Ok, maybe it's more like I smell like smoke :)~ Well, not anymore, but...........
Last evening after I got home from work my sister called wondering what I was up to. Her husband was going to start a fire in the pit and she wondered if I'd like to come over for a bit. How could I turn her down? It was still in the 80's here, but the thought of relaxing fire side was to good to pass up. My body was tired, and my brain fried. Damn, who says having time off is a good thing? I was so buried when I got back to work, the week flew by. No time to give my head a rest. Sure, I enjoyed being off for a long weekend but I hated the week. I like to be in control of my work load, and time off doesn't allow for that. Still not caught up but hoping to be by mid week. Instead of 'veggin' my fat ass on the couch, I grabbed my things and headed over. It wasn't dark when I got there, but as I headed towards her backyard I could smell the wood. Sent me back to camping days. I swear tension was oozing out of my body the closer I got. I had my camera in hand, as I've been so much better about bringing it with me no matter where I go, and I plopped in a chair. We laughed and discussed the week. How nice her yard is getting now that they've been able to work outside. A night safari in the backyard.
It wasn't too late when I got home, but I was tired. I thought about doing an entry but my eyes just didn't want to stay open. I woke this morning and I could smell smoke. I crawled out of bed, trying to be quick but not one muscle was cooperating. By the time I got to my bedroom door I realized it was me that stunk! I would normally shower before going to bed after sitting by a fire, but hell I'd have most likely fallen asleep right there in the shower. Since I've been called a witch on more then one occasion, it would have been sad as I'd have melted and gone right down the drain. No shit, I'd probably plug the plumbing up to boot! I decided to stay up and get moving on the day. ::cough cough:: I moved right to the coffee pot, got a cup and promptly plopped in front of the PC going thru mail etc. I should have moved, because now it's a gorgeous day and I am still doing laundry. ARGH!!! I would much rather be out, and will go very soon, but Saturday chores don't wait because of nice weather. DAMN IT!! Watch it will rain or something tomorrow. Won't much matter as my day for the machines is Saturday. You all know I live in a flat at my uncles and their day to wash is Sunday. Figured I would do last nights entry while I wait to switch the last load of clothes. I can fold 'em later. :::giggle:::

I know this last graphic is an 'evening tag' but I wanted to put it up now. The sparkle of the stars is not exactly how I had hoped, but I absolutely love the way it came out. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

Sounds like you had a great time D...I love campfires!! we had a small one last weekend!! Have fun later, since you didn't go out earlier...
i hope u enjoy ur saturday, i might be stuck in cuz its raining :(
I love sitting by a fire relaxing! Glad you were able to relax and enjoy yourself for a bit. Linda
A campfire can be so much fun! :)
I love the tags, may I snag the last one...it is sooo beautiful.
we had our firepit roaring last night. nothing like a fire and a beer to me on ah ot evneing
What a lovely way to spend an evening and to relax after the working week ,love the graphics today ...love Jan xx
I love the graphics! What a nice way to spend an evening. I've got a little outdoor fireplace and I haven't even used it this year yet. What am I thinking?? Time to break out some firewood!
Have a good night tonight.
Love the graphics!! Is it ok if I snag the cute little maid?? I LOVE an outside evening fire!! And you know what... I really LIKE the smell of my clothes afterward... LOLOL!!!! I know, I know... but I can't help it, it reminds me of camping... LOL!!!
Sounds like fun! Linda
An evening under the stars next to a friendly fire does sound very relaxing. I'm glad you got to go and enjoy. The graphics are great as always!
Love love love the star tag! Hugs,TerryAnn
Sounds like a great night D. A good bon fire is always fun and from the looks of the pictures the fire was perfect. Sounds like the company was perfect too. I love the sky picture and the colors. Your last graphic. Superb! It is out of this world and has to be one of my favorites. The saying is so true, take it as a hint hehehehe
Love your graphics, Donna. Especially like the ones with stars in them. (always seem so magical to me). It is quite hot over here in Vancouver too. Fortunately for us, the rain is expected on Monday but it won't be lasting for long. Hooray for summer fun!
nothing can beat the smell of a wood fire love it.
Hey Donna! I've been called one two on more than one occasion so you're in good company!
Snagged the bottom tag.
Loving the graphics here. Are your collage pages from a program such as Creative Memories? I keep thinking about doing my photo albums on the PC but wonder how I would like it. I'm liking yours of late!
Snaggin the bottom one if that's okay with you. (I know it is). :)
my goodness, those tags are PRICELESS..love them and you. I love a good bonfire..glad you got to go enjoy yourself. I cracked up imagining you all smoky smelling as you got out of bed.
Have a blessed Sunday.
I love the graphics!!! Sounds like you had another great night! Sorry you had to wake up to do laundry though!
LOL at the smoke smell, I love that smell... funny
be well,
sounds like you had a wonderful eveining by the fire. I love sitting around a fire. I just love the top graphic and the others too. (((((((hugs))))))))
We are wanting to get a firepit sometime in the near future...love them! Glad you had a good time with your sis!
Love the last graphic...so beautiful!
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