How lucky am I? Well, no sooner did I mention the kids and swimming my make believe family on line posted pictures for me to steal and claim as my own. ROFL!!!! Seriously, for those that don't know these are my nieces children. Meet my great niece 'bug.' I call her that because she is as cute as one, and her big brother Gage. These children have a way of brightening even my darkest day. I adore and spoil both of them. One advantage of being the Great Aunt is I can give them back when I'm tired. ::grin:: These pictures are from the other night. As you can see 'bug' was having fun making faces at the camera. She went thru a stage of posing, then not wanting to look at the camera, now she is becoming a ham. Hmmmm... could it be because I bribe her? Ummm probably, eh? How can you not love that face? Makes me want to just kiss her and snuggle. Gage, well he is getting so grown up and from the looks here he takes his swimming seriously. Remember when I said I bought them stuff for the pool? The goggles he is wearing is one of the items. He wears them in and out of the pool. Such a hoot!!! They are a hit tho, and these will stay at Great Grandma's and Papa Pal's so he will always have them. I love the diving pose. Too funny, because he ends up more jumping then diving but he tries and keeps working at it. One of these days he is going to shock the hell out of us and him and actually do it. He has become a great swimmer. No fear from either of them.

Dentist appointment this morning went great. It was pretty quick, but what they use to take the impressions tasted like shit! In the past it wasn't bad, but this was a bit different. Apparently to get a better fit. The fit I have now is not to horrible, so if it's better I will be stoked. I left the office and headed home to play for a bit before going into work. As I passed a grocery store I decided to stop in and pick a few things up. I had time. I walked in and right there at the beginning of the produce department was a bowl of cut fruit. The smell tickled my nose and my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten and it looked and smelled like the perfect thing to hit the spot. I grabbed one along with a wonderful fruit dip. I grabbed the rest of my items and headed out. On the way home I decided I'd take the fruit to work. We had a department meeting at 2. Sounded like a great treat on a hot day. It was a huge hit, and rather refreshing. I was a bit surprised at how much was there. We all pigged out and I still had a good portion to bring home. Guess what I will be taking for lunch tomorrow? Yeap, that's right, peanut butter and jelly. LOL Ahhh I crack me up. :)~ *see below*
Tomorrow should be a good day. I have an appointment with one of my clients in Rachacha (Rochester) me and a co-worker will leave the office about 9:30 have our meeting, do some training on our system, get lunch and head back. Day should fly!! Lets hope it goes as planned with no unexpected glitches. The company we are going to has a business casual dress code, as we do, but I think a skirt will be more professional. Don't want to over do it with a suit, besides it is to freakin hot! With all that said, tonight after dinner I went out and cleaned my car. OMG!!! What an eye sore! LOL I had no idea how bad the back seat looked. It's not like I'm back there :::giggle::: but it looks good and smells nice. I should have done it sooner after winter but I was a lazy ass. Aaahh, it's done now. I think over the weekend I will pull off the stickers I have supporting my boys. They are the old logo and I definitely need to get with the program there.
Speaking of the boys, I'm getting a bit antsy with off season signings. We still have both our co-captains unsigned and facing unrestricted free agency on July 1. Basically what that means is they can go to any team they want. You usually hear the company line, it's not about money, I want to stay, blah blah blah... but as soon as a team offers them 8 Million for the next 5 years that all goes out the window. I'm not sure we can keep them at that price, not both anyway. I am, however, hoping the GM can pull off some magic. Keep your fingers crossed. The change I'd like to see is a couple stud defensemen and a big offensive player that will hit. Our speed and finesse was great during the season. We stayed in first place the entire time, but in the playoffs we needed some bigger bodies.
Just a little clarification on my previous entry. It does not mean I support this war. I'd much rather see our men and women home, but they aren't and while they are doing their job I will support them. 100%
I'm off to bed. Hope everyone had a great day and I wish you a wonderful Thursday. Before I go, a little snag for all of you. You guys rock!
Geeeeeeeze forgive the font change in the middle there. Even tho I did those settings before adding graphics AOL decided to give that section a new look. Go figure. When I go to edit it is all the same and even trying to change it doesn't fix it. GRRRRR

Wonderful pics...I can see why you're proud!!
And yes, that impression stuff tastes like alcoholic poop.
The pictures are fantastic,beautiful brown eyed girl Bug is.LOL! Gage reminds me of how my grandson first learned to dive.Good grief he would stand just like that then flop in smack flat on his belly LOL!! What a smack the water used to make we used to cringe.They realy do look to be enjoying every minute which is how I love to see kids.Love the goggles LOL!!Glad the dentist went ok!!Good on you for cleaning the car and the fruit sounded Yummy.Have a great Thursday thanx for sharing the pics they are wonderful.Take Care God Bless Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Love the pix! Hugs,TerryAnn
Great pics of Bug and Gage! I'm glad you had a good appointment with the dentist. How do cars get in such a mess?! They all do it don't they? Have a good trip to Rochester, hope it's not too hot for you while you're travelling. Jeannette xx
ah love the pics Hope you wil share pics of your new teeth they give you. boy you sure have been busy. the fruit sounds wonderful I want some good pineapple
love the picks of your imaginary family. Fruit sounds good too lol.
colourful graphics...interesting kids..nice works created..i enjoy viewing :)
Bug and Gage are delightful,I love to see the little ones play ,they look so happy ,Your fruit sounds delicious ,hope the meeting goes well ....love Jan x
Fantastic collages, The fruit sounds good, bet you were employee of the day. Love Pat x
Liar, Liar pants on fire! I'm coming out there to check on you and see if you are lying. Its only a 6 hr drive. I'm packing my bags.... Linda
One thing i will never get fed up of is seeing photos of Gage and Bug. Both kids are adorable. Bug is going to be one bonny kid when she grows up. I am sure you will know by now about your Ste. Loss of power to thousands of homes in Sheffield will be the reason you have heard nothing, im sure they are safe and well.
Love and hugs
Your Digital Scrapping Is GEOREOUS! As well as the Subjects in them :)
AOL is so wacky sometimes...i get font size and type changes in the middle of my entries sometimes as well LOL.
Speaking of dentists...i need to make an appointment for myself...havne't been in about 3 years...Thats bad!
You sure can tell you love those children! Because of your awesome talent, they will always have this to remember these times! Hope your day is a happy one ~ Take care and thanks for the snag!
I can see why you call her bug. She is a cutie! And Gage is too funny with his diving pose!
happy life hehe
Great pictures! Your 'make believe' family is simply gorgeous! :)
Love the pics....Bug and Gage are adorable!
Ahhhh, I cannot wait till our pool is ready!
This weekend hopefully <crossing fingers>
Awwwwwwww your pics are great hun!!! Love seeing the pics of Gage and Bug - they truly are dear looking kids! Bless em!!! Love Laine xxxx
Cute pics! They look like they are having a blast!
Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Maria
i love the pics of Gage and Bug. So cute. I hope work goes well for you tomorrow...i bet your coworkers were so happy to see you bring free food! love,lisa jo
Those two kids, Bug and Gage, have been wonderful subjects for your camera. I always enjoy seeing pics of them. And all decorated up. They must like that. Gerry
D, the pictures are fabulous! Such adorable children and your love for them is evident. Glad the dentist went well.
that's true! snagged it too..very cute!!
Oh the kids are so cute! I love summer and I love those happy faces. That was a newsy post lady!
D...... Sorr i am wayyyyy behind.
The kids are beautiful........ had to laugh about being able to give them back....but i know the feeling
Hugs Jayne
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