Ok, so now that I've got your attention (providing I have) you'll have to read to see why I decided on these graphics.
It was a gorgeous day today. It was still a bit chilly and downtown the wind comes through almost like a wind tunnel, but it was warmer then it's been. The sky was perfect blue and the sun was out. I went outside at one point and stood in the back parking lot. I was by myself and just needed air. As I stood there I could see the squirrels running and playing, jumping from fence to tree and back. It was pretty comical. Then all silence was broken. I heard screeching but could see nothing. It wasn't like there were leaves on the trees, or bushes so I had a clear shot basically, but still could see nothing. As I looked around I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. As I fixed my gaze in that direction I saw a huge black crow flying. Squawking loudly and circling a tree. Then I realized there were 4 more in the tree. One out on a branch fairly far from the others. The one flying around swooped down to land near the lonely one. The other 3 swooped in too, and the screeching and squawking started again. It was a loud piercing sound. I would bet money it could be heard for blocks. Then a loud squeal. The crows all settled down in various parts of the tree. One flew off, circled and came back to that same one off on the edge. There was fluttering and more noise. It was like each took a turn. Then a couple almost crashed and I thought they were fighting. I stood there watching and listening and realized what was going on. They weren't fighting. I came to the conclusion that one was female and the rest male. I stood there and watched what appeared to be a sexual assault. A gang rape if you will. I always thought birds were, well... monogamous. What the hell do I know. I stood there and watched... yes I guess I am a sick puppy. It was the most bizarre thing I'd ever seen. Not that they were doing it in flight.. in the tree... or even so loudly, but that they took turns. How will she know who daddy is? LOL Yes, I stood there and watched until they all flew away. No shame in doing it with an audience I guess, and I had no shame watching. So, yes, signs of spring!
On my way home from work I stopped at the drug store to pick up a few things. As I pulled into the parking lot a truck was pulling in from the other direction. I saw it, no fear of crashing, but I rolled my eyes. The truck was huge. It was much larger then an F150, and I swear the tires would came to my hips. Why is that needed? To look cool? I didn't pay much attention to who or what was driving, I was gathering my things to go into the store. When I shut my door and turned there in front of me there was a white haired lady that stood about 4'11". I'm almost 5'3" and it appeared that I towered over her. That is who got out of that truck? Yeap, no one in it, and no other cars around. She must have had an automatic ladder that came off the door stoop so she could climb in and out. As I got in the store I got a look at the front of her. OMG! I swear she was in her 80's. Reminded me of 'Granny' from the Beverly Hill Billie's. I wanted to hurry and beat her out of the store for two reasons. I wanted to see her get in the damn truck and also see if there was a gun rack on the back window or dead possum in the truck bed. Now, far be it from me to decide who should drive what, or to stereotype, but I had to laugh as that is what I thought. What would possess an elderly woman like that to drive a truck the size of a monster truck that you see at the shows? You know the ones, they usually climb over cars and crush them. Oh, and I didn't beat her, she was out the door as I was checking out. Damn it! LMAO
So on to the graphics. The other night I was trying to come up with something for a 'spring' entry. I was playing around. Before I knew what I was doing the first graphic started to take shape. The more I did the more I adored it. I was so excited thinking I would use it tomorrow morning to welcome spring. I decided I really liked it and wanted to try a few other things. So I went with the butterfly and little girl. I didn't want to say butterfly kisses again so I used wishes. I loved the soft colors and the feel of spring on both of them. You know me by now, I've been known to do a few with the same set up if I like it. So then I got silly and thought I need to do a tag too. I've had a few requests for bumble bees and well, look what happened..... I probably should have made the blue a bit fainter/softer, but I liked the crisp blue.... what can I say!?! If you'd like the 'busy bee' with your name on it just click on the graphic to make a request.
Though the calendar says spring is tomorrow, it has officially arrived. Now if the weather would cooperate!!! Hope you all had a good day and can enjoy a great hump day. I decided with the story I could and would just go ahead and post my graphics tonite.... Happy Spring!

I would have been rolling on the ground had I seen granny get out of that truck.... Maybe it helps her see the other vehicles?? Was there a gun rack?!? Had you been in the south it would have been a forgone conclusion that there was one. Tawnya
Thank you for the comment in my journal. Your graphics are lovely. Paula
got me going with the title lol. You've seen birdie rape I witnessed birdie murder in my back garden a hawk flew in swwoped down and killed and ate a pidgeon then the bugger left me the head feet and feathers to clear up. Graphics as always are beautiful.
Debbie xxx
Well I dont know what to say to this, Lets hope that your not called as a witness in a paternity case, LOL, I always thought that birds only had one partner,
I dont know where our spring has gone, a few weeks ago we had lovely warm sunny days, but now its absolutly freezing again here in the UK, the weather has thrown everything at us this week, sun, snow, sleet, rain, and strong winds,
take care Lynne xx
Awww, I would love one with a Linda! Thanks!
Beautiful Spring graphics D! LOL at your stories -- busy day in Upstate.
I wish you had a pic of that old lady and that monster truck. Good for her as long as she could see over the steering wheel. It will be in the 70's all week here....YEAH!
As for that bird sex story, wow. Poor female girl.
LOVE, lisa
Hmm a peeping Tom now ,think its better if you relax on the couch in your break ,instead of giving us accounts of gang bangs and rape storys lol what a shame you missed the old gal getting into her truck lol ,please may I have a copy of the first graphic its lovely ..love Jan xx
Hey I d like one of thoes bees with Tracy on it. I ll go request it. Yes birds are quite mean at it no gentliness there. Bees are more tender with plants is that what they mean about the birds and the bees. I know that might seem funny or strange to you in NY but here in ky lots of little old ladies drivin big BIG pick up trucks.we would not think a thing about it. One old lady she is known as speedy she got a beautifully tricked out souped up truck and she flies she will run you down!!!!!!!
LOL, The bird story was too funny. Yep, it's spring but it sure doesn't feel like it to me. I would of loved to see that lady climb in that truck, lol. I am 5'3 and I have a hard time getting into my van. I love both the graphics. Hope you have a nice day. ((((((hugs)))))))
Spring, I know, but it doesn't feel like it at all today. High winds...
If all the male crows think there Daddies the female will be well looked after with worms and other creepy crawlys. She will be one fat mama lol. I am frightend silly of Bees and wasps so i will pass on the bee graphics lol, they are all lovely though.
love and hugs
I used to drive a short bed Chevy step side 4-wheel drive with a lift kit and P's. So I can tell you: It's a power trip. You can go anywhere. No one ever argues over a parking spot. - Barbara
Nice graphics!!! Poor mama bird, I hope that it didn't affect her pyschologically like it would one of us!! Maybe that's just life to them.
Hey hun, I finally got here! Yayness!
That really was a violent crime wasn't it!! Bless 'em!
I LOVE that bee graphic....so unusual!!
Love ya
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