I don't normally do requests or redo graphics that I used for an entry so others can snag, I guess I am selfish that way. I wrote awhile back that I like some graphics to be unique to my journal and I know you all understand. With that said, I'm in a good mood and feeling generous. Besides, I think there was some begging involved. Though some call me a bitch, LOL, I am really not :)
My boys aren't on my cable stations this evening so I am listening to them on the net. I figured while I was here I could do a couple. This doesn't mean the flood gates are open folks ::giggle:: I did however not give up my room, but rather give you the room next door. Hope you like it just the same.

Great graphics! I love the last one... wish I could be there and rest for a bit.
Thanks for posting. Hugs, Maria
Very nice work as always. You are so nice to share. And whom ever said that you were a bitch well,......shame on them! TerryAnn.
TY for sharing these beautiful pics!!!!! I snagged of course LOL.
Hi Donna, just had to snag number 3 (will only use it to look at.....!) as it had a guitar in it!!! No, seriously it is beautiful (as are all of them) but as we have the guirist in the house I always snag things with guitars in!!!
I loved them ALL, but the top one reminds me of Italy and I have Italy decor all over my house and LOVE it!
- Jessica
Begging huh? Gee, do you actually have people that beg you? Wonder who they could be? ROFLMAO! Loved getting my "room next door Lisa graphic" I have to admit. Guess I am going to beg more in the future. ;)
Hugs and love,
Oh the room next door imagine it ,Isuspect neither would be used alot,but the balcony with the view,what alot of talking would be done,..we could natter for ever.........I'd love it ..........Jan xx
Wow ... another beautiful room with a view!
I snagged the Dark Forrest one. These were great. You do super work.
Take Care,
I can say with hand on heart that I NEVER snag...because I don't know how!!! Love them all but the bottom one is for me. I could sit there with my book leisurely rocking away forever. Eve
Love the 3rd one!
Thank you very much for sharing these with us :-) There's no way I would call you a b***h!! I can't believe people would!! It's your graphics what you choose to do with them is up to you!! I love the top and bottom ones :)
Wonderful Donna, I just had to snag them all!
Beautiful graphics as i only read journals i haven't got one of my own I don't have a clue what snag means but enjoy looking
I think I've already got the third one! See, my memory has come back today! Lol! You're not a selfish bitch at all, I've always thought of you as very generous with your time a nd talent> Have a great week and thanks for these! Jeannette xx
Hi Donna...
These graphics are lovely, i'm letting you know that i have snagged them and i am pleased to say, i can now add graphics on my AOL journal again...Best Wishes!
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