I really didn't do much of anything today. Normal Saturday chores and then some. I was up late last night as I couldn't sleep. Nothing bad, I just think I was wound up from the crazy week. I suppose a nap after dinner didn't help. I didn't mean to fall asleep but my eyes just closed and that was it.
If it walks like a duck...... well it should be a duck then. LOL Unfortunately there was some changes at work and the good sport didn't get to dress up at the office. She had to wait until 5 and then several co-workers were all walking across the street for happy hour. She had to be in her full get up for the walk. I debated on going, but I wouldn't have made it. One drink and I'd have been sleeping at the bar. I called it quits at my normal 4:30 and headed home. I'm not sure if anyone got pictures, but rest assured if there are some I will get copies. I do know one of the crafty girls at work made make shift wings out of feathers. I got a peak at them while in the bag.
I stopped at a pizzeria to get a couple slices and while I waited for my order there was an older guy talking and giving orders to some of the other workers. Seemed nice enough, smart enough. Well dressed, in charge. Manager? Maybe....... I watched him as he stood off to the side to make pizza boxes. He folded and attached the corners in a flash. It was the next part that confused me. He reached for the little paper you find under your pizza, to insert it in the already made box. It was for a smaller box, he walked around the corner and reached high on a shelf to get some. Some? He grabbed one. Went back to the box and put it in. Folded the next box. Again, grabbed the paper from the stack nearby, wrong size. He walked around the corner and grabbed one more. Yes I said one. He did this at least four times before he grabbed a stack and put them on the table he was working on. Ummmmmm........ manager material??? YIKES!! Ok so it's a pizzeria, but 'cmon... some of them make good $$$$
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh some news to share!! My son and his girlfriend went on their vacation to the amusement park this weekend. They left Friday morning and got there in great time. He called to tell me they got there safe. He also told me he in fact got his girlfriend a ring. Not an engagement ring, but a ring. From the sounds of it, it's a blue sapphire. He and I talked about it a few weeks back, but he never did say yah or nah. Well, it's yah. He gave it to her Thursday before they left and of course it didn't fit so they left it home so she didn't lose it. She was squealing a bit in the background as he told me. 'I love it. It's beautiful. Can't wait to show you. I wish I could have worn it here.' I knew he really liked her, and that confirms it :) I like her too! He called again today full of excitement. They are having the time of their lives. Visiting all the nearby parks and attractions. A full day today and they will head back home tomorrow. They aren't sure if they will be checking out and coming right home or if they'll check out and visit another attraction. He'll play it by ear.
Tomorrow we will all go to my parents. Cook steak on the grill, potato salad, homemade German potato salad (my sister Marge makes the best!), regular salad, bread, snacks for sure. You name it and I'm sure it will be there. The past few years we've spent it at my other sisters, but it is suppose to be 88 tomorrow. It will be better for my Dad to get in his own pool. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but the ladder on the above ground is a bit difficult for him. It will be a blast I'm sure and I will grab a few pictures.
I didn't do any Father Day graphics, no spunk or spirit for it. Watching my back at every step has put a damper on the quantity of snags, sorry. The sunset picture I used for the opening is a picture Steph took while out on the boat last weekend. I just loved it and had to do something. The one's below are snags.... Hope everyone had a great Saturday and I wish you all a great Sunday..... Happy Father's Day to those it applies to. Night

its very sad that you no longer feel you can express yourself by making tags. What a complete ass of a J Lander to ruin it for you. ASS.
I love your tags so much.
cant wait to see a pic of your coworker if you get one.....that mgr at the pizzeria sounds a bit s-l-o-w. Enjoy the day with your awesome family tomorrow.
LOVE YOU so,lisa
I never go to "happy hours" with coworkers -- even though I like most of them. I just want to escape the corporate environment as soon as possible. Especially on Fridays.
Have a lovely time with your family.
Maybe it was the end of a long day too for the guy at the Pizza place? I know...I know..I have a bad habit, so my family says, of sticking up for lame ducks. lol! I hope you were able to rest up after your sleepless night. I hate getting out of sync like that after a desperately needed nap.
I liked the sound of your meal and I hope you don't mind I snagged the beautiful beach tag. Hope you catch up on your sleep soon.
Yup, that guy at the pizza shop liked to do things the hard way! I hope you have a great day today! Linda
yes I cant wiat to see the ring.
I hope someone got the pics to share and you can share. Yeah sometimes I like a calm friday and saturday. seems not to be this summer. they all seem busy.
Maybe that pizza guy was having an off day.
Hope you were able to get some rest after no sleep, have a lovely day.
Happy to hear your son and his girlfriend are having such a great time. I can't wait to see the ring. Hope you have a great day. (((((((((hugs)))))))
Sorry about missing the duck, D. Sometimes we just need to draw the line. Maybe someone will have pictures. How nice for your son and his girlfriend, that's exciting for Mom, right? I just want to say, in response to an earlier post. Your entries are never boring. Your words paint a thousand pictures and the graphics you do and add give it a special welcoming touch. You draw your readers in and they can't help but come back.
thats so sweet he brought her a ring all he have to do is take it to a jewelry shop and get it resized to fit her finger.
I am a manager and let me just tell you ... when I met some of the other managers at our MANAGERS meeting back in november, I was like, "OH MY GOD!!! She is really a manager?? WHY??" Sorry to say but there are some managers that just surprise you and disgust you! We had one that was with the company for 10-15 years but wasn't promoted to manager until like her last 3 years there, and she used to call me ALL the time "How do you do this??? How do you know how to do all this stuff Theresa? How long have you been working for the company?" I used to be like "You have got to be kidding me!!!" I told her that as an assistant my manager taught me pretty much everything I needed to know to be prepared for the managers postion, and what she didn't teach me I either picked up as I went or I read our STORE OPERATIONS manual! Needless to say the goof no longer works for the company!!
I am glad you and your son are happy with his choices w/the GF! :)
Sounds like a lot of fun at your office! Wow, nope, don't think the guy is manager material at the pizzeria, either...LOL. The ring sounds beautiful...I bet your son's girlfriend loved it. I love German potato salad...it is awesome homemade...I could eat it all day...the meal sounds wonderful. Hope it all turned out...hugs and love,
Glad to hear your son is having a good time, how exciting about the ring! Linda
So glad your son and his g/f are having a wonderful time on their trip...I bet she just loved the ring...as he loved giving it to her =) How sweet! Hope you had fun at the Fathers Day gathering...we got together at my grandads and my mom/stepdad...and had a great time.
Sounds like they are having a great time.
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