Monday, February 20, 2006

I wish I could paint


My father, both my brothers, and my son are great artists in their own right.  They can draw and paint wonderful pictures.  Very creative.  My sister has the Martha Stewart knack, and has done some great decorating.  Me, I do graphics.  I don't cut up other folks tags and change them to be mine.  I don't cut out their sig line and add mine.  I take a tube that is available to use and create.  I use multiple tubes, other graphics, backgrounds, misting, and animate it.  I sometimes take a picture and only change the background and make the water move.  It might be subtle, but I did do the animation and yes I added my sig line.  That is why folks share their graphics.   

I am done on the subject.  My intent by my entry was not to draw attention to other graphic journals and make them targets.  It was to address a comment left in my journal.  I emailed in private but wanted to bring it out in the open to answer any lingering questions.  I don't want to blow this out of proportion and I don't want it to drag into some drama.  I am to old and tired to say nothing about having other issues to deal with.  It's over.  If you have a question regarding something I did please email me and I will answer.


Anonymous said...

Cute!  Wish I could paint too! ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

I am so confused. Why are you defending yourself? I have never known you as anything other than a woman of complete integrity.
Certainly, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to see you have creative talent. Your graphics are museum pieces and you always work so hard to provide us with beautiful images to gaze upon. Thank you so very much.
I have psp now due to your influence and I appreciate all the advice you have offered me; taking time when you were otherwise busy.
You are not too old for drama - you are too superior to succumb to it.

Anonymous said...

you do great work, my mom can paint anything.  I cannot, lol oh well.

Anonymous said...

Nice graphic.  I will respect any thing that you say about your graphics.  Thankyou TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to do any of the things you are talking about but I sure wished I did. I'm not clear if you have to buy the software or download a program. I've never been shown how to animate, graphics or a tube any of the things you say you do to make these pics but maybe someday someone will show me how to do it. IT sounds like it's hard and very timely. I think your pics are nice and if I could I would make them for everyone. I have a j-land buddy who will show you her graphics and if you tell her in a comment you want it and what name you want put on it with in one day she will put your name on her graphics she makes and email them to you. I've got some great ones from her and when she puts your name on them they become so much more special. She has some great graphics. I love yours they are so beautiful. That's what's so great about journals everyone has their own special space and to open up the surprises to each one and their thoughts and creations is what makes j-land so much fun to me.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are not referring to the comment I left.  I was asking if I have your permission to save and use the tags in your journal that do not need to be tagged with my name or do not look like it.  I have never used PSP or anything and really have no clue as to the difference between tags, tubes or any of the different names that people use to describe these pictures LOL.  All I know is I like them and would never claim something to be my own, as I have no idea where to begin.  LOL

Anonymous said...

awwww Hugggggggs Donna!

Anonymous said...

You are extremely artistic !       Jan xx

Anonymous said...

It's easy to believe the rest of your family is artistic, too.  Your talent is awesome and respected throughout J-Land.  I love dropping by to see what you've been creating.

Anonymous said...

Geez, always someone has to ruin things isn't there?  I like your work and you should be proud of it!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Good on ya for standing up for your rights ;-)  I don't understand that there are people that go round and cause so much trouble on j-land!!

Anonymous said...

You are a great artist! Don't let yourself be stopped by anyone! Hugs, Maria