LMAO!!!! Well, going into work today was a bit interesting. Yes, of course I was somewhat ready for my new found friend, but I was also a bit embarrassed about yesterdays duet. As I made my way on the ramp to go near the construction area I was caught in the outside lane and could not move over. I slowed a bit, but it wasn't going to happen. The workers were on the other side of the road and I was in the furthest lane from them. DAMN IT! :::giggle::: I scoped the workers for 'Bob the Builder', but to be honest I couldn't see him. I had U-2 on and though it was a bit loud it was no where near the volume I had it yesterday. I thought about cranking it a bit more to see if I could catch a head move, a glance my way, but traffic was moving at a much faster pace and I just said screw it. Maybe tomorrow I will make an effort to get closer to the workers, but I think my experience with 'Bob' is a one morning stand. LOL It appears they are working around the clock, and the work is almost done. Most likely they will be gone by Monday. :::shrug::: oh well, it was a great experience that showed me I may be old but I'm not a wet blanket. I do still have a silly sense of humor. ::wink:: I will keep you posted.
The rest of the day was good, but I'm tired. I appreciate the comments, you all had me laughing. Thanks! Hope everyone had a good day.

ah I hoep you get ON Emore bob the builder time just one!!!!!!!!!
LOL. love the tags .
See now I have to go back a few entries tomorrow before I go to work to see what I missed! It sounds like a funny story that I need to hear!
Kansas City has no hot construction workers! They are all lazy slobs who just love making my commute a lving hell!!!!! grrr
When you WANT them to stay longer, they don't!!! Most of the time, I want them DONE ALREADY, and they stay FOREVER!!!
Shame you didn't catch anyone yesterday sounded fun. I love winding people up when I'm driving me and my mate would drive through Cambridge city centre and honk at people and wave like they were long lost friends then laugh as we watched them wave back with that oh my god who is that look on their faces, as the ads say priceless. lol.
Pity you work Donna,you could maybe then have taken a ride at another time of day to see the Hunk LOL!!Lets say whilst on there lunch hour as our builders have here in England.When I was single I met a guy in a similar way.Building houses opposite the office I worked in.We used to go to the local bar for our lunch(us girls) and all the builders used to come in LOL!!I did manage to get on with him and have a few dates,but it never worked out (shucks) boo-hoo..He WAS one of my old flames I will never forget though.LOL.What were you playing when you passed yesterday,WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. I think we must have the same taste in music.This home of mine is filled with my partners U2 music LOL.Take Care God Bless Have a great Friday.Hope you see him today LOL.
Kath Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Thats funny! Too bad he wasn't there. Linda
www, to bad he wasn't there. Love the Bob the Builder tag. Emmi
aaawww man! I was rooting for you the whole time! :o) Lets hope for a delay! :o) lol :o)
Too bad you missed him. Maybe another day you will get lucky. Helen
well darn, i was hoping you'd get to give him that card. Your not old, your beautiful. Maybe Bob the Builder is looking for you. ((((((((((hugs))))))))
Oh look we are all disapointed lol ,hope they arent finished yet ...love Jan xx
i always love your rain tags, gorgeous. I love it that you named him Bob the Builder. Dont lose hope....i am going to pray you see him again...keep all music cranked just in case! LOL
Always cool, coming by here. Can't wait to hear the next installment update! LOL
Have a great weekend, hugs and love,
Oh Gosh!
I sure do hope you see Bob the Builder at least
one more time so u can give him your business card..HAHAHA!
and have time to snap a pic of him for us... =)~
If not...oh well...what a good one morning stand that was!!!!
hehehe....too funny!
D, I told you I had to go out of town. wink wink. Seriously, sorry you missed him. Well, I am sort of. hehehehe
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