Good Morning!! I've been up since a little after 5. OUCH!! I woke to sneezing and coughing. Surely sleeping so much yesterday helped in the early wake up call. I just hope I'm not dragging my butt at 2 this afternoon. Aaaahhh... but Jan you know I can nap if I need to, eh? LOL what a visual... dragging butt. I wish there was some magic pixie dust to make my head feel better. I did the 'lost pixie dust' fairy the other day and thought today would be a good day to use her. I need that dust!!!
I was looking through my file manager yesterday and found my very first animated butterfly. I have to say I was impressed with myself. LMAO!! I remember how excited I was when I got it to flap it's wings instead of appearing to jump. Yes, it's way back in the archives someplace, you can tell how old it is by the old sig line. OMG! I remember writing it like that. It's already 54 degrees here today and thought it wouldn't hurt to use it again. It brightens things up don't you think? A sign of spring and things to come. I will be so excited to see some flowers bloom.
As I write this I'm actually thinking maybe I will dress up a bit for work. We have a very casual business dress code, yet I'm thinking maybe a skirt will make me feel a bit better. It's warm enough to get away with it today. ::scratching head:: do I have the energy and umph to bother......... we'll see what happens when I get moving........ speaking of...... maybe I should.
Hope everyone has a great day!!

I love the graphics, mind im into fairys at the moment. I hope you have a good day and start to fee better as the day goes on. And i am sure you will look smart whatever you wear to work.
Love and hugs
Reading yesterday's post and this morning's, I would say you have spring fever. The tree pollen is so thick down here right now it coats the cars with a layer of fine yellow powder every morning. If we rinse our cars off, they recieve another coating during the work day and look as though we didn't clean them at all.
We wake up with sinus just like yours and head for the Benedryl. I should buy stock, LOL! I hope you can find something to rid yourself of these symptoms. The headache is the absolute worst part. Good luck, I hope you have a good day.
Hope you are feeling better ~ if your fairy finds her pixie dust I would love to have a little to sprinkle here ~ Love the butterfly ~ Ally x
If you find that dust send some our way to clean up this weather my spring flowers are not enjoying the sudden cold snap and neither am I lol. Have a good day.
Debbie xxx
I bought a skirt at Goodwill last week.....Lori says i need to find a "decent" dress for church and for Easter. Let me tell you, i only have one "dress" that is presentable and it is for funerals. Now i have to find a shirt to go with the skirt. OH, and SHOES. LOL Wanna go shoe shopping for me? I bet you will look gorgeous today in your dress or skirt. It is 70 in Ohio.
Nice!... I like dresses myself
Have a good day, Donna
really you do need to get the vicks machine its a great facial too. It iwlll do wonders.
I love that rose
I stopped by, I was hoping you might have a clip of Stafford's GREAT stick handling and score last nite. It made the game worthwhile to watch. I looked online but nothing that current, I expect to see it all over the TV, it was really a thing of beauty, HOPE YOU SAW IT LIVE TTYL
You see you were the best even then ,yes put on a skirt and feel summery ..well springery ! and I hope today is better for you ,and yes you can always have a little rest if you get tired ,tell your boss I said so .love Jan xx
love the butterfly:)
Wow I have been away from reading the journals for awhile and nobody is talking about SNOW???? Is it spring yet above the southern states? Wow :)))))))))))))
Happy Spring :))))) Doreen
I just really like that butterfly. So I decided to stop here and comment Came to look at your latest. Don't know what that person was thinking about in regard to the crows. It was a funny story to me. Gerry
Hope you will feel better very soon. Best get well wishes!
Love the butterfly creation! Hugs, Maria
Hope you feel 100% better by the weekend!
Well, here it is 4 pm and I'm definitely dragging my butt. lol Hope you're feeling better. Love the little butterfly. : ) Love ya, Shelly
Donna, I love the butterfly rose. Would you please tag it for me:
Win =.)
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