Well hello again! Just wanted to let you know so much has happened over the past couple days, it would make your head spin. I won't get into all of it, I'd rather just forget. Anyway, this is the tag that I had posted before the recent drama started. I removed it, and took the lumps and let the chips fall where they may. I've been in contact with Michelle Guerra, the owner of CILM over the course of the past several days. Wonderful lady!! We had several very interesting conversations. Very very interesting! With that said I am now legal ::grin:: I will be doing tags again but probably on a limited basis. So very many artists are in one guild or another and it is very difficult to find ones that aren't. Hell, if I am not given the artists name I can't even look them up to be sure. I will be looking through the other guilds to see what they have to offer as well. Since I've got to look over my shoulder at every step I decided it best to continue a bit more cautiously.
I will not open my tag journal, not yet anyway. I think it best to keep 'me' under one journal for now. So every once in a while you will see a tag request posted here. I will name the title in that manner so you know which entries are for just that. I don't have my 'regular' list, and I know a good portion visit here, but I'd appreciate it if you'd spread the word. You'll see my tags will take on a new look as I will be including my license number on each tag that requires it. Feel confident in knowing these are ok, and there is no fear.
So if you'd like your name on this one please leave a comment with the name you'd like. I look forward to getting back into this. Thanks again for all the love and support you've shown me through this nonsense. Be back later with 'a real' entry but I wanted to get this up. :::big ass grin:::
If you made a request on the previous version please make again as I do not have those requests. I apologize for the inconvenience.

You're legal? Damn, once I figured out what the heck you were all talking about, I was going to start reporting you myself ;-0. ~ Mary
I think its easier to keep on one site. I undersand just wnating to forget it
wooooohooooooo welcome back girlfriend. And I'll have one please. So glad things are worked out and you are legal to make graphics again. (((((((hugs))))))))
Love ya,
The cream always rises to the top! Good to see you doing what you do best :)
YAHOO - So happy to hear it's finally over and your official! Welocome Back (not that you really left). I would love this one with Katie on it - Thanks and congrats!
What do you mean by legal?
And what does the code on the side of the picture mean?
But welcome back though,
Welcome back sweetie! Glad to see that you are legal.....I'm thinking of starting to do the same thing just won't be able to make tags as fast as I normally do because you have to pay for them........anyway, beautiful tag.....I'd love one with Angela, please and thanks!
Well glad you got things settled for yourself..So...how much does it set one back and is it true you have to pay for all the tubes and the graphics you put out???? I don't get it??? Give me the scoop when you have time...if ya would..Hugs,TerryAnn
Whoo hoo, now I'm gonna have to buy some tubes. LOL...I'll have to make them huge to fit all that on there. Glad it all worked out and glad at least the CILM is user friendly. Michelle seems like a sweetie. Wonder what the other guilds are like. Keep me posted. So nice to see you up and running again. Love ya, Chris
Glad to see you are going to continue your art! That is great! Welcome back.
This tag is very cute, too! Have a good night.
Glad to see more of your talent, Donna. I've only downloaded tubes and frames from the Corel site, but it'll take me quite some time before I will do anything with them. Maybe I should just make posters and poetry. Take care, please.
Whats that saying...oh yeah She who laughs last laughs longest lol. Great tag.
A Cronie
Very well done ,Please may I have Charlotte on this one for my Grand-daughter,with love from one of your 'Cronies '.... Jan xx
Happy to see you are coming back strong....have a wonderful day...hugs,
Hooray for you! Linda
I'm glad you got in touch with Ms. Guerra so that you could get to the real truth of this matter and find out in reality what complaints, if any, were really filed against you. Let the truth be your shield. At any rate, its good to see you posting some graphics again. Way to go!
Excellent, you're back again. Only a few days, but I'm sorry for all the aggro you've had to go through.
Donna, glad to know you're 'legal' -- I get the entire copyright and trademark 'thing' -- I find it all a bit cumbersome and mindnumbing ... but I'm so glad you aren't letting 'that last bummer' to get you down and keep you down!
I'd like one with AMY as the name. Thank you very much! :)
Hi Donna,
This is great news, I'm so glad that you've resolved this mess and will be able to continue to make your beautiful graphics. But do I understand it right, that you have to pay to be able to use the artwork? You don't get paid for sharing your work......it seems like it would be expensive, with time, if you are paying? I hope you have a wonderful day.
Take Care,
beat that battle ax at her own game.....i love how smart you are and how you fight for what you believe in. You are so much more than tags but i am so glad you are my forever friend too.
LOVE,lisa jo
Glad to see you will be back making your beautiful graphics...may I have one with Michele?
Hiya Donna, i am so glad you are all legal maybe now people will just let you get on with what you enjoy doing.
love and hugs
Yah!! Glad to hear the good news! Julie :)
Glad you have things worked out, wish tag making didnt have to be so technical and time consuming with all this, oh well. Ttyl!
- Jessica
D, it's a shame that a twit caused so much chaos. I see she is still up to the task of discrediting you. It's a shame as I've seen her work. Regardless, you've risen to the top and continue to show all your great character. Great tag!
Can I please have this with
Emilea on it?
Very cute!!!! Congrats on getting this all taken care of and continuing tags!!
Very glad to hear you have things worked out. It would be a shame if you would keep your awesome talent bottled up.
May I please have the lil mosaic fairy with Maria? Thank you in advance.
Wishing you a nice day. ~ Maria
So so happy you will be making them again!
Yay =)
Im so glad ur doing tags again, welcome back :), I'd like this one please. ~melissa Hope im not too late
Welcome back, Donna! May I please have: Cynde, Sande, Carol, Kim, Sara, Dara & Jen and please "attach" them. This one is outstanding! Thanks a lot!
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