Monday, February 13, 2006

My Turn....


Ok, ok, all you East Coasters, I am sorry I was such a smart a$$.  I should have known better as it is snowing like hell outside right now and has been for hours.  We are getting some nice lake effect and it's expected to continue into the early afternoon.  I am sure we won't get anything near what you all got, but just enough to be a pain on the drive into work in the morning.     

I've been planning on getting a 'bigger & better' digital camera and decided to go on my way home from work.  The store I was going to was north of the city so it was the complete opposite direction of home.  It wasn't sunny, but it was cold and clear.  I got on the highway and no sooner heard there was a 26 car pile up in the direction I would normally go.  I got to the store picked up the camera and when I came out of the store you couldn't see anything.  I cursed and got in my car and all I could think of was 'Here's Johnny' and I cursed some more!  LOL  It didn't take long to drive out of the ban and I made it home with no issues.  I wasn't home very long when it started here and it hasn't stopped yet.  You can't see across the street right now, and I'd take a picture but I'm in my jammies and haven't read all the directions yet.  I will get some shots tomorrow,  hopefully.  

I guess I should get to bed because I will have to leave early.  The only way I will get a snow day is if there is a driving ban in my town, which is highly unlikely.  My sister on the other hand, will probably have her school close.  So unfair!


Anonymous said...

I actually heard about a 26 car pile up on the news today.  lol  And congratulations on the new camera.  GBU, Shelly
P.S.  The graphic is very pretty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good luck with the new camera and to bad no snow day, that stinks.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your snow, ugh, no fun driving in it! What kind of camera did you get? I bought a Canon EOS 350D SLR digital in December. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite things watching snow out of the windows still not had any yet this year. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Lovely graphic ,you were rather pushing your luck the other day ,what is the relavance of the referance to Johnny? ....looking forward to seeing your photography now ...........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Wooo hoo hoo hoo!  SNOW!

Anonymous said...

It seems like its all around us, here just a dusting!  We got lucky, but are expecting rain into snow Friday and then frigid cold! LInda

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Drive carefully :-)  hope the snow doesn't stay too long!!

Anonymous said...

I love this bridge one.~We finally got a substantial 12 inches over the wkend! I loved it. Ket me know what new camera you get; exciting! ;-) Sassy

Anonymous said...

Love this graphic. Hope your new camera works well for you and hope you enjoy it. Be careful in the snow. Helen