Yeap, again. The drama queen has come out of hiding. Some may think I'm being the drama queen here with what I write, but I laughed myself into being furious. I get home this evening to over 300 pieces of mail. I sort through and delete spam. I pull out what appears to be personal, then do alerts, and graphics. So I have mail sorted and I whip through it. Then I come across one titled 'graphics.' New name, but I regularly get mail from new names. I'm on several lists, in several groups, and have folks that send email instead of comment in journal. Well, guess what. Yeap, the troll. This person adds and deletes names more often then I change my underwear. And believe me I change it daily, sometimes more. WTF is wrong with this person or persons? Do they get bored so they feel the need?
This has been going on since Sept/Oct. Different names, different subject matters. Always changing and always deleted after mail is sent. I will not shut down my mail, blocking doesn't work because of the various names, and AOL is useless when it comes to reporting so no use there...........
November - 'you make up stories about your mouth surgery to get attention.' Oh yeah, that's it. I think it will sound cool if I tell folks because meds I was on earlier in my life my teeth are disintegrating and have to be removed. HELLO???????? Why in the hell would I make that up??????? Attention??? Oh paaaaaaaalease! I could find a gazillion other things that would be just as effective to get this so called attention.
December - 'that picture can't be you, where'd you find it?' I surfed the net and found it on webshots, asshole! You think if I was going to pretend to be someone else I wouldn't post some hot skinny chick? Get a f'in clue!!!
Oh let us not forget me stealing graphics!!!
Fast forward...
March - 'your sister isn't sick, we all know you made it up. others report they have cancer so you have to say your sister does to get attention' You sick bastard! Why the hell would I lie about anyone being sick, most of all my sister!!
May - I get reported for using graphics from artists that are in a guild that require a license. Ok, I was guilty as is 99.9% of the taggers out there. Including the one who reported me, yet I get singled out. Doesn't take a freakin rocket scientist to figure that out. Let us not forget the gloating about it being done.
I don't go away so the need arises again. Is that what this is about? I haven't left?
So this last one. I made up the story about Bob the Builder and I create user names to request my own tags. Are you f'in blind? Do you ever make the rounds to other journals? These are names that are all over. A few new ones, but all visible to everyone here. Hell, they request tags every where. Guess we all just make 'em up. As for 'Bob', no I have no proof. Do you have proof it didn't happen? Because it's not displayed in pictures it isn't true? Hmmmmm nice concept.......
So here I sit making up everything in my life. I scour web sites to find pictures of folks so I can claim them as relatives or me. How f'in amazing that I get their whole life's worth. You can see them grow and change. This is beyond bizarre. I mean 'cmon there has to be something better to do. I share things, but I make them up. I don't share things I make them up. Which is it?
Yes, I know it's only a matter of time before I get blamed for everything. How I stalk someone, steal their tags and put graffiti on them. How I'm the big bad person in JLand. Ya know what, F YOU! You know the truth and I don't give a rats ass what you say. You need to find something better to do. I am not ashamed of my life, of me, or my family. I will proudly display and talk about what I want to not what someone else dictates. I'm confident and I do believe in myself. If that bothers you, go away and just don't stop here any longer. If I bother you so much why do you come back? If I'm so horrible why do you find the need to come here? Or is that it? You wanted me to post this so you could do a rant?
My apologies for the language

Un F'ing believable! That Troll needs to GROW UP!
and while she's at it.....pull out a dictionary and read the definition to HYPOCRITE!!!!!
Sorry this has happened to you ...some sick people out there with a lot of free time on their hands.
..... Thats the main reason I left aol
1. the assholes on there and the death threats being made towards me
2. the weird emails asking IS THIS TRUE?
3. Its nothing but a bunch of script kiddies on there now
I am much happier updating my blog via IE and getting alerts from my blogs sent to YAHOO MAIL which is what I use now
I wouldnt have ANY THING of going back to CRAPOL!
OMG...where did you get that picture of me in my fur and pearls! LMAO!
This seems to be such a common problem in JLand...I just don't get it. Good for you to get your rant out, now it is out of you and you can relax and just let it go. :)
This is unreal....they need to give it a rest...I wish they had just
1/10th of my problems and then they would not have the time to sit and think of ways to bitch.
love ya,
I sooo know what you are talking about! I am STILL having the same problem with my so called "problemed" person! I have someone staying here and they just so happened to read journals to keep them busy...just so happend to be reading "theirs" noticed a difference, made a comment and then "they" ASSUMED it was ME!!! I'm sorry, but on aol you can have more then 1 screen name! I'm am sooo effing tired of the bull myself and it's never ending on my side eiher! I am so tired of it! Then this so called "perfect" person emailed them a nasty letter, which was sent to me and I still have, claming that she WILL take all of my friends away from me because I'm a fake!!!! Really???? How??? Why??? Because I have another screen name for someone else to use on my own account?! And why does that concern her? And she says it's over? Uh huh! Sure it is! Believe me Donna...I understand! And aol won't do anything about it either!
Oh brother!! Someone needs to grow up a little.. She apparently is both starved for attention, and in need of some mental help. All you can do is delete, and let the troll have her pitiful fun.. So sad! Julie
Where do these people come from??? Don't let it bug you or keep you from blogging! If I'd let blog gremlins get to me I would have deleted my journal two years ago.
Awwwwwwww Donna - poor you!!! What a stupid and sad lonely person they must be!! They havent got anything better to do!! Just ignore it all hun and delete, delete, delete - its just words!! We know WHO YOU ARE - we LOVE YOU and thats all that matters!! Dont waste time worrying about what that person thinks!! They aint worth it hun!!! Love you!!!!!! Laine xxxxxxxxxx
I have only ever had one negative comment in my journal and that was before I had any readers apart from family and friends. I deleted it there and then. I knew who the writer was, fortunately, and I believe it was jealousy of a friendship we both shared. I looked at that friendship and made slight adjustments which benefited us both. I then began to reach out to other AOL journalers and found a lot of wonderful likeminded people. We are a decent group of people who get enjoyment out of getting to know each other. I think we can all recognise the 'Nutters' when we read/ see them and discount them straight away. After all...they are only words from 'snakes in the grass'. My lurker did me a favour in the long run....I found a lot of lovely Jland friends. Perhaps this person should look for the good in people and it might just rub off onto them? I hope so! Please don't give this person anymore of your minds energy. Dismiss it as quickly as it can be deleted.
I'm still waiting for a 'Happy Ending To Bob The Builder's! Keep looking for him.......xx Jeanie
OH MY GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!! I happen to know as one who had thier teeth pulled due to over use of meds as a child that NO ONE would make thisu p . I hated my teeth all my life and th epain and trauma well its nothing you would want to make up . as far as the pics yeah not that you arent preetty But yes you would sure find a wonderful size 0 with a fake EDITED face to fix you up to look like a barbie doll Im sure. Yeah um why make up your sister is sick since your not askin gfor money at all. There is no profit in the story.
well as far as graphics we all make mistakes...... Im glad yours did not cuase injury to another!!!!!! As for the last one I hAVE seen your graphic around J land. In peoples journals whom I know exist and have for a long time. and the bob the builder story............ well if you made it up or not (and I dont believe you did there ARE SOME fun loving people out there who would do that) is not my concern. If you did its no harm to me and if you didnt then how wonderful to spread some good humor out in the world. Heck either way the story was entertaining. NOPE I SAY DONT GO AWAY it apperantly is bugging them more than it is you!!!!!! HA!!!!!
Please don't let her get the better of you, we don't mind you letting of steam in whatever language you choose to use, we would rather you do that than to lose your journal through her. I suppose we should feel sorry for her but it does get more difficult the longer it goes on, she must have a very tormented mind.They say a problem shared is a problem halved so hopefully you will feel better now you have shared, Love Pat x
Lol what a sad bitch she is and what a wonderful imagination you must have to think up these lies Donna lol. Bet you made up the one about the moon and venus too lol as she probably didn't get to see it. Me thinks someone needs to get a life and that someone aint you friend.
Some people need to get a life and you aren't one of them! Linda
Honey, this happens to all of us at one point or another online. It;s something ya just have to let roll off your back & ignore. By getting upset & acknowleging what this person is doing she feels superier because guess who is talking about her? She just isn't worth your journal space. Hugs. Emmi
This is beyond belief.I am livid at these remarks you have been getting. Sorry about this Donna but I loved your answers LOL!! Thats it girl you sock it to whoever this may be.And if you are reading this comment whoever you are.I know BOB he is my brother ROFPMSL Haaaaaa.Take Care God Bless Kath
Astoriasand htttp:// MYSIMPLERHYMES
How sad. Someone doesn't have a life so they have to make yours miserable. I am so sorry that this is happening to you Donna. Tawnya
We know the truth, so don't let this person get to you. It is rather sad and pathetic that whoever is doing this just keeps coming back. Perhaps they just like pushing people's buttons. I don't know, but nobody desrves to be treated like this and it is a real shame that it is happening right here in our J-Land community.
I guess the person/persons giving you this crap has no life of their own and gets their jollies harrassing you. Donna don't worry about them. They are nothing and they prove that with their emails. You are an artist, and have soooooooooo many of us who love your master pieces. You have perfected the world of graphics. And I for one am very proud to display your masterpieces in my journal. ((((((((hugs)))))))
Love ya girlfriend,
I am so sorry this person has NO LIFE of their own...very sad. To say all those things...were terrible. I want to say that when I come here, I truly enjoy reading all about the things that go on in your life. No telling what this person would say if she or he read my journal...LOL Hey, but at least we have a life...exciting life too, I might add. Hang in tell it like it is...and keep doing it!
Hugs and much love,
So on the one side you've got a this one person with no mind, only other's business to mind.....and then on the other side you've got a JLand boatload of others who know better. Easy to see what outweighs whom. If it were me, as soon as I realized it was the troll, I'd just delete and move on. She/he just may be thriving on the why give them place in your journal. Though "drama" does make for interesting reading. lol
I am so sorry you are getting this yet again.I just can not put into words how upset i am for you. Your a wonderful kind caring lady who loves her family. How these person/s sleep at night is behond me. Keep strong you rock girl
love and hugs
I can't say I'm surprised. Most people are so jealous of what talent others have. Sad really. I've watched people lose their entire journals over such meanness. You just keep on keeping on. Crazy people.
Just when you think it ends...
Well D, you're a strong woman and I think you're handling this quite well. And if they expect to get some kind of gratification out of doing this to you, they're an idiot. Also, they obviously don't realize what a strong fan base you have behind you. We all know and love you, so they can go away. If they got something to say, send em to me. They won't be talkin long, lol.
PS-- I know this is a serious matter, but LOL to "You think if I was going to pretend to be someone else I wouldn't post some hot skinny chick?"
Oh my.
Somehow I suspect I know who you're talking about as I've recently had some issues myself with this person.
I was dumbfounded last night, as I don't know this person at all....yet I was treated quite poorly.
But, what can ya do?
I just chose to laugh it off and ignore the immaturity of it all.
I'm just very sorry you're having to go through this. It's a shame one sour grape must ruin things for so many others.
And I was just telling Britt what a wonderful, down-to-earth person you seem to be. I'm very glad to have found you.
Keep your chin up. :)
Sad, Sad, Sad that someone could do this! keep your chin up they will get tired at some point hopefully.
bella x
Can't you direct the nutter over to my journal. They are always welcome.
Nothing like faking a good ol` mouth surgery to get attention, huh?! Give me a break!
Hang in there
No need to apologize for the language....I would
be saying much Don't you go anywhere know we would just follow ya =)~
D, I am sorry I'm so late commenting here it's been a wild couple of days. I would say ignore it, but I know you've ignored it for sometime. Don't worry about the language and you owe no one an apology. This person needs a life. Something to occupy her time. You could put a positive spin and feel honored that she hates you so much yet she can't stay away. Your graphics, words, style, and personality just draw people in, only difference is 99.9999999% adore you. I think down deep she probably does to, she just started something and her sick mind won't let stop. I think there are meds for that. Keep your chin high everyone knows. The hatred she shows, the lies, and immaturity makes her look foolish. You're a good person, stay the course.
Too bad you can't send that little freak a virtual slap right through your computer! I just recently started reading this blog so I was unaware this was happening to you, but girl, I know what you are going through. I call my hate mail "Love Notes" on my J.
Kudos to you for this post and venting. Let it all out and don't apologize about the language. We all gotta vent sometimes. Thing is it sounds like your "stalker" is doing this just to GET attention, now that's sad. Sorry to read what you've been through.
I suppose with recognition comes this sort of thing, but it can't be fun. Too bad. Well, at least you pretty much know the trademark of the one who does this kind of thinking. And can delete fast. I remember I used to delete tons of stuff that came in on Pierre's computer, zip, zip, because he had accessed porn sites. He had quit but they didn't. Ugh. Using energy for negativity seems like such a waste. Gerry
Donna, this person isn't even worth responding to or giving the time of day to. This is what he/she wants. We don't believe a thing he says. No, WE in JLand do not believe you make things up. And that is what is important. Just forget about this person. No, I don't believe there will ever come a day in JLand where you will be considered the big bad person in JLand, and that JLanders will believe things about you that aren't true (that this person is making up). We know you better than that. We know that he is making up all this stuff about you to just get you upset. So I do hope that you just ignjore him, b/c the more you ignore him, the quicker he will go away. Okay, just wanted to let you know that we trust you and believe you. Love you, Babe,
Donna look at the amount of comments you have here ,we are not all wrong ,or made up ! ignore her ,she's not even on the same orbit as you Jan xx
We love you Donna, don't worry about what the others say! Linda
I hate to say it, but I think this stalker of yours feeds off of your misery. Unfortunately there are sickos everywhere, and you found one. Or should I say one found you. Hope everything works out for the better. Take care.
i dont have a journal land stocker but i had a clone in my chat room who spend months harassing me and lying about me. I found to totally ignore this and never respond to anything they say helped immeasurably. It is very difficult to ignore this kind of abuse, though and I understand your feelings completely. I hope this will stop soon for you. I thoroughly enjoy your graphics you entries and applaud you for your views, god bless.
Apologies for being so late getting to journals......well all i have to say is ....... If its all lies ....then i am hapy reading and believing them :O))
Always has to be one a*sehole out there....saying that on AOHell i have come across a few.
Obviously they lead such a sheltered, lonely,desperate life that they find the need to try and unload some of their desperation on others.
Karma comes to mind :o)
Hugs Jayne
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