Please watch the date tags are available for 1 weeks from posting date.
If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment or email me with name, subject & tag # Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation. I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name. AIM users do not have this option as far as I can tell. If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, lets talk. Some already know to make note to attach instead. If you need it to go to a different email address please note that. I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.
Thank you!
PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week, please contact me via email.
oooh, Id like this one please ~Melissa
D, I'm sure folks like it. I have to think it's a case of no alerts. I will bet by the time you get home you'll have several comments here. Ladies? Only one of you want this awesome tag? That is what it's called, right?
Missed this one, dumb alerts! Very nice tag.
I like it! Linda
Alerts have been sporadic lately! Didn't get one for this entry! Thanks, I love it and snagged it! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
I didn't get this alert either...thanks for letting us know about it in your new entry today... I would like two please
2. Riss
Thanks so much Donna...this one is HOT!
I missed the alert too. Can I get this one with Kristina?
Did not receive the alert either. Can you please make me one with Maria? Thanks a lot!
where did you get this, is cool, if you could e-mail me how to get it...me e-mail is, klgcowgrl26@aol.com...thankx
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