Not!!! OMG I can't believe how childish some folks can be. I am not going to bore you all with the details but not much changed today. It was a very long day to say the least. I had a fairly short meeting with my boss, but not much was said about details. I am not going to worry about it at this point. I can't, way too much else going on in life to have added worries and BS. If things change, they change. Hopefully they will be for the best, we can act like the adults we are, and everyone will move on.
My evening was a pretty quiet one. I buried myself in graphics and did very little else. My emotions about life in general were all over the place. Lets just say the stars and moon are not lining up for me these days. Maybe a change of scenery will do me good,,,, something. It's a bucket full of things and right now it just seems to be over flowing. My baby turns 21 in a few days, I get a little closer to the big 50 in a couple weeks. Mid Life crisis? I don't think so... I think I did that at 40 when I went out and got green contacts and a new hairstyle. I wore the contacts for awhile, but stopped when I started getting headaches. I don't need glasses to read, but for distance. Wearing them constantly did nothing for me. Ok, at first I loved the green eyes, but then I started acting my age and realized health and feeling good was important. A few other things spinning around here... and 'WHAM' I'm in a funk. So much of a funk I haven't even got a topic for tonight, well unless I say............. WHINE!! Life isn't fair for any of us... for some it is worse then others... but ........ damn how come?
My graphics go from one mood to another... and not even sure they are any good. What's really bad is I don't even care. I'm putting them up anyway. The best friends tag was something I saw on a scrap page and I tried to follow it by sight, with a few additions of course. The one I saw was cuter, but this will do... it gets the point across. We all have best friends and they come in all shapes and sizes. Hug them when you see them.

I'm off to bed... I'm gonna wrap up in a fuzzy warm blanket and try to get some sleep. Have a good hump day all.

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))I hope work gets better for you.My boyfried will be turning 50 in June.Dont think Hes looking forwars to it.Have a nice night.
My Hugs Journal
have a good hump day:)
We'd like to think that bad people will come around, but what makes them go away, at least in our minds, is the fact that we have good friends to counteract their nonsense. It doesn't always alleviate the situation quickly, but in time good wins out over evil.
Your work is top-notch, as always. Never let those folks dampen your pleasure in doing it.
Sorry to hear of the bad days and all over the place moods. But woman it doesn't show in your graphics they are beautiful!
Mid life crisis.. someone close to be is having one... she hangs out with younger people and goes to clubs then gets upset because the "young girls" are getting all the guys in the clubs attention, she says she feels so old. Hard to tell her if she hung with people her own age she'd feel her own age. Green contacts! I love that.. I have green eyes and wish they weren't. Seems the grass is always greener (no pun intended) on the other side.
I hope you feel like yourself again soon. But no matter what I'm here ... I'm just an email away if you want to talk.
And just so you know.. your strength and courage that I see through reading your journals amazes me.
Love ya,
I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Your graphics are beautiful and don't show any hint of a bad mood.
Get a good nights sleep and maybe tomorrow will be better.
Both graphics are lovely I don't think your capable of making a bad one. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Debbie xxx
treat your childish work colleagues like you would a naughty child IGNORE them, or just smile at them sweetly and make them wonder what you are smiling at, that should give them something to talk about, and if anybody asks just say
"the voices in my head made me do it " LOL
love the bear graphic, hope wednesday is a better day for you
take care Lynne xx
you know there is something about the air this winter so many are in a funk. I think for one the weahter men cant seem to get things right and predict warm temps and they dont come or warmer and then we had a calm winter and boom in one day it turned cold mid jan and pretty much stayed that way evne now we are just getting a slight warm up. The winds out of the north are still biting evne when it does warm up a bit (not warm by no means just warmerthan single digits and teens all the time) I dont know but I suspect the suicicde rate is zooomed thiswinter. I have never heard so many talk of a funk and depresssion
Smile! Linda
Donna, I've been through all the crap at work too, don't let those childish jerks get to you. You'll win through. I've just looked at your weather pixie ....9F, Brrrr!! You've a right to whinge, so would I! I know you're gonna cheer up soon with Steve's birthday coming up,wish him a happy birthday from me. Your graphics are always great, I don't think I've ever seen a bad one from you! I hope today at work is better for you. Jeannette xx
Cabin Fever rears its ugly head at the tail end of winter. Is it the tail end already? Doesn't feel it right now! Whine D and don't worry what others think. When they write your mortgage check -- that's when you should worry!
No one likes working in an atmosphere ,ignore their childishness if you can ,Your graphics ,as I think I have said before are the best ..love Jan xx
One of the ladys thats commented has it just right, say your Good morning and smile sweetly. I know how you feel and its not a nice way to feel. But its there problem not yours, you have not done anything wrong. LookinG at the pics you posted of the wedding you can not tell you are approaching 50, you look fantastic for your age. Your wearing well.
Love and hugs
as you know, i am in a bit of a mood too.....more than one J Lander has told me its a full moon. I believe it. You are a damn fine looking almost 50 yr old. Seriously.
i love you,
I think Spring Fever will help. Really, to hear the birds chirping and to just smell the fresh air will help us all. Hang in there. Its right around the corner. :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
I've been in a little bit of a funk this week too...my reason is lack of sleep...UGH! I sure hope things get better for you at work....we always have to have a few coworkers that love chaos and drama don't we....sux.... Sending good vibes your way....for a better tomorrow! I snagged the best friends tag...that is sooo adorable...I love bears and babies!
I've been out of the loop a bit and got here late. Sorry you are having a bad time of it. I hope things get better soon.
I forgot to mention how much I like the graphic of the baby and the bear.
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