I'm fine, thank you. Work is same 'ole same 'ole. Not another word has been said about the meeting. Doesn't mean it won't happen, just not on the front burner right now I guess. The reason I said I was stepping back a bit has nothing to do with work. Not at all. It can be frustrating as I'm sure you all have experienced, it can make you angry, but I do love what I do and I have no intention of letting the BS get to me to that extent. I will be putting my tag journal on hold for a bit, and really not sure for how long. It's just very time consuming and I don't want to make promises that might be difficult to keep.
This has been a wild week though, and some things got put back into perspective. It's really a personal family matter and it's not something to broadcast here. I appreciate your understanding and respect of that privacy. I just ask that you keep my sister in good thoughts and prayers. She could use all the positive vibes you can muster up.
Off to watch my boys ::grin::

ahp rayingfor your sister I cna understand you cant sahre everything here.
Donna. Family comes first. Your J-land friends will always be here for you. Take care of what you have to. Sending prayers your way.
You are always in my thoughts and i hope all goes well and you are ok. Love you SO,
I hope everything gets sorted out soon.
Sending good vibes! Hugs, Maria
I do know exactly what you mean, D. Tagging is cumbersome and time consuming when your heart isn't in it. That doesn't mean you still are letting the creative juices flow. Love ya, Chris
Sometimes Life is just life and gets in the way of the things we do for fun. I know I haven't had my camera out or the computer on as much as I would like the last few weeks. Hang in there...
I love the little elephants! I don't know where you get your tubes, but that one is really cute. I snagged it to use in e-mail to a friend who collects elephants. Thanks for always having something that makes me smile!
I hope you have a nice quiet relaxing weekend. I am sending your sister good vibes, good thoughts and a prayer also. (((((((hugs))))))))))
take all the time you need:) miss you already:)
Sending all good thoughts to your sister and hope all will be ok for her. Enjoy a restful weekend. Hugs. Terry x
Whatever you need D!
Dear Donna ,it must be difficult to apply your self to graphics when there are more pressing problems on your mind, my heart felt prayers and thoughts are with you and your family just now ,take good care of each other ..with love Jan xx
Get yourself sorted, as well as your private life, Donna. That takes priority over journaling and even graphics. See you when we do.
Although we wil miss you in D's Designs, it is more important for you to take care of family matters. one day at a time with everything that's going on. Your sister is in my prayers. :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
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