After the numerous calls from this morning my day got pretty mellow. I had a headache off and on through out the day and really didn't feel like doing a whole lot. I'm sure the headache was stress related... to say nothing about sinuses acting up because of this weather. A couple of days of warm spring like weather followed by plunging temperatures, snow, and wind. In my neck of the woods the St. Paddy's Day parade is on Sunday. There are lots of events going on this evening and even thought about going to the Irish Center for a few 'green' beers. LOL I actually won't drink it green, but with my head as it is I didn't feel like dealing with a crowd and loud noises. I don't care what day it is. The downtown scene will be a mess too. Not only will you get the stream of regulars, but there are so many folks in town for the NCAA tournament that has been going on since Thursday. Sounds like fun for some, but me......... I'm too old. ::grin:: Fighting to get to the bar, a seat, into the ladies room... to move from one spot to another... no thanks. Give me a nice quiet place and I'm happy. I won't be going to the parade tomorrow. I haven't been in years.
Played around with a few different graphics last night that I wanted to post earlier, but aaaahhh it never happened so here they are. Must have been a reason I didn't get them up, they kind of go along with my mellow mood. I did do a new sidebar graphic and updated. I know I'm pushing spring, but I wanted a different look. The rain from the St. Paddy's Day started to depress me, so with the day being about over, I took it down. I was hoping to use one of the stick people graphics but in this design I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. Thanks Chris for sharing, it will get used no worries :) I've seen so many recipe journals I thought I would try my hand at a graphic for those. Not sure it if will be well received or not, but I have some new country type tubes so I will be playing around with a few more. Time will tell what I come up with ...........
I'm off to light a candle and then to bed. With any luck the gentle 'boom boom' I have right now will be gone when I wake up. I hope everyone had a great day and lots of fun celebrating....... if in fact you do. Stay warm and safe ......... Have a great Sunday!

These are all beautiful. the top one reminds me of my daughter, when she turned 16 her favorite song was Butterfly Kisses.
Hugs to you Donna. :o)
These tags are special, thanks so much for sharing them. I hope your Sunday is a special day too. Hugs, lj
I hope you wake up and the headache has gone ,headache or not the graphics are lovely ,,especially the memorys one Jan xx
I hope you feel better soon. Love the graphics thank you for sharing.
love and hugs
I vegot to use the lets cook one. I love the buttefyl out the window. Yes htei crazy weahter messes you up so bad. and yes it makes your depression worse and everything worse. I cant wait to see yoru stick person one you do IM sure it will be great
Best get well wishes!
Lovely tags!
Hugs, Maria
Love these graphics. Thanks for sharing them!
Hope you soon feel better, hugs. Laine xxxx
I snagged the cooking tag, love it. will go great in my recipe journal. you reminded me, i'll go and light another candle right now. ((((((((hugs))))))))
Love ya,
I cant do with crowded places either, give me somewhere that I can sit down, and I'm happy,
take care Lynne xx
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