Winners from last round. Shout out to Sam for getting them all right. ::plugging nose:: he picked Detroit!!! Another shout out to Jan who got 3.... she is trying to tell me because she is a 'Brit' she doesn't know the game. Uhhh huhhhh.... suuureeeeeeeee LOL Great response, thanks for playing along!!!!
gaboatman - 4
jeadie05 - 3
geocachelinda66 - 3
glensfork4 - 3
ktkamanski - 3
iamddannyboy - 3
bhbner2him -2
seraphoflove9001 - 2
justplainbill - 2
malagutigrrl - 2
princesssaurora - 2
nightmaremom - 2
my78novata -1
Next round............ Conference finals begin on Thursday. Again best of 7. Whoever wins in each series moves on for the right to play for the most coveted trophies, the Stanley Cup. Who do you think?

Buffalo or Ottawa?

Detroit or Anaheim?
Pick one from each.... will keep you posted. Can we top the response from last round? 'Cmon folks pick one from Eastern and one from Western.
TOLD YOU SO!!!!!! My Wings won..... YAY!!! Tawnya
Ok, man... I'm in.
I'll go with Buffalo and Anehiem
Sabres and the ducks how about that. I never get these things right but why not have fun trying
Buffalo & Detroit....3 out of 4 for me...not bad for guessing...
Still wishing your boys the BEST of LUCK-Come & Play the game....
Not that I like them but Detroit and of course Buffalo lol
Going sentimental here... Sabre and the Ducks!
be well,
Oh Gosh !! lol ...Ottawa, love Jan xx
Buffalo and Detroit... Linda
I'm picking Buffalo and Detroit. Both of these series should be exciting hockey.
I printed this out to show my husband...wish I had shown him sooner...hope you are having a great mid-week. Hugs and love,
I am gonna have to go with Buffalo and Detroit! This is when it really gets your nerves rattled! Best of luck to you and you boys! Have a Happy Hump Day!
Donna, I need to go against the odds to catch up. I will take OTTAWA ans ANAHEIM. Some one has to do it and it will probably bring good luck to your "boys". Bill
I missed out the last round so I wanna take part this time :-) I pick Buffalo and Anaheim (everyone seems to be picking Detroit I wanna be different LOL)
How about Ottawa and Ducks? That's all folks. Blessings, Penny
Ahh, the things I do at midnight over here in Vancouver, lol. Count me in this time, and I'll pick Buffalo and (know you don't like them, but think they're the better team), Detroit. Had things to do today and missed the game. Better drag my butt off to bed.
Sweet Dreams!
A little late but I'm still picking Buffalo and then I will go with Detroit.
OMG!! Did I jinx my boys? I never came back and put in my pick........
Even with two games down I am sticking with the original
Sabres & Anaheim (as I said before I don't pick Detroit ::grin::)
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