Woke up bright and early this morning. When I went to bed last night I slept the wrong way in bed so my face was near the open window. It was still fairly warm and the soft breeze was enjoyable. I loved it as it caressed my face. Someone nearby was having a bonfire. Not sure why, but I actually enjoyed the smell of the sweet wood. It was relaxing, made me feel like I was camping with all the comforts of home. I fell into slumber rather quickly. This morning however I wished I had moved during the night. The sun was bright as it came up and the rays were now dancing off my face as they peeked in through the blinds. I tried to rearrange myself, but too late. I was up. I came out and made my coffee and got cozy going through mail. As I sat reading journals my surroundings changed. It was no longer bright and sunny. I reached for my desk lamp to turn it on, and spat out goes the bulb. Don't you know I have no replacements! How and when did the supply that I thought would last a lifetime run out? Who used that last bulb and didn't add them to the list of 'needs'? GRRRRRRR Not that it's dark but a little extra light about now would be good. Guess where I get to go later. The once bright blue sky is now gray and overcast. The wind is making the tree branches dance. The leaves appear to be flipped over. You know that is a sign of rain, right? I can also smell it. The birds are chirping and the neighbors dog has found something it wants as it barks. Now I could sleep! Might just crawl back in bed and enjoy the sounds and smell. Nothing so loud and aggravating that it would keep me from finding lah lah land.
The above graphic was done via a tutorial. I wanted to try the text effects for later use. I switched it up somewhat, but do like the different effects. Using it as a tag request would be a bit time consuming but don't be surprised if I do one and offer it up for a limited time. I like the tubes that were included but wonder if it'sa bit risque' for everyone. Thoughts? I had every intention of using the Dean Yeagle tube for a Memorial Day tag, but the more I played the more it looked like a 4th of July one. So be it, LOL, it's the end result. Feel free to snag either.
No big plans for today, I am hoping the sun comes back out. I was thinking of going to the lake and snapping some shots of boaters etc. With it like this I highly doubt there will be any out there. Might take a run to my parents and see how things are going. Since they moved every last bit I am sure there are still boxes all about.
Off to get another cup of coffee and plan out my day. Hope everyone has a good one! Remember what this holiday is about and say a prayer for all those that fought for what we have :)

i love to be able to smell the rain in the air. I am not all that enthused about burning wood though. I hate it when something like the bulb burning out happens. I hope you get to go out and about today and enjoy yourself.
Thats alright, I'm sure that young miss enjoys the holiday too! Not to risque for me. Linda
enjoy your weekend:)
I hate it when I wake up and can't get back to sleep. I end up getting up when I know that I should really be having a good lie in. If that makes any sense.
I know how anoying it is when a bulb blows ,but even more annoying when you have run out ,I went out anmd got wet through in the fine rain ,love your graphics ,though agree about the memorial one ,though Im sure the soldiers enjoy her lol have a nice visit ,with your Mum ...love Jan xx
The Dean Yeagle is adorable...lol...moderately risque but I like em. I absolultely love Zindy Nielsen's work. I wouldn't mind some prints for my house. Have a great weekend, D! Love ya, Chris
ncie graphici
i hate to sleep the wrong way I woke up with a neck spran this morning grrr but it will get beter as Im sure you will too. and good morninbg to you too
Your description of the morning was lovely! I could picture everything! I hope you have a good day.
Love the top one what tut did you use?
Awesome job! As always!!! Have a nice weekend. ~Maria
sounds like u were enjoying ur sleep. :) Must have been nice. Have a nice day.
Gosh I really do enjoy reading your journal!!!!! You bring a smile to my face!!!! :)
I agree with Theresa, you always bring a smile. You write and I feel as though I am right there with you. I love the smell of bonfires!!
I like the Memorial Day graphic! The top graphic is nice, but for me the print is moving a bit too fast. It must have really been nice falling aseep to the smell of that fire nearby. That sounded really appealing to me.
Sorry about the light bulb going out! Thanks for all your help with my graphics! Linda
Love it great job! Enjoy the day! hugs,TerryAnn
Hope you had a good day xx Sounds like you had an interesting sleep ;-)
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