... and what a fabulous weekend it's been. I got all my chores done, did some fooling around, and got out to enjoy the wonderful weather. Today the weather was a bit different then the past few days, maybe Barry visited? I'm not sure. It was hot when I woke up but the sky was dingy and gray. There wasn't a breeze to be found. I did my normal Sunday routine and the more the day went on the more my head hurt. A bit afternoon I got extremely hot, and went to wash my face and cool myself down. I came back out and sat down and my head pounded. My eyes got kind of blurry, or more like there was a film over them. I thought maybe I had gotten soap in them, but they didn't burn. I got a little nervous wondering what the hell was happening. Had I been sitting in front the computer all day I'd just think it was that, but I really wasn't.... for a change. I took a couple aspirin and went and laid down. I really didn't sleep but I wanted to close my eyes. Weird thing was I could still see the filmy design with my eyes closed. I laid there for a bit and then got up. My head still aching. About an hour or so later the sky opened up. The rains came. Big ass drops pounded the hard ground. We really did need the rain after the scorching sun had been beating down the last few days. I think the blades of grass let out a sigh and danced in the rain and slight breeze that was now blowing. The flowers lifted their petals to get a drink. Within several minutes my head cleared and my eyes were fine. I know the barometric pressure can play games, but never have I had it affect my eyes. It was the scariest thing. The rain has been off and on since, more a steady rain and no more downpours.
I decided then to take some of my pictures and make a little collage for the rainy day. The daisies and buttercups are along side my garage. The guy next store let a section of his yard go 'wild' and there is pretty much just wild flowers and weeds. From a distance the color is nice. I shot these pictures a few days ago. The park bench is located at the end of the driveway at the house across the street. It's a cute decoration, but the bench has definitely taken a beating in the elements. A nice touch when I added the rain. Then, of course, we have Bug. So many have asked why I call her 'bug'... my answer.. because she is as cute as one :) These pictures were taken the other night at Gage's soccer game. Even though there was a playground not to far away she was content to sit and watch her brother play. At one point I was even able to get her as she cheered him on. She is a card! How do you like the pose of her with the 'pop eye' sign? Telling me it's ok to take her picture now. It seems she has out grown the stage of not wanting her picture taken.

All else seems to be going good. My son only got a little burnt on the boat yesterday and enjoyed the day. He is looking forward to another outing and soon. Maybe next time they will plan it a bit better and he can rent a cabin near the slip that my nephew keeps it in. That would make for a nice little get away close to home. I didn't talk to my sister today, but if the Friday night bon fire was any sign she bounced back from a rough Tuesday cocktail real well. I do hope that was an exception and not the rule going forward. It made my heart ache to know she was so sick. I'm keeping the candle burning with hopes it will help bring continued good news. If you care to join me feel free. All the good thoughts and prayers are so appreciated.
Hmmmm... anyone care what the series is at for hockey? Too bad, telling you anyway. The Ducks lead 2-1. They play again tomorrow in Ottawa. The Ducks will be without one of their star players, Chris Pronger. He got suspended a game for a cheap hit. Yes, it was cheap, very cheap!!!! And not that it makes it right, but I've seen a few non calls on cheap shots. I've also seen a few marginal calls made. To say nothing about the Alfie's goal the other night. It was called no goal on the ice for having a kicking motion and going off his skate into the net. I thought for sure the call would be upheld. I've seen much less be called a no goal. Boy was I surprised to have it count. The Sen's are definitely getting the calls, but I still say Go DUCKS Go!
Well, Bill, lookie here, it's just after 11 and I'm just about ready to click save and get this entry in. Guess what else?! I'm going to bed. I am going to lay with my head in front the window, but the timer on my TV, watch some news and fall asleep with my night light (TV) on. What else is new, eh? Ok, going to bed before midnight is the only thing new. LOL
Hope everyone had a great weekend and I wish you a wonderful start to the week!
ah day on the boat sounds woederful simply wonderful. We finally got some rain for about 15 mins but it was a hard rain. we were bone dry in our creek. It feels good when you get alot of chorse done and things accomplished
So glad to hear your weekend went better than you may have anticipated, with the headache that plagued you at first. It's been a bit of this and that weatherwise here as well ~ sunny one moment and raining the next, but I DO love the fragrance of spring rain. I LOVE the collages you create with your photos! You are so creative and talented!
Take care and keep smilin'!
We got that same sinus headache thing down here just before the tropical depression arrived and also while it was passing though. It sounds likeyouhad a nice weekend in spite of the rain today. Great work with the graphics, as usual. You are right, Bug is as cute as one!
D, your pictures show you had a great weekend. I've heard of the fuzzy eyes with the weather, but if it happens again call the Dr. It's not something to mess with. Love that bug, she is so precious and you always capture her just perfectly for what you want to do. Great job once again.
I know they're your pictures, but can I snag the Rainy Day graphic.. I LOVE what you did with it!!! Bug is really cute too, but I won't snag that one... LOL!!!
Wonderful graphics - loved them all. Still watching the hockey games over here, but hubby is getting a little tired of it all. He says, it's June for Pete's sake, just not in the mood for hockey in June. Of course, last night when I told him he was missing a brawl on the ice, Pronger's elbow smack and that the Sens were up a point, he then decided to sit and watch the rest of it. Hey, I'm still excited and cheering for Ottawa. What can I say, Canadian all the way, huh? Hope you have a good sleep to start off your week.
Love the collages and bug is very cute lol. Glad your sis is feeling better. We had lovely weather this weekend for a change but I missed most of it with a nasty migraine boohoo.
What a relief to hear your sister is feelng a bit better after the cocktail this time ,I love the collages ,and isnt the bug growing up ?,hope your eye thing doesnt happen again ...love Jan xx
If your eyes keep bugging you, maybe you should see an eye Doc? I'm so glad your sister is doing better. What a blessing.
Hope you have a good week!
Did you have a migraine perhaps? Sometimes people get visual disturbances right before one. Bug is cute! Linda
I am glad your sister is doing better. We have been getting nothing but rain for days here. I think it will rain every day I am off. sigh.
i click on your candle daily. Anything for you and your sister.
Love the tag with the rain and flowers. You have SUCH talent, D.
I want you to call your doctor today. That film worries me.
I'm sorry, but for some reason I couldn't get past ' did some fooling around' .... and I've been reading and giggling since. I MUST be in seventh grade.
<<<it's just after 11 >>>
Still to late Donna, you need more sleep. I guess the next enty I will read tonight you will be talking about how tired you were at work.
When will you listen to me? Bill
that rain looks just like my sunday looked. Linda
Glad your eyes got better sounds odd what happened to them but I would've been freaked out if it had been me ;-) Love the collages, bug is cute. I am glad you've explained why you call her that though I was wondering lol
As always your tags are lovely especially the kids on they look great but I love the tag with the welly boots!
luv bella xx
I just love how you do those 2 graphics. Your niece is just so adorable. As you can see I am late in commenting. Trying to get caught up today. Hope your week has been a good one so far. I keep a candle burning for your sister. I check it every couple days. ((((((((hugs))))))))))
I love your collages ... you are so good at doing graphics and I am EXTREMELY jealous!!! Yes I am able to admit when i am jealous!!! You sure do keep a busy schedule huh???
I just love the way you put the pics in the frames. What program is that? I don't do PSP, but I love to make little movies and fun type pictures. I just do it the generic way. Is this a frame program of some sort? Do you think I could learn it or is it tubes etc.etc.? :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
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