Did better today. Not sure if it was the fact that several people were out of the office today and I could just concentrate on work and not be bothered every few minutes, or if it was just a good day. Suppose it doesn't matter, it was good and that is what counts. Thanks for the nice wishes and comments.
Work was going smoothly for most of the day and then our network was taken down for what was to be about 5 minutes for an update. Over two hours later it was finally back up and running. I know I depend on the computer a ton, but I never realized the issues without it. I had a couple of calls that I just couldn't address without our systems. GRRRRR Let me rephrase that. I knew the issues it would cause but hadn't experienced them like I did today. What the hell did we do before the computer age? Cripes looking through paper files for information had to be a bear!! I know I was in the work force before they came into play like they are today, I just don't recall how bad it was. Was it bad? Or did we get spoiled by the ease in which we keep track? No more need to memorize etc. I know with speed dial and the phone book in my cell I don't recall phone numbers like I use to. Damn I still remember the phone number we had when I was a kid, but I couldn't state phone numbers of friends that I call regularly. It's so simple now. I say the name into my cell phone and it dials or I push a
pre-assigned number on my land line and I'm connected with ease. I think we blame old age for not remembering, yet in actuality our brains are lazy. Ok, my brain is lazy!
Boys won again tonight and for the first time in their history they had back to back seasons with 50 (or more) wins. Yeah Team!! Had news today that brought back so many memories of the boys along with my childhood. About 12 years ago a new arena was built to house the Sabres and other events. The old one has stood idle all those years. There was always talk of making it into something else. Cleaning it up and doing something. Nothing ever happened. It just stood that and began to rot. I'm sure it has also become home to many a creature. For the past couple of years there was talk that Bass Pro would remodel or whatever and move in. One month it was on, one month the deal was dead. More recently it was decided it would be cheaper to tear it down and start from scratch instead. It was announced that is the plan and it's a go. Work should begin in a few months. I have a million memories of the 'Aud' and am a bit sad to see it go, but it's time. We don't need a huge building downtown for critters. I can see it now, there will be folks protesting, fighting for it not to happen, letting emotions take over common sense. We can't move forward if we constantly fight to stay in the past. These will be the same people who scream that the waterfront is not built up, that the city is dying. I will definitely get some pictures and do a more detailed entry to bore you with later. LOL
Well, the caffeine from all the tea I drank this evening is wearing off and I'm beginning to feel the effects of a long week. It's time to go to bed. I hope all had a great day and I wish you all a wonderful Saturday. I will catch up on alerts tomorrow, promise. I didn't mean to not stop by it just happened with my mood swing. I'm sorry. Love ya'll

so glad that you had a better day, you are bound to get mood swings, laughing and happy one moment, wanting to cry your eyes out the next, and just plain angry at the whole world, its called being a loving careing sister, and everyday stress and strains of life dont help when you have things on your mind, hope that you have a good weekend
love Lynne xx
In spite of feeling up and down this week ,you have excelled your self ,with these graphics the spring one is awesome but the lighthouse (I know you love lighthouses )has it all ...lights, water, waves ,lovely .lovely,lovely ...love Jan xx
I'm glad your day was better Donna. I think you're right, we don't need to use our brains to remember, it's all there at a click! I remember my sisters phone number from way back in 1959 but I can't remember Andy's, have to look it up every time I ring him! Lol! We need to give our brains a workout to keep them active! Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
I'm glad you ended your week feeling better. Congratulations on the boy's win! The graphic of the light house really caught my eye!
I think the ease of getting information (calculators, computers, etc) has helped our brains get cloudy. Not that I don't love my little helpers, but I can't add in my head to save my life....the old brain just isn't as sharp as my 75 year old papa.
Glad your friday was a bit better.
lots of love
No ..your brain isn't lazy. It's just making sense of what goes in there then files it away to where is won't be needed or used as much. It's a never ending archive and retreaval system which always amazes me. I can still remember my mother's old CooP membership number. Recently I missed a phone call from an old friend I hadn't seen in over twenty years since I taught gymnastics with him. I recognised the number straight away after all this time. Amazing! I'm glad you got a bit of peace at work this week. Enjoy your weekend. Jeanie
i often think it was a more free world 20 yrs ago when we were outside as kids playing and experiencing a childhood and not sitting in front of a computer. But i know nothing about much in life so i am sure i am wrong.
I hope that you have a GREAT weekend. You surely deserve it.
yes I think we have gotten spoiled to computers and just type it in look it up. I think we would be okay but todays kids TEY WONT!!!!!!!! if there isa melt down they wont know what to do or even to pick up an encylapedia for information .
Let me apologize now ... I cracked up about the network being down for a few hours. I just 'hate' when that happens. I do believe you are on to something. Our brains just turn to mush because machines do all the memorizing and recall.
Happy Saturday!
Well we have rather got used to our computers being about havent we! Dont know what I'd do without mine! Laine xx
Hi there. Wanting to let you know I stopped by. Taking some much needed "me time" and journal reading. It is awful when the computers go down. We depend on it for SO much.
Glad work went better...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
((((((((hugs))))))) glad your day went a little better. I'm one of the PRE computer people and trust me, we did fine way back when without, most of us knew the patients so well we didnt' even have to pull a chart. What get's me is watching the registers going out in the market and although they still can add up your food they dazzle me just trying to figure out how much change to give back...umm 12, 14, 11, umm ok 24.22 oh yeah and she only owed me a dollar hahahaha Doreen :)
I have no clue how we did it before computers and cellphones! I mean, we had to actually WALK to a filing cabinet, look up alphabetically the person's file we were looking for, then we had to . . . . GASP! . . . . look through the entire file to find what we were looking for all while the person was waiting on hold!!!!!!!! We are all spoiled rotten right now and only us 'older' ones can realize that. Hope you have a good day today, it is just gorgeous out here in my neck of the woods!
More beautiful work by a beautiful lady. Yes, I went into the archives and saw your picture. I'm not surprised at your good looks and soft complexion. Your work shows just what a warm and caring person you really are.
I'll join ya on the Lazy Brain thing, ok?
I just wish it was within my power to just make the office situation all better for you, at least from a legal point of view :) Just remember the Crew is waiting here anytime you need us. (We can't be J-Crew, cause that's taken, but we're here, anyway!)
i've had a computer since 95, i couldn't imagine myself without one. hope your having a nice weekend. ((((hugs)))))))
Got the lighthouse, Donna. Indeed, what did we do without computers? Well, work at a more leisurely pace lol
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