Well the day was great. Woke up to the left over rain from last evening. We never got the storms the predicted but it rained a bit to tease the plants and grass. It wasn't as hot as it had been the sky was a bit gray. I got into work and met up with my co-worker to make plans for leaving on our road trip. We left the office about 9:45. The ride was nice and as we got further East the sun was shining brightly and the clouds were white and puffy. We got to our appointment and it was great to see our client. She and I have become great friends over the years of working together but it had been awhile since we'd actually seen each other. We went to her office and did some system training so she could access our system. It went pretty smoothly and we all had a few laughs. Her boss joined us and we had a nice chat before heading out to lunch. We went to a place nearby, The Distillery. The food was excellent! The company better! I had a Reuben sandwich and it made my taste buds dance. The seasonings perfect the corn beef so tender it about melted in my mouth. We went back to her office for a bit and then said our goodbyes. It was probably about 2 in the afternoon.
The drive home went much faster, as they usually do. About 20 minutes into the drive my co-worker pointed at my windshield. I was straining to see what she was showing me as I thought it was a crack. It was then she said, 'I've never seen a rainbow like that, only in the clouds.' It was amazingly bright and almost glowed in the sky. I wrestled with my purse to get my cell phone. I set it up and handed it to her and asked if she could try and capture it. Driving about 65 mph and hanging out the window she did get it. It's not as bright as the 'live' version, but the effect is somewhat visible. It's called a circumhorizontal arc. I wish I had my 'real' camera, or even that I could have pulled off to the side of the road but it wasn't going to happen today. Aaaahh but the pictureisn't bad from my phone.

Ironic that I have this snag graphic for tonight. As I was typing away, I was sent a link by a friend. Interesting read to say the least. A good imagination too!! I knew it wouldn't be long before I was called the big bad wolf of JLand, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the lies either. I told someone I was on SSI? I think not. Never have been and hopefully by the grace of God I won't have to be. There is nothing wrong with being on it, it's actually a good thing for those who do need it, but I don't fit the criteria. The reason I got AOL free in the past (and that ended before it actually went free) is because I was a Community Leader here on the sports message boards, when that ended I started this journal. Big difference, don't you think? Talk about manipulating. Once again, I guess my pictures of co-workers, my office, and all the other things work related I posted here are found on the Internet in my make believe world. Facts and events manipulated to fit the need of someone who really has no clue. I don't work because I don't post where I work? Because I have time to do graphics? This from a person who has done nothing to 'prove' anything of what she says about her life, not a picture, not a damn thing. So what does that mean? Is it real or is it fantasy? Bizarre thinking isn't it? Oh, it is only made up on my end according to her. I've gone so far as to search out the web to get these fake things. HELLLOOOOOOOOOOO!?! I betrayed her because someone she did not like and I barely knew posted a comment in my journal. I wouldn't remove it and she jumped to the conclusion that we were best of friends and had this master plan to ............ to do something to her I guess. Taking entries I've done, emails we shared and manipulating them to fit some scenario. I make fake names and my friends do to, just to harass her and ask for graphics. Damn since all my friends are made up by me I must be a f'in genius to remember all the names & passwords. I looked around to see the comments there and I don't know, there are a few so either she is deleting them as fast as they go up or she is accusing those that are left as being 'fakes' What a joke! Sorry folks, but this gets more absurd as the days go by. I know I should just ignore the bullshit and I try, but it's a daily thing and sometimes it makes my blood boil.
Well, what a way to end a great day. Hope you all have a better ending.
Hoping tomorrow is a better day, sorry this is all happening.
phooey on her. We love ya girlfriend. ((((((hugs)))))
maybe you should stop reading the links that are sent to you. cut out the middle men who are sending you links to keep drama started and live your life. I know who you are referring to she is my friend and so are you and i dont understand how something so small and stupid got so big i mean just let it go the less links get sent to you the less stress the less sent to her the less stress for her. Everybody is just instigating and thats what you dont need. You know what you have and how you live and how you make money so why blog for other peoples joy to see this battle go on? Donna you make wonderful graphics and so does she graphics is graphics big deal. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.
So much drama is needlessly created in J-Land for reasons unknown. I have theories, but I don't know for sure. I wish I had a talent for computer graphics like you and Diama, but I'm more of a ink & paper person.
What a cool rainbow picture! Good one for a cell phone, too! I've never seen one like that.
Drama again...I hate the drama. In Jland and in real life.
Hope you have a good night.
Hi Donna
I am here to declare that my daughter is one of your friends and she is NOT fake..I know because I gave birth to her. I have been a lurker to your journal for more than a year. I am not here for your graphics because I don't have a journal myself, but, my daughter does have a journal and displays your talent in it quite often. I am here because I enjoy reading about your life and everyday happenings other than hockey because sports are not something I enjoy. My heart sank when your sister found she had cancer, for I lost my youngest sister to cancer and I know how devastating it can be. I am here because I WANT to be, I am not FAKE!
D, the picture your friend captured on your cell is great! What a beautiful thing to see. I've never had the privilege. Glad the meeting went well. The nonsense is horrible. I have to agree with Cherry said to a point but I've seen some of the mail, some of the verbiage, and completely understand the anger it causes you. I am not sure I could just ignore it. You do handle things with class though. Well, minus some of the language hehehehe So that email address for work I have is made up? You are good! HAHAHA you know I'm kidding. Hope things calm down for you
Hope that the weekend gets better for ya...Love the graphics as always! Hugs,TerryAnn
Wow! I cannot believe I am seeing this...I saw one of these "cloud rainbows" one day while I was working out on the playground at school (just this month) . All the kids were going nuts over it...I wish I would have thought to take a picture. It looked just like the one on the link you posted. Very cool to know what it is... and even cooler that I was lucky enough to see one. Thanks for sharing.
Love the pic so pretty.
Read the entry you mentioned and the thought that entered my head and would have been my comment had I not been blocked was 'petulant child' You can't be my friend if your friends with her, oh please grow up! So if the person comes to read this and sees this comment "IT'S FOR YOU SWEETHEART"
Have a lovely day D.
That pic is ok of your cell, not bad for a stand in. Un usual pic though i have never seen anything like it. This person is just playing with you to get a reaction and at the moment is winning, You know she is talking crap and so do all your readers. I know its hard to ignore but if you dont she or he is going to make you ill and cranky. You have a good deal of jland supporting you whats she or he got, very little, thats why they are doing it.
keep strong
love and hugs
Excellent pic ,I read the entry ,and well what can I say ? ...love Cohort xx
Gorgeous picture, and really for going 65 and a cell phone it's great! It's sad that this person's life is so empty that she's fixated on you.
I love the picture of the rainbow. ;o) Again, I'm sorry about this fued. And I know what its like to be told that you have more then one screen name... when you don't. I just wish all the JL fighting would stop for everyone...and I know you do too. :o)
You desribed the sandwhich so well,,I'm hungry for one..lol..
I haven't been in journal land very long, and I am still trying to figure out why some people have to make things difficult for others..
You seem to have plenty of people that enjoy your journal and they are the ones that count..
I look forward to reading more..
The pic is great.........I am sorry about the feud....wish everyone would live in peace....your lunch sounded YUMMMMMMMMIE!!!! LOL
have a GREAT friday!
what a cute tag, well both of them! Your work is inspiring to me. Sigh.....as one who has been thru hell and back here i can only pray and hope and wish that this BS ends....no one can ever change how i feel for you and i know how hurtful the lies and half truths can make a person feel. What in the world are you talking about about SSI? I am lost. lol. Nothing new there.
XO lj
That rainbow is beautiful! Not bad at all for a cell phone!
This whole situation must be getting old for you.
D...I just don't understand people like this....for the life of me, it just doesn't make sense. What purpose does she possibly have? (Obviously none, or she wouldn't spend half her day making up lies and being a big, stinky turd on the face of J-land).
Anyway, just keep your chin up. YOU have nothing to be ashamed of. Can't say the same for certain others though.
Much love,
p.s. Have a great weekend!!!
Love the rainbow.
My thoughts:
I think she goes through your comments...writes down every screen name that leaves a comment and adds it to her "Blocked" List. she has blocked me (like i care) but All my friends ect and so on....why? because we like YOU. Because we read YOU....becuase we enjoy Who YOU are.
That my friends is SAD! and very immature! She is only hurting herself in the end by doing that. Bridgett who she blocked earlier this week is one of the most loving women i know...she has never created issues with anyone and has always managed to see the best in even the evilest of people....and she blocked her. So now it has nothing to do with who we are as people. it has to do with the relationships we hold on J-Land! She will only be loseing commenters and respect.
She makes up stories that you leave yourself comments (tag orders) she is infact jealous and upset at the doom she has created for herself by blocking everyone under the sun, the result: she does not get as many orders as you. and she does not like that!
Also...The rainbow is BEAUTIFUL...it must have been raining up there in those clouds...just cloud to cloud rain....and the sun added to that...gave that rainbow! A freak of nature....love freaks of nature like that.
Isn't always that way? don't have your camera when such an opportunity arises! You did good anyway.
Hopefully, the drama will not affect your good weekend.
I've been reading your journal for well over a year and have commented here and there. I felt the need to comment on this entry as well. I remember when all this nonsense started, I think your entry was something about true colors. I remember how you described how you put two and two together and realized who this person was based on terminology, words, & names you were called. You said then, they would mess up along the way and everyone would figure it out. True colors would come through. Or, something of that nature. Slowly but surely in her blind anger she is forgetting to cover her tracks. The turning you in for your graphics and actually being proud of the fact when so many do it. Yet she didn't feel the need to report them. She just posted how proud she was of that accomplishment, getting you per say. I did read the entry from last night and boy you hit the nail on the head. Accusing you of not working and making all the entries up follows right with the MO. You've described to a "T" what has been happening to you and there she posts it for all to see, confirming in fact it's her causing the issues and drama. Randomly using what she feels is good cause to try and ruin your reputation when in fact she is ruining her own and then blaming that on you too. Pointing the finger directly at you. Saving emails to use later. Who does that? The workings of a sick mind indeed. You keep on doing what you're doing. Your journal is a joy and pleasure to read. Let her continue to block folks from commenting on hers, it only feeds her own jealousy. Gives her something else to blame on you. Try and ignore it, she has exposed herself for what she really is, and frankly she doesn't even come close to being what she portrays or tries to. Her standards are so much lower then the good folks here in this community and now everyone
(con't) and now everyone knows the truth as she has admitted it openly and freely.
Love the rainbow by the way
Love the rainbow!!! Wish all this nastiness would end, there is no need for it.....you both do graphics and that is it, end of story!! Keep up the excellent work, Donna, and try to ignore the nastiness pleae...it's just not worth the bother!!
Donna the pic of the rainbow in the clouds is amazing!!!!
So beautiful, and so rare...glad you caught it....
I've thought and thought and for the life of me I can't figure out who your "troll" is...maybe I am blind...or possibly don't read this person... but i sure hope it ends sometime soon...
Hope it didn't ruin your night too much...
Have a great weekend =)
Nice sundoggy! I think thats the nickname for them. That person stalking you sounds mentally ill. Linda
Let all trolls now return to their bridges! And burrow in deep! What a bunch of nonsense. There are several people who I just don't read anymore because of this sort of mental illness!
actually, i think the pix is quite good to be from your phone. it must have really been brilliant! what a find!! :)
Well D, if you are making up any portion of the 'story of your life', you'd better get it off to a publishing house, 'cause you sure have lots of readers and fans! You'd make millions!
Lovely photo from your phone. What the heck kind of phone do you have? And how to you get pictures from there to here? grrrrrrrrr. Don't answer, I'll never try it anyway. LOL!
Lol...I'm speechless hun. It's actually quite laughable when you think of how much time and effort went into these accusations and shit. I have some good news anyways....I'm coming to NY next year on holiday, so I'll tell ya what, seen as though you don't REALLY work, we'll meet up everyday and spend your hard earned SSI on booze and shit..LMAO!! Oh and whilst we're at it, you'll have to show me what you really look like too...haha!
Laugh it up babes, laugh it up!
Donna for President!
I have to say that sassy little pain in the ass is lucky I didn't save all the emails I got from her...or the ones she sent to a guy online she emotionally tortured. I know he still has the emails though.
Total f'ing whack job. I warned y'all about her ages ago. Something fishy about a person who doesn't post pics of themselves, or their supposed wedding!
I don't know how you find time to make graphics but that's just because I can't find the time. Everyone's situations are different. My kids are still pretty young where I have to help them with homework clean up after them, and let's not forget in the Summer time I have 20 kids a day in my house. I'm lucky if I get to shower!
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