Today turned out to be a great day. Very productive and the sun was shining. I got up early even though I did not have to go into work. My plan was to get up and move early. It didn't turn out quite that way. I logged on thinking I would do an early morning post, but I had so much mail I never got that far. I got through all of my mail and it was so nice to have 0 to read. No alerts, no comments, no tubes, nothing. I did my replies and visited the alerts. It felt so good to do that too. I've been reading but not commenting as much as I'd like lately. I didn't comment on each, if I did that I would have gotten nothing done. If I missed you, I'm sorry but know I am reading :)
I did get the closet cleaned up. It was the closet in Steve's old room. It was full of lots of different things from his 'life.' Old trophies from sports he played, so many for football. Brought back so many joyous memories. A time of innocence. Old shoes, footballs, golf clubs, hockey sticks, sleeping bags. You name it was in there. It's all nice and neat and I was able to get other things laying around put away in there. He also left me a wonderful present. A laundry basket that had dirty clothes. It was obviously filled with clothes he doesn't wear or forgot he had. He has more clothes than anyone I know!!! Needless to say, I was doing my laundry anyway so I did all that too. It was nice to have everything folded neatly and ready to go to his house. My room got cleaned too. It just had clutter laying around that needed to be put in its rightful spot. Did my bedding and as I was making it back up I could smell the cleanliness. I put my head down and wanted so bad to take a snooze. So fresh and clean and it was trying to put me in a trance. I won out!
I also cleaned up the computer. I had no idea how much graphic supplies I had. I burned to a disc and deleted. Ran defrag, virus scan, and also spyware scan. I was clean. ::giggle:: and it felt so good. I am also running smoother and faster. I have to remember to clear out the PSP files more often. They tend to be on the larger side and take up so much room. I have a huge hard drive, but still I needed them off here. Might take me a bit longer to find the things I need going to disc, but it will definitely be worth it.
Steve and I did do dinner tonight. We had Applebee's, but ate early. He has to work at 11 and wanted to eat and have everything digested before going in. We did curbside, carside, or whatever they call it. So nice to get it to go and eat at your own kitchen table. We chatted back and forth and had a nice time. I was a bit surprised at how long he actually stayed, he was here for several hours. He did take some of his things home, and that is a good thing! Not all the trophies but the clothes are gone. Who wants to bet they stay folded in that hamper until he wears them??
Oh, don't kid yourself I only won out on the trance for a bit. I finished up what I wanted and did get a little nap. It was nice to lay in bed and let my head sink into the pillows and have the clean smell engulf me. Can you say dryer sheets? LOL
This is one of the graphics I worked on last night. I absolutely love the way it came out. The water and sky are from a picture I took awhile back up in Ogdensburg, NY. It's a small town/city on the St. Lawrence River just past Alexandria Bay or the Thousand Islands. The sunsets on the river are unbelievable and the colors they produce vibrant and clear. I added the beach chairs and the additional palm trees. I thought the 'glitter' on the tree in the forefront added a unique touch. A fitting graphic for a wonderful day. The sun was bright today and felt warm through the windows. The temps only got to the mid 40s, but it is getting there. I do believe spring is finally on it's way!