Monday, February 20, 2006

Johari Window


Ok, last entry for the night.  Going to go veg and watch the Olympics instead of just listening.  I was asked to partake in this and thought I'd give it a whirl.  Pretty simple actually.  Just go to my Johari Window and select a few words that you think describe me.  You can the create your own have folks you know do the same.  I'm curious to see what you all think of me.  ROFL  or do I?? 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your so good at making the animation flow well.  Something I'm still working on. lol  GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I'm running late this morning but will definitely do this when I get home.  My son finally got the speakers working on this computer.  I can hear your music again....YEAH!  So soothing...I could just sit hear and listen to that song all day.
LOL...I could have definitely used that song yesterday.  HUGS, D, thanks for your comments and prayers.  Chris

Anonymous said...

Oh Donna your designs are so varied ,how different ,but still fasinating ,clever girl you are ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Done it!

Anonymous said...

I did it and also created one for myself although I haven't put it up yet.  I did an entry at 3 am this morning so I'll wait until later....I know what you mean about "do we really want to know?"  Chris

Anonymous said...

I came to check out your graphics, and I am very impressed with your work! I'm trying to get familiar with the language, though. Does tag refer to the graphic itself? Does snag mean to copy it and use it without permission? Do you give permission if someone wants to borrow a graphic? I saw one I would love to email to a friend, the heavy load one, the elephant. I'm going to email you to talk about it. First time I've visited... I loved the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young... I think and Young... I loved their song "Our House" the most. I'll be back to read more. Bea

Anonymous said...

Hi D,
I went onto your Johari Window and did mine for you. That's a really neat site. I made one for myself too. If you want to go do one for me, here's mine   It's interesting to see what other people think they know about you. (I hope I don't sent it to any enemies LOL)

Darla ;o)