Saturday, June 30, 2007
~ Community Days ~
~ Tag Offer ~ Pirate Treasure
Please watch the date - tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
Friday, June 29, 2007
~ Special Day ~
Tags: birthdays
~ Tag Offer ~ American Girl
My apologies to my British friends. I just had to do at least one Holiday type graphic. That doesn't mean you can't request it, just means I know it's pretty 'American' and I didn't mean to make you feel unloved, 'cuz you know I do love you :)
Please watch the date - tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
Thursday, June 28, 2007
~ Wonderful Day.... but oh what an ending ~

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
~ My Lucky Day ~

~ There....I've said it: "I DON'T CARE!!" ~
Message Written by a housewife from New Jersey
"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or
was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on
September 11, 2001?
Were people all over the world, mostly Americans, not
brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan, across the Potomac
from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania? Did nearly
three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or
crushing death that day, or didn't they?
And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was
"desecrated" when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it
wet?...Well, I don't. I don't care at all.
I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in
and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.
I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the
Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of
which is a crime in Saudi Arabia
I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry
for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his
gurgling slashed throat.
I'll care when the cowardly so-called "insurgents" in
Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own
religion by hiding in mosques.
I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves
up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of
their suicide bombs. I'll care when the American media stops pretending
that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from
international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of
In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave
marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this:
I don't care.
When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi
prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing
incident, rest assured: I don't care.
When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when
he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take
it to the bank: I don't care.
When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and
a prayer mat, and fed "special" food that is paid for by my tax dollars,
is complaining that his holy book is being "mishandled," you can
absolutely believe in your heart of hearts: I don't care.
And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's
spelled "Koran" and other times "Quran." Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and
--you guessed it -- I don't care ! ! ! ! !"
If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this
on......Sooner or later, it'll get to the people responsible for this
ridiculous behavior!
If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete
Should you choose the latter, then please don't complain
when more atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our
great country!
And may I add:
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they
made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that
-- Ronald Reagan
I have another quote that I would like to add
"If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then
we will be a nation gone under."
Also by.. Ronald Reagan
One last thought for the day:
"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at
how many want in...
and how many want out."
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for
1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
If you are not going to back our TROOPS then please
STAND in FRONT of them.
~ Good Morning & New Tagger ~

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
~ ~

Tags: psp snags
~ Prayers and good Thoughts, Please ~
Tags: Sheffield England
Monday, June 25, 2007
~ Country Fountain ~ Tag Offer
My apologies for my last entry, I am truly sorry for the rant. I am fine now :) *hugs* to you all.
Please watch the date - tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
~ Not Again !?! ~

Sunday, June 24, 2007
~ Permission ~
~ Peaceful Porch ~ Tag Offer
Please watch the date - tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag requests
Saturday, June 23, 2007
~ Day is Done ~
~ Find Your Rainbow ~ Tag Offer
Please watch the date - tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
~ Local Boy Makes Good ~
Thursday, June 21, 2007
~ Bob the Builder ~

Tags: psp snags
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
~ Off To Work With Bryan ~
~ Sugar and Spice Tag Offer ~
Please watch the date tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
~ Tuesday.......... Snags ~
You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat. Then you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day. You eventually get kicked out of the home for being too healthy. You spend several years enjoying your retirement and collecting benefit checks. Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years or so, getting younger every day until pretty soon you're too young to work. So you go to high school: play sports, date, drink, and party. As you get even younger, you become a kid again. You go to elementary school, you play, and have no responsibilities. In a few years you become a baby and everyone runs themselves ragged keeping you happy. You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on tap. Until finally.... You finish off as an orgasm |

Tags: psp snags
~ Good Morning ~
Tags: sunrise
Monday, June 18, 2007
~ Two Years, almost to the minute ~
~ Pirate Tag Offer ~
I could not resist these! I love Joel Adams work, the fairies are so damn cute, but these, OMG!! I love 'em. Hope you find them as cute as I do. Time will tell, eh? LOL
Please watch the date tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment. Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email.
Tags: psp tag request
Sunday, June 17, 2007
~ Magnificent ~

Tags: Father's Day
~ Enjoy ~
~ Dad ~
Tags: father's day
Saturday, June 16, 2007
~ Good Day ~