Saturday, February 25, 2006

Time to Relax


This last week has been a whirlwind of emotions and ups and downs.  Currently, everything has seemed to settle into place and I can breath at a more normal rate.  The stress has left my neck somewhat and I am feeling much much better.  Again, thank you for all your support!   

I did notice my AOL counter is back down to 28 so once again it obviously has had a 'burp' or at this point would be 'puke'?  Long long ago I added the site meter counter and have had no issues with it at all.  I've even got it set not to count me as I add or edit to my journal so the count is so much more accurate.  I also get a report on how many visitors I've had.  What is really interesting is I can see a world map and see where my visitors are coming from.  In addition to England, I've had Ireland, Tel Aviv, Austria, Australia and China to name a few.  I will be removing the AOL counter all together.  As a matter of fact, it will be gone by the time you read this.   

I've done a ton of graphics and have posted a good many of them today :)  I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I did making them.  I am not off to a hot shower/bath and a relaxing cup of tea as I curl up on the couch and just relax.  I deserve it!  LOL


Anonymous said...

The graphic is too cute! -Wishing you an evening of pure relaxation! - You deserve it! Hugs, Maria

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your stress level is coming back down to normal.  The bathtub graphic is a classic! I like it.  Email me when you get a chance to let me know where to get one of those accurate site meters.  Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just beautiful, I looked at all your graphics and love them all. How can I get a site meter like that?  Mine has reset it self too.

Anonymous said...

My counter is not right either .lol,  I tried to add one to my journal but couldn't figure it out. So I gave up and said what the heck.  I really wonder if it is AOL or some bandit who robbed us. lol.  Have a good rest of the weekend. TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

Yes the 'hit ometer napper' hit my site too ,I watched my hit counter near and achieve 5000 then wham ,there it was gone!I am so pleased you are feeling more relaxed about things ,I'd like one of those  accurate hit counters are they difficult to install ? Just realised what a silly question ,a person with your talent compared to me lol ............Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where did you get your counter too??  That sounds like a good idea :-)  Mine went back to say 2 and I thought I would just get rid of it!!  Silly aol!!  Well done with the graphics - as usual they are really good :-)

Anonymous said...

I like that dog!
Are you going to see the Snow Dogs?