It's not even 6:30 and it is already 80 degrees and so humid!! The sun is a bright orange and peeking over the houses across the street. It's going to be a scorcher........ or is it? They are calling for some wicked storms today. Figures! It's the beginning of the weekend. I hope the rain doesn't hang around. I'd love to spend some time at the pool :)
I'll be taking my camera to work today :::giggle::: a couple of co-workers made a bet on the Stanley Cup finals. The guy picked the Ducks, and if the Sen's won he'd have to dress in drag all day at work. The girl who picked the Sen's would have to dress as a duck. Well, we'll have a duck at work! LOL She already gave me permission, so no doubt I will have some fun. If the storms they call for hit I will attempt to get some shots of that too. Maybe a duck in the rain?
I loved this porch scene and thought I'd offer it up as a tag. If you'd like your name on it let me know. I did one last night as well. I know alerts were down and not sure if anyone saw it, or if you did see it and just didn't like it. With one comment, I'm not sure what to think. LOL

Well, off to get moving. I do have to work today......... Have a great day everyone!
Id like one please ,its been cold and cloudy here all week ,my alerts are back !! just envelopes no other details ,at all bah Jan xx
Good Morning, D! Storms expected here too, hopefully they will move out quickly. Summery graphics, very relaxing too. The butterfly is animated perfectly. You amaze me!! I didn't get an alert last night, off to look now. Enjoy your visit with the duck. HAHAHA
Oh that looks so inviting. Can I have a Linda please?
Love both of these graphics ... last nights is 'cool', but not my taste. LOL. Have a great day and lots of fun at work!
OH This should be fun Donna waiting for that duck in the rain Pic Haaaaaaa.I havn't been getting alerts at all.Just had two today yours and Debs. I'm sick to death with AOL and doing all the work they should do.Grrrr .Love the graphics you have in here today they are fantastic.Coulld I have the PORCH with KATH on thankyou.It's wonderful.Have a Great Friday sounds like it will be a blast LOL!!I'll go get my dinner now.Take Care God Bless Kath
Looking forward to seeing the duck lol.
I would love my name on the Porch Scene. LINDA
yea it is a peacful porch. Oh my love to see a duck in the rain. my next video entry will be of the storms we had earlier this week. yes its hot and muggy here with bad storms looming
I was happy the Ducks won, but I wasn't betting my work attire on it, brave. ~Mary
Love this....may I have one with Michele.....??
We will be getting some bad weather today..But we need the rain soooooooo bad!!
Have a great day at the office sounds like fun!!
Beautiful Donna
May I have this with the following names
Tara Leigh
Thank you kindly
It's beautiful, can I have it with Cindy please? TY. Hot scorcher day today. (((((hugs))))))
Love the pump! It is a warm day here too...really pleasant -- not humid or anything. Supposedly it's going to stay this way for some time and I'm going to spend time in the pool...
Have fun with the camera today LOL
In actual fact, I happen to like the porch scene, bearing in mind I live on the water's edge. Can I have it with me name on it? Many thanks.
i cant wait to see the dude in drag. How cool that you have fun like that in your workplace. It is hot as hell here too. I hope you had a good Friday so far.
Have a DUCKY day! BTW, the back side of that storm is heaven. We had it last night. Today has to be one of the most beautiful days this summer so far.
This tag is so pretty it brought me out of lurking :o)
May I please have the porch tag with Shelly on it? Thank you so much!
(sorry about the yahoo address, my aim mail is still messed up *sigh*)
Very relaxing scenery. So beautiful! Would love to have one with Maria, please. Thanks bunches!
love the tag s could I please get Rudi ...wish I could find a porch to sit and relax on!! Thank you so much!!
Loved the porch scene. One with: Marsha.
Thanks !
Hi Donna ~ Love the porch tag! Could I have one with Linda on it please? It's too hot and buggy to sit on a porch here in FL (sigh) so I can use my imagination, huh? LOL Thanks in advance ... your work is lovely.
Hope you got some good shots of those in drag...LOL...too funny!
Hope too, I am not too late to ask for the bottom tag...with Joyce. Many hugs, trying to get caught up today...
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