really care at that point. The pain was horrible. The Dr came to check in on me and I begged for a C-section. 'Donna, this is not Denny's you don't come in and order' I squirmed with pain and did my breathing. It was a bit longer and they sent me for an x-ray. They wanted to make sure my pelvic area would be able to handle the baby. As I got off the gurney to get on the table my water broke. I cried as water went all over. It seemed to only take a minute and I was back upstairs. Things moved rather quickly then. I was told to push, and I did. As hard as I could. Release, relax, push again. Then it was a whirlwind. Monitors started to go off and I was being wheeled quickly into another room. An oxygen mask was put on my face, a scream for the 'vacuum' and before I knew it there was such relief. I heard him scream out. I pulled the mask off and asked the Dr what happened, when could I see him. I was told the cord wrapped around his neck and they had to cut me so they could get him out quickly. They were testing him and then they'd bring him over. When they finally did I had already gotten some pain medicine so they could stitch meback up. I looked at him and he was precious. Dark hair and curls. They sped him off again and then I went back to my room. I felt pretty good and called my Mom. 'Mom, he's gorgeous. Dark hair and curls' As I was on the phone I will give you one guess as to what happened. Yeap the Dr came back in. He let me know all was good. My son was fine. We talked about what the next steps were with me and what they'd do about my blood pressure. It was dropping but they had to monitor me and give me shots in my ass every 4 hours. OUCH!!!
A few hours later he was brought to me. He was bundled up and had a beanie on his head. I undid all the wraps and checked each and every part of him out. All fingers and toes, all his other important parts were there. I pulled off the beanie and he was about bald. I looked at the nurse and asked, 'what happened to all that hair? The dark curls?' She smiled and said some came off when they cleaned him better. What I was seeing the first time was not his hair at all but most likely mucous. I wrapped him, kissed him and held him close. My life forever changed.
I laugh now when I tell this story because I was such a baby. I don't think the pain was that bad. I don't think anything was that bad. I was scared and that was about it. Any time I pass a Denny's I chuckle. How could I not? I wouldn't change a thing. My 'baby' turns 21 today and it seems like just yesterday, until all the memories come flooding back. We've been through so much together and have been there for each through thick and thin, through the years. Oh, and guess what? His hair is dark and if it gets a little long it's curly. LOL
Happy Birthday Stephan!! Love you with all my heart always and forever!
Hugs & Kisses

What a wonderful entry!! Happy Birthday to the dark haired babe!
Great story! Happy Birthday Stephan!
What a beautiful story, Donna! The price we pay to give birth to those tiny little critters! lol
Happy Birthday Stephen!!
Happy Birthday, Stephan!!! What a story, Donna.... what a wonderful entry!!
Happy birthday Stephan ~ Donna thanks for sharing your memories ~ Ally
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.....i loved reading it!!! Happy happy birthday to a beloved young man with an awesome mom.
love, lj
thanks you for sharing your story it bought a tear to my eye and reminded me of my own labour. A very happy Birthday to your son and a very happy giving birth day to you.
Debbie xxx
happy 21st birthday stephan! that story was amazing.so well written.i felt like i was there.thank you love jo x
"A Very Happy Birthday " Stephan.What a wonderful collection of pics of your dear son.All the pain and hard work was well worth it wasn't it Donna? I would do it all over again if I were younger and I had 4 children.he is very handsome.Lovely posting Take Care God Bless.Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Happy 21st birthday Stephan,
a lovely entry Donna, thanks for sharing your experience with us, love how you have put together all the photos of Stephan through the years of his life, god bless you both,
take care Lynne xx
Wow, this is a milestone birthday! Happy Birthday Stephen! Linda
Happy birthday Steve! Funny how we look back and remember the birth when they have birthdays. My first time was traumatic but the other two were over in 45 minutes, very fast! I hope you and Steve enjoy the day! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
Oh Donna what a lovely entry ,Thankyou so much for sharing ,Avery Happy Birthday to your dear Stephan,with many many happy returns of the day ...love to you both...Jan xx
ah thanks for sharing your story. I rmember mine too like it was yesterday. How could you not!!!!!!!! its sucha wonderful experiecne. I was in labor three days with both girls. the drs wnated to do a C section each time and I kept saying no. they were three weeks and two weeks over and both ofcourse are rtten. yeah I cansee you having a chuckle at dennys. lol I can see the dennys ad now.......... you can order anything but a C section on our buffet lol
sad your husband was the way he was. but you got the best gift in the world that day happy birthday to your son !!!!!!
Happy Birthday to your handsome son! Loved reading about his birth and all you went through to bring this beautiful life into the world. :)
wow ~d time flies,
You raised a handsome, loving son.
Think you should go to Denny's have a big breakfast.
Tell Stephan to buy LOL even if its birthday.
You deserve it.
givin a Thom a good swift kick as well.
Hey Stephan,
Hey you don't know me but I know you,
you were like 9 or 10 when I met your Mom
and you were her world. Sports and her baby.
Happy Birthday Stephan
Wonderful post! Happy birthday to Stephan!
Happy Birthday to you son, Donna :-)
absolustely beautiful entry, donna. a very happy birthday wish for you son. :)
Awwww, awesome!!
Happy Birthday Stephan!! Please give him my best D, and what a great entry for him. You're right, he's gonna kill ya..lol!
'Shots in my ass..ouch!'..LMAO!!
See, and even though you saw wrong, he still ended up with dark and curly hair..awww!
Love ya
Aww, very sweet entry!!
Happy Birthday Stephan & to mom too(after all, she has reason to celebrate too)
How sweet.
Happy Birthday Stephan! Enjoyed the story of his birth...thanks for sharing! Hugs,TerryAnn
Donna - Ewww and OUCH. Too much info! hehehe Happy Birthday to your son. Bet those 21 years flew by! Nancy
Happy Birthday to Stephan:) what a story Donna:) have a good week
Happy birthday to your son xx :-) Love the collage you made
Awwww Happy birthday to your baby!!!! What a lovely entry!! Love laine xxxxx
Beautiful entry!!! Happy Birthday to your son!!! I am so sorry you had to go through that alone...well, with no family members there anyway...but look what you got for it!!!!
love ya,
What a sweet story. (Did Thom miss the whole thing?) Tell your son "Happy Birthday" for me. He's handsome! Sweet dreams, Donna, and God bless you! :o)
Happy Birthday Stephan!
Happy Birthday to Stephan! What a great story and you tell it so well. I love the collage also, very good job! Joni
Amazing how the years fly and the pain diminishes...lol. Hope your Stephen had a wonderful birthday. Love ya, Chris
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