............. for today, I swear! Today was a weird day. I really can't put my finger on it. I woke up, ok. A bit stuffy, sneezing and coughing, but other then that there was a calmness. I was relaxed. All day today I was in an odd mood. Silly some what... something I haven't been in weeks. Not sure, call it acceptance. The inability to control all things around you and that sometimes you have to leave things in a higher powers hands. Believe me I am still full of fear, but I carry a different hope and faith. One more positive then it's been in days. I guess knowing this is going to be an ongoing battle, not something that will go away over night, and can't be fixed with a magic wand, has finally hit me and settled in. I do apologize for all the rambling, the tears, the whining.
:::deep breath::: A couple of weeks ago I had some issues with work that you are all of aware of. During that time I had some news regarding my sister. I've asked for prayers, good thoughts, and for candles to be lit. Your response was overwhelming without even knowing why. Your support has been welcomed and held close to my heart. I can't even put into words the way you've all made me feel. I will forever be grateful. My 'big sister' was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and they have found it in her liver as well. She has seen different Dr's. and will be following the best course of action for her. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Spring is around the corner, so the calendar says. I look at the temperature and I shiver, saying 'yeah right!' I'm hoping posting some spring graphics will urge Mother Nature to bring it on. A bright blue sky, a warm sun beating down, green green grass and the pleasant color and smell of flowers will do us all good. I know you all agree :)
I will end this now as I've bombarded you with alerts, silliness, and a part of me that aches. Thank you for being there for me.

oh will keep your sister in prayer. I pray for peace and healing in this situation.
yeah we just cant control it we can try and oftne do and we end up depresse.d espeically in bad weather like we had. I pray she has the best drs who have all the right answers for her. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
Let us pray for each other. My only brother that is left was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the past month. Since he is nearly eighty years old, the doctors don't even suggest drastic action, so we know it is only a matter of time. Having just lost my last sister less than six months ago, this hit me rather hard, so I know what you are going through. My main hope is that I had a friend who defeated the odds, and did live two years--so let's hope they both are fighters and will be around for a long time yet. Much love, LaVern
I pray for your sister Donna...and I pray for you too...God bless you both ....I am sooooooooo sorry....
love ya,
I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. Give her my best wishes. Will keep her in my prayers.
The graphics are cute! Spring is here. I'm sneezing to prove it!
Have a good night.
Oh Donna.... I am so sorry.....You both are in my thoughts and prayers...Anything I can do, anything at all, let me know. Tawnya
I am so sorry to hear about your sister, I will keep her in my prayers.
Donna, I want to say like the others, I am very, I sorry about your sister. I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers and you also. You will need strength so you can be there for her. She is lucky to have you. Miracles happen every day so we'll just pray for one. Love the graphic, escpically the little boy ones, I have 3 sons. Have a good week and hope you feel better. I bet alot of that is from the temp changing. Joni
Donna.....so sorry to hear about your sister. I'll continue to wander over to light candles.....
Your family is in my prayers.
No, I had no idea what had you so upset and concerned, but I knew it had to be big and scary. So glad you were blessed with a relaxed Sunday and a presence of His peace! - Barbara
keeping all in prayer:) have a good week
Sheesh, D, I will keep your sister in my thoughts and prayers. It just seems like daily I'm opening a journal and seeing so much cancer. Off to light a candle. Big hugs...Chris
I am sorry about your sister.
Hope things get better soon.
I love the spring tags, and hope for spring as well. I hate the cold..
Hugs, Cassie
{{{ D }}}} I am sorry about your sister's dx, and I am praying for her that options that are out there will provide help and hopefully healing!!
Prayers for you too, hon.
be well,
yes spring is around the corner... but it just started snowing (OOps)
So sorry to hear the news about your sister I hope her battle is successful. Much love and best wishes to her and you.
Debbie xxx
Oh Donna, I am so sorry to hear about your sister, Please belive me when I say I know how you are feeling and what you are going through at the moment,
Prayer being said for you and your sister,
Take care Lynne xx
thank you for sharing what has happened to your sister. They have a HUGE prayer chain at my church and she is going to be on it this week. I am so sorry she has to go thru this. Your tags are beautiful. I am always always here if i can help you in any way. Love, lj
Oh Spring, I am more than ready for it! Linda
Still praying for your big Sister ....and you ,as you have the difficult job of being strong for her ,bless you both ...love Jan xx
I am so sorry about your sister's diagnosis. I continue to visit the Light a Candle site on her behalf. You all are in my prayers!
Its such a hard life and its so unfair at times.You can whine and cry all you like there will always be someone there for you. Your sister is in my prayers.
hugs and love to you.
love and hugs
Katie xox
I am so sorry Donna, I thought it was cancer, but didn't want to ask. I knew in time you would say. {{HUGS}}
Keeping you both in my prayers.
Stay strong Donna~
Not good news for your sister, Donna. Keeping her in thoughts.
im so sorry donna.your family are in my thoughts.im still lighting candles for you all.love and hugs jo x
(((((((((Donna))))))))) I knew it had to be this. But you have to keep positive. Treatments for cancer have come along way over the years. My cancer was in stage 3 mode, very serious, and i am in remission. I will keep lighting the candle for your sister, and I will pray for her. Give her a hug for me, and let her know she has a friend in PA who cares.
Love ya,
Will cont to pray for your sister, & praying for you too.
God bless,
I will pray for a good outcome from your sister's illness. May God help her through the treatment ahead. God Bless. Jeanie
I am still holding your sister AND YOU in prayer!! It's not the LEAST I can do, it's the MOST I can do, believe me!!!! Prayer DOES help!!
Hi, Donna. I'll keep your sister in my constant prayers--I promise. I knew it had to be something awful for you not to even be able to speak of it. Just remember that the Lord has everything under control, OK? His ways are not our ways, but they are the perfect way. Please remember that I'm only an email away. If you send me your phone number, I'll call you whenever you want me to-- (I have a calling plan where it's unlimited for zero) and we can talk and pray together at anytime of the day or night, OK? God bless you, Donna.
Thanks for being there for US babes,
Love ya
Donna, so sorry to hear about your sister. Your both in my prayers.
Donna I had guessed that your sister had some sort of illness - bless her - I hope the doctors can get her well again - thinking of you and hoping you ok. Love Laine xx
I'm sorry to hear of your news Donna, I thought that maybe your sister was ill...my thoughts are with you and your sister/family...hoping for a miracle ..Millie :0
I am so sorry to hear about your sister and the trials she is now facing...as you know from my journal...i've been there and felt as you are feeling right now, although my aunt Judy was my aunt she was more like a sister to me.... Just know you are not alone my friend, I am always here if you need someone to talk to....an IM or email away! Keeping your sister as well as you and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers....I am asking God to give your family the strength and courage to get through this trying time.
Donna, Sooo sorry to hear about your sister. I will continue to keep her in my prayers as well as you. Nancy
Prayers for your sister...and hope you are feeling better by now...hugs and love,
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