Hello!! I couldn't think of a title, so I'm leaving it blank. Hope everyone is doing great today. Thanks for all the sweet comments and words of support. For the amount of crap I get I am pretty good with ignoring it. I know I should ignore all of it, but yesterday it just rubbed me the wrong way and I let it get to me. Again, sorry.
Today was nuts. Work was busy as I was trying to catch up. I am taking a half day tomorrow to go to that fake dentist appointment. I couldn't get my usual 'first appointment of the day' and it's at 10. I'm a good half hour away while at work so I decided to just stay home and go in right after. Ok, busted. Since I'm making it all up I decided 10 would add some pizzazz :)~ In all seriousness I am going through the final stages. I can't believe it's been 6 months. Originally they thought it would be closer to a year, but I've healed great and they don't see the need to wait any longer. Yeah!! Three more appointments and I'm good to go.
Got home to a ton of mail. I think I bit off more then I can chew (no pun intended with the dentist appointment) with all the groups I'm in. I think I will have to dump a few, but I'm a tube/graphic whore and I hate to miss any of them. I'd have deleted tonight but I was doing laundry so it wasn't like I was in a hurry to go any place. I also had a ton of tag requests. I am current with them so if by chance I missed you let me know. It was not intentional.
Last evening right after work I went to my parents with the make believe kids. I have some cute shots of 'bug' but I didn't feel like playing with them tonite. I have to figure out a way to get me out of the shots. You know, it doesn't match the make believe picture I posted before. LOL Actually, I am in my swimsuit and there is NO WAY in hell I will put that up. I have rules and boundaries. Don't ask! Did play with a few graphics, so feel free to snag.
I'm off to bed. Hope everyone had a great day and I wish you a wonderful hump day.
Ohhhhhhh I just reread this and I'm a bit sarcastic, eh? Must be the heat. It was 90+ today. Yeah that's it, it's the heat. :)~

HAHAHA I like the sarcastic tone. Pretty funny if you ask me. Glad you're back. Hey, I like that Mick graphic.
Oh the dang drama...I don't know about some people...When I get one acting all mad at me over something and I have no idea what for it just baffles me..I am like you as far as like me if ya want or hate me at this point in my life I just don't have the energey to care if they are all anal over something that I have no idea why or what I might have done to them....Hope that it ends for you some day..have a good week! Hugs,TerryAnn
I make a living by being sarcastic -- don't knock it!! ;)
Loved the Mickey graphic, I snagged it for one of my little ones and the gardening one for me.
No problem with the sarcasm, it' the heat right? lol.
Hi Donna, sorry your having issues again. I am too. Only thing it's with a SIL who just loves being a snit and causing drama. And yes, best thing to do is ignore it but sometimes its easier said, then done. Sucks more when its family too. Ive tried so hard with her & she just likes the fight. So I'm sorry. Good job on the tags! Ttyl & hang in there.
- Jessica
This posting was so funny LOL!! Love the snag,thanx a million.Though with all the floods doubt if any of us will be doing much of this kind of work Grr so sad.Keep up the good work.Hope the dentist appointment goes fine.Well thats if you have one Haaaaa ROFPMSL Must join in with a little of your humour I LOVE IT.Two Motherhens together.I was christened this yrs ago by my kids LOL!! My partner is Roger the Rooster and it just stuck.Everyone knows us by these names.Haaaa.Take Care God Bless.Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand.MYSIMPLERHYMES
Good luck with the make believe dentists appointment for your make believe teeth! Glad you had a good time with your make believe relatives. I bet you don't really make all those graphics yourself either, you have make believe elves who do it! Love Mickey and his Wurlitzer! Jeannette xx
LOL have a good wednesday my imaginary friend.
it is good to be sarcastic at times. Yeah its good to be be healing and feeling like these are yours not some foriegn object in your mouth isnt it.
sounds like you had a great day and now and then it is okay to let things get to you as you got to let it out sometime!!!!!
LOL, we want to see you in your bathing suit! Or do you have a model posing for that too? Linda
What? No swimsuit shot? What kind of journal are you running here, anyway? (WINK)
who cares what anyone says about you in a swimsuit....if only they could look as damn good as you, i say.
Enjoy that dentist appt...enjoy your day. It is SO humid in Ohio today!
I hope the fake dentists appt goes well, lol. Good for you only having 3 visits left. So what bombshell is wearing the swimsuit? Oh wait, it's you!! I think your beautiful, fake photo and all, lol. Ok seriously, have a great day. (((((((hugs))))
Love ya,
I don't think that apologies are necessary when it comes to rants. That's what these journals are for, right?! I call it brain drain.
It is super hot here but we are fixin' to get a break by Friday.
This is your space so you can say whatever ya like. If people don't like it then they can X out of it. It always feels better to destress, writing it out is always easiest. Don't apologize though ... Hugs! Emmi
There are so many times that I put too many PSP groups on my plate than i can handle...My Eyes get bigger than my mailbox LOL....I want it ALL!!!! LOL...and i have to end up dumping a few. It happens Alot LOL.
Suuure, blame the heat. Mm hmm. lol good that you're not letting any of this get ya down though. Like I said, these people need to get a life. And there's no reason in the world for you to apologize to us. We've got your back (not to mention it's your journal and you can rant and rave all you want).
Have... fun... at the dentist and enjoy your day!
LOL...you crack me up.
And I think you're entitled to a little sarcasm, don't you? ;)
Gotta be sarcastic in life now a days....
I started out that way before 7am at
work this morning...what a day! lol
I hope your dentist appt. goes well,
wow 6 months already!!!
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