I woke up this morning and had to rub my eyes more then once. I didn't sleep well at all. I fell asleep rather quickly but within an hour or so I was awake again tossing and turning. I couldn't fall back to sleep to save my life. To top it off I could hear a rumble every few seconds. You've all heard this rumble before, you probably saw the curtains go in and out in unison. You know Fred Flinestone snoring? Well it sounded like he was in bed with me. No I was alone!!! At first I thought it was my sister in the other room. I sighed and pulled blankets and pillows around my head. It didn't help. It was a muffled, but loud if that makes any sense. I think it was from upstairs. Good gaawd how could his wife stand it. Then I thought with a chuckle. What if it's her? The chuckle didn't last long. I needed to get back to sleep. On went the TV to drown that rumble out. That did help, but a bit later I woke up to a siren type noise. Shit! I forget to turn on the timer and the station went off the air. I opened my eyes to the brightly colored stripes and the screech. Things were not going my way!!! I don't think I was asleep long when my alarm went off. I tumbled out of bed and came out to make coffee. I looked out the window and low and behold my yard was white. Yes, I said white. Jeannette???? Ohhhhhhh Jeannette........ send more please. LOL I rubbed my eyes and it was still there. I walked into the other room. Oh, did I say I walked? I think I stomped into the other room. I don't want anymore stinking snow!!!! I turned on the TV to hear some morning news and cuddled on my couch. Ok, so I lay on my couch pouting. By the time I left for work the majority of the snow was gone but so were the 50-60 degree temps. GRRRRRRRRRR We are supposed to get 3-5 inches tomorrow. Snow folks... 3-5 inches of snow!!! DAMN!
I am doing a bit better today and I do apologize for the whining, complaining, tears, and wooah is me. I never meant it to sound like it was about me, just my feelings about what was happening with everyone else. It saddens me to the very core of my being, but I am praying and carrying hope.

I did smile a few times today. I even did a few belly laughs. I am trying to get my emotions in check and I appreciate you not leaving me out in the cold as I try to deal.
I did get my taxes done so Steve and I are all set. We'll get things put directly into our bank accounts. YEAH!! Can you say shopping? No, not for shoes!!! I do need some summer clothes tho, so with any luck I will find something. Ok, so I will need shoes too.. but I won't have to be so picky. Maybe find shoes first then get outfits. LMAO!!! I'm a bit limited as to what I can wear to work, so we'll see what I come up with.
Boys won tonight. They went through a rough patch the past few games. I won't make excuses, but fact remains they have a line up of several youngsters. They came up into the league like wild fire and played great when they were on the ice. No matter, it takes a toll and the other players as they had to pull more weight or should I say ice time. They got a bit banged up and looked a bit tired. The injured players can't come back soon enough. Maybe as they get back into the line up some of the others can sit a game and get their 'wind' back.
Well, I made myself stay up to my normal timetonight as I didn't want to wake up at 3 and be wide awake. My eyes feel like sand paper and as I rub them I know what makeup is left is all over my face. Off to clean up, crawl in bed with a soft blanket and drift off to lah lah land. I also want to get to sleep before the folks upstairs. LOL Have a great Friday everyone........... YES, tomorrow is Friday!!! Yeah

Nothin' wrong with friends hanging in there with you while you work things through. Friends are there for good AND bad times.
And we're lined up to get a blanket of snow, too. This after nearly 70 degrees yesterday! Yuck. Gimme summer, will ya?
there saying snow for us too, up to 3 inches, grrrrrrr i want yesterday back. hope you get some sleep tonight. ((((((((hugs))))))))
I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight. I know what it is like to be tossing and turning when you want to be sleeping.
we had rain here in Colorado today:) i agree with you no more snow enough already lol but i am sure here we will still get more snow:( have a good friday
I like the graphics except we could do without the snow one. We don't want anymore snow either. We were supposed to have a beautiful day today and what was it, GRAY all day and sprinkles and cold. No sun. Maybe tomorrow. Hope you sleep better tonight, I have that problem frequently. Joni
Wow more snow dies it ever stop snowing in your neck of the woods lol. Hope you got some sleep and have a great poets day!
Debbie xxx
You might feel better to know that we are forecast snow next week!! Im so sorry you have got it all again. Laine xxxx
What 3-5! We are getting 12-18"! Don't worry about not being yourself, everyone gets like that. Linda
i hate nights like that but my snoring is from right beside me lol boy can he saw logs big ones lol . Dont worry about being down here that is what we are for. I kindof had a downer journal entry. I put it in last night. Its just been a rough week. emotions are all over. yeah IM tired of this cold. we had hail I posted that in my j and then yup its freakin gcold>>>>>>>>> THE GROUND HOG was wrong he was just wrong!!!!!! we were suppoes to have an early spring. far as I can tell we may be pushing it to get spring here. that tease of warm almost made it worse. cant wait to see your shopping spree and all you get with your tax money. we finished our porch with ours and took us two months due to the weather to get it up.
Donna I often have nights like that ,and then Im useless all next day ,MORE SNOW !!!I dont want to play that game anymore ! but its forecast here next week too yuk ,great graphics today love the top one and the daffodil ,Im off to check my candle now ...love Jan xx PS are you getting my alerts ? http://journals.aol.co.uk/jeadie05/Serendipity/
I'm so sorry the spring I sent didn't last long! It must have messed up being wrapped and lost in the post for a couple of weeks! They've forecast snow for us next week but I'm refusing to accept it, we've had lovely spring weather now since February and I'm keeping it, I get possesive over my good weather but I will send some to you again! I get nights I can't seem to stay asleep, happens when I'm really tired and need it. I hope you managed to sleep last night. I know you're going through a difficult time and I'm keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
Just woke up to school cancellations this morning when it was 70 degrees just a few days ago! I don't want anymore snow either and I love the Winter. Enough is enough I say! Sorry you didn't get sleep the other night. I hope you did last night.
We're also due snow next week, Donna. Hope you have a nice day on Friday :-)
Snow? Good Grief! We've had eighty degree weather here the last few days and you have to deal with more snow? I'm sorry! That is wierd that you heard loud snoring last night and had not heard it before. Most who snore at night do it every night. Maybe there was a guest upstairs? LOL! Be careful out there on the roads today. One close call a winter is all we will allow you.
Donna, i hope you are able to relax this weekend and get some good rest. A good nights rest is so important and you work hard enough already. LOVE, lisa
Oh we are expecting snow! Wonderful SNOW today too! I'm so happy! :)
Keep the faith, spring is around the corner and you'll get a lift real soon.
Stay warm been watching the news about your area! Hugs,TerryAnn
Hey babes....Sounds like one rough night you had there!! lol! *hugs*
We've been given weather warning for heavy snow and blizzards for next week too..oh joy..lol!
Luuurve ya!!
Gooooooooooo Sabres!!!!
Dear Donna,
It is in the troubled waters of our life we grow the most. Very few of us recall all of the "Good" or "Happy" moments in our life, but we all remember the "Bad" times. If it were not for the bad days we would not remember or appreciate the good in life.
All experience for the good or the bad adds to our souls bank of experiences. You may not understand it now while you are going through it, but later you most likely will. Often wretched experiences we have had or suffered in life can be turned around to help others later. For how can you lead another down a path you have never gone down?
Just my early morning pondering's..........
D- Its March! You know we had to have one last hoorah for St. Patty's Day. Spring IS around the corner. Nancy
I've just been drifting through admiring all your new things. I never seem to have time to get around so have to do a Saturday thing. Yep, we have a good 8 inches on the ground here but Pittsburgh and St. Patrick's Day is a snow combo every year.
I also am just so down about all the major illnesses floating around JLand. It seems like each day something new crops up. Enjoy your weekend, D. Love ya, Chris
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