Hard to believe the weekend is over, but it is and it's back to work tomorrow. I think I need to schedule a couple days off. I am leaving early on Thursday for a Dentist appointment, maybe the last one? :::giggle::: But I need days not hours!
I got an interesting email earlier today after I posted the slide show. I was asked why I copyrighted those pictures but I don't copyright the graphics I do. There's an easy answer to that. They are my pictures in their entirety. The graphics and tubes I use for graphics are not mine. Just because I use them in my graphics, it doesn't give me the right to claim them. 'any other material that you are given permission to use or display on your web site does not entitle you to claim copyright to the material in question. Permission to use someone else's material does not make you the rightful owner or holder; it just gives you the right to use it under the real owner's conditions.' Putting the © on my tag signature line with these graphics is wrong. Artists have a hard enough time, I would not want to be one to 'steal' their work. Some request their copyright information be displayed, and if I know of this I do it. Sometimes I don't always know the original artist, but that does not give me the right. I sure as hell know I didn't do it. I may have created something from their work, but the original I cannot take credit for. The creation I make has my signature line on it and that is all should have. More and more artists are pulling their permissions back and this one of the reasons why. As with poems or songs, changing a word here or there does not make it yours. Remember all the lawsuits regarding such? Sorry, but this is a hobby I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize myself or any other tagger out there.
Well, a pretty drawn out answer for a simple question. Not that the person who asked is 'simple', not what I meant. Just wanted a clear answer with some facts and thought I'd share it with you as well. Knowledge is a good thing :)
I'm off to bed. I hope everyone had a great day!!!

D, this is becoming a huge issue in the graphics world. Most of the nicer tubes are created by artists who are in the CILM artist guild. They would like us to buy a licence to use their stuff. I've been marking my stuff lately with the artist's name if I know who did it because I'm not selling the darned things and sure can't afford having some artist sue me.
Could you imagine what would happen if you copyrighted something that already had a copyright on it? I've added a message at the top of my journal now stating that the stuff I use is not my own, created by talented artists. I just put it together into a graphic.
LOL...I'm sure those who don't do PSP are more than confused right now. Have a good day tomorrow! Love ya, Chris
It seems thers always someone wanting to say something ? Hope the dentist appointment goes well Thursday.Lovely graphics once again .I snagged the second one Donna this will be every useful to me in a future post Thanx a million.Take care God Bless Have a great Monday if possible. Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
i'm just glad you continue to offer the masterpieces you make to us. I love them.
and you.
Be kind to yourself take a few days off and just chill.
I understand about the copyright issue, it's complicated though when it comes to graphics. Surely the artist knows if their stuff is being used by tag groups and are happy with it. They should make it clear if they wish you to add their copyright signature on it, as Chris said, you can't afford to be sued over it! Jeannette xx
intersting info on the copy right. how do you make that circle c on things?
Hi there. Wow...your first paragraph almost dittos comments in my journal last night. LOL. Mine also has talks of having to go back to work and needing a vacation day, having dentist appointments and other appointments. LOL.
Hope you have a good week and get some time off. I think I'm taking Friday.
Great response back to the question asked of you. Love the tags...so pretty. Many hugs and love...have a great day.
Love the graphics. You deserve some time off, call in sick, lol. Hope you have a great monday. (((((hugs))))))))
Pretty self explanatory I would have thought ,,well explained ...love Jan xx
copyright, a sensitive topic...
Definitely a touchy subject. Infringement on another's copyright is illegal and could result in suit. To say nothing about being so arrogant to think it would be ok. They know they did not do the work. One needs to be very careful. Good answer to the question at hand
OMG! The window graphic is GORGEOUS!!! I might have to use that one!
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