I'll start by saying here I sat last night watching the hockey game. I heard a grunt/whistle type noise at my front window. I got up and looked and it was my nephew. He asked what time his mother worked 'til. I really had no idea but it was about 9:15 and she is usually home before 10. I asked him if he was coming in and he replied, 'No, I'm walking down to my friends.' I had no idea he even had a friend that lived nearby but was surprised he was going to walk. 'Exercise, you know' Is what he said. So I left it at that and went back to my chair and watched the game. It was a good while later that I sneezed and I heard him say 'bless you'. I laughed and said, 'thought you were going to your friends, why not come in?' I didn't get a reply this time nor did the door open. So I got up and looked and he was gone, truck and all. I shrugged it off and when his Mom got home I told her. Neither of us understood what was going on, but we let it go.
Fast forward to today. I was sitting here playing with the Caron Vinson graphic, trying to get the effect the way I wanted. It is snaggable, as is, by the way. I was planning a nice calm entry for this evening. Boy how quickly things change! I heard the front door open and then the living room door. It was my nephew. Same 'ole greeting, 'hey what's up?' Well, the response I got was not at all what I expected. He basically went off on me for not letting him in last night. HUH? I said, 'you never said the door was locked.' He replied with several obscenities. Saying basically I let him sit outside for all that time and wouldn't get up to let him in. I tried to stay calm, 'look your Mom has been here almost 3 years, I've never not let you in, nor have I ever just ignored you when the door was locked, if you did say it was locked I didn't hear you, why didn't you say it again. You had no problem carrying on a conversation with me through the window.' More obscenities and several choice names. I told him to get out. He told me 'NO!' This is the same nephew who a while back showed so little respect towards me and my things. Some things never change, but I had it. I told him again to get out that he is not welcome in my home if he can't respect me. He refused again ranting about it being his Mother's house and her paying. Well that kind of explains that. She does live here and has for almost 3 years. I've been here for a good 15. She pays the cable bill and helps with groceries and household chores. She does do most of the cooking. But pay? No, not even half. That is not my complaint. She is my sister and needed help, and I had the room. What gets my goat is how he thinks because she lives here he has the run of the place. WRONG!! If she lived with anyone else he would not be able to come and go as he pleases, he wouldn't sit in the house for hours while she wasn't home.. if she paid or not. So he feels because she lives here (and he thinks she pays) that he can just come in and walk all over me. I was livid. She did come out of her room and told him to leave. He stormed off calling me every name in the book. I was in tears and shaking. I just looked at her and 'said I'm sorry, but he has no respect for anyone most of all himself.' There was more to our conversation, and I won't bore you with it. I just don't get why a young adult who has it made is so miserable and treats so many like he does. I am not the only one. 'It's just him' is not good enough. The rest of the evening was pretty quiet. About 30 minutes after the phone rings, and I will give you one guess as to who it was for. WTH!?!?! He has a cell phone, why is he giving this number out to friends to get a hold of him? So I can take messages for him? So his mother can? NOT!!!
So to calm down I did another graphic. Just shut all the other nonsense out. I was called every kind of bitch you could imagine today, under cover was not one however. Wasn't going to do a tag request so close to my last one, but what the hell. LOL So if you're an under cover bitch and want your name on it let me know.

:::sigh::: I think I'm a bit calmer now. Sorry for the rant, just had to get it out. I hope everyone is having a great day and I wish you all a great hump day.
I think the moon must e in a crazy phaze...or something...thngs seem to be going crappy here right now too...:-)
love ya,
Sorry about your nephew Donna ...I have one the same way.
May I have "under cover bitch" with the following names
Tara Leigh
Thank you kindly and hope you have a better Wednesday.
D, I am so sorry. It sounds like your nephew needs a swift kick in the ass. I'm sorry but that just is not right. Regardless of the living arrangements he needs to have respect, you're his Aunt. Young kids or young adults have no respect for anything. How many times I've seen or heard similar things. Mom's always to the rescue. With a 'it's just him' response counseling of sorts is most likely out of the question. I wish parents would see taking care of young adults is not helping them, it enables them. I do hope things get better. Do me one favor, don't believe for one second you're a bitch, you're not.
Wow...not again...what a big pain in the butt! Kinda scary too...better be careful! Prayers for all! Hugs,TerryAnn
Sounds like someone needs a wake up call and a few home truths telling to him. So many younger people feel they have the right to walk all over people these days, they talk of respect but have no idea how to show it or earn it. It is a sad sad world we live in. Love the graphics.
Oh Donna,I remember when he caused you all the trouble before ,how awful for you and his Mum ,cant she reason with him ? Sounds as though he thinks the world owes him a living ...love Jan xx,
Donna I was so sad to hear about how your Nephew treated you ~ I think I would get a restraining order against him ~ as he is so disrespectful and by the sound of him he could be violent ~ he has no right to walk into your home just because his Mother (your Sister) is living with you ~ you take care of yourself ~ Ally x
Sorry you are going through it with your nephew again. I do hope his mother sets him straight about all of this. You should not have to put up with that kind of behaviour.
Grrrrrrrrrrr! I can think of a few choice words but I wouldn't want YOU to get TOS'd!
He owes you an apology....for sure. Hope he gets his act together...and more. So sorry you had to go through this...you are so kind to your sister...and family.
Hope your day, goes well. Many hugs and love,
OMG!! D-that is so wrong...WTH was he thinking...well maybe he wasn't. I would NOT let him back in that's for sure. I once would not let my FIL in our house for over 6 months because of something he said.
Sorry he was not nice and verbally mean...I do hope your day is better today (6-6)
Not to take up for the boy, but he must be one pretty miserable chap to be treating others that way. Probably doesn't even like himself. Too bad he upset you like that, though, and in your own home. (Kinda puts Sister in an awkward-feeling position, doesn't it? But this, too, shall pass. Hang in there.
Donna~If I were you, I'd tell my sister that from now on, you INSIST that he CALL and ask pemission before he comes over...and that's IF you even allow him to come over again. I think I would make that contingent upon his APOLOGIZING to you....OR he is NOT WELCOME IN YOUR HOME AGAIN! You have to DEMAND the respect NOW or it's going to get even worse. And I, too, must have missed how old he is. This is really important, Donna. I can't stress the importance of you doing this too much! This could escalate into a violent situation and I really fear for your safety and well-being. Kids like this one get revenge. He sounds like he might even get a couple of buddies to do it for him. Act quickly~and if he doesn't turn around, get a restraining order. This isn't anything to fool around with. He really sounds a little disturbed~and I'm sorry to ask this, but is his Mom a bit of an enabler? What I mean by that is, does she let him get away with things that she shouldn't? Because that won't help matters AT ALL~she needs to back YOU up! This is not an order from me, Donna~it's just unsolicited (sorry) advice from someone who really cares about you. End of sermon. Excuse me while I step down off my soap box~LOL!
Oh...and I love the tag. May I please have it in the names "Cynde" & "Allie" and could you please "attach" them for me? Thanks a lot, Donna!
Oh I think you were perefectly right. and for somereaosn kids now days seem to thik that they are owed things and it really comes from public schools. I get it all the time I see it all the time. They teach what is owed to you. mom whe she worked at Markey kids came in telling her what she owed them for them to work at that place. Its not like back in the 70's when you started out knowing you were on the bottom totem pole and realizing you have to proove yourself. todds oldes boy expects todd to get him a job making what he makes all becuse of the name. Now not all kids do this but so many take to the theory that when the schools telll them get an education to make money and you will do well and you go in the work place and tell them you this you that. that they will get it. Todd told his son look you got to learn the business and though he doesnt have a HS diploma he thinks he can walk in becuase the state says you are entitled. you can sue for this and that. its just too messed up now days. some kids take it too far
I am so sorry you had to deal with that! :(
I am sat here reading what you have wrote and i just dont believe how this boy can treat you this way. Your his aunt for goodness sake, he needs his arse tanning.
sorry you had to listen to a mouthy kid!!!!
love and hugs
Never ever should you have to deal with such BS in your own home and i hope he never comes back there again..he needs his ass kicked. You are a really wonderful person ,all around. I love you,lisa jo
hmmmm hun Im so so sorry - what is he up to? So strange that he sat outside for so long and then to have a go at you - not nice. Im sorry to hear you had to put up with all that. Love Laine xx
Not very nice, Donna. Hope today was better.
Hi Mary Beth (lol),
Ooh, what a weird entry.
The part where you sneezed and then heard 'Bless you' through the window FREAKED ME OUT completely! I would've shit myself right there and then! lol!
Seriously, I dunno what to say, apart from that guy needs to show some respect (no offence)!
Love the tags. I'm so glad you do them again! It's just not the same without them.
Love ya
Boy, what a messed up boy. I surely hope your hump day was a great one....and the rest of the week will be smooth.
I am under cover.... so, please make me a tag with Maria. Thanks bunches. Hugs, Maria
So sorry you are going though all this with your nephew. I love the undercover bitch tag though so can I have it with Linda on it? THanks Linda
Your right, he doesn't even like himself and this is his way of venting. Bad choice. He'll be left with nothing at an early age. I feel so sorry for you. He is that one person who just makes you miserable. He's toxic. Is it time for your sister to move yet? Then she can deal with him. Maybe they should move in together. He needs guidance. Just a thought. :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
I don't know about being under cover, but I have been told on occassion that I am a bitch, lol. So may I have one please? I think maybe it would be a good idea if your sister told her son not to come around anymore. If he wants to see her then can meet somewhere. That is your home, you make the rules. And you can rant anytime you want. We're always here for you. (((((((((hugs))))))))))))
Can I have the undercover bitch tag please with Jenny on it?? Thank you very much x
Ooohoohooh...can I get Undercover Bitch with Kristina on it?
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