***some graphics removed***
Spring is trying to stick around this area. The sun was out all day and it actually got warm. Mid 60's, yeah! My mind needed the beautiful day but my sinuses didn't like it. Allergies kicked in full force! I hope this is the last time for this, I can't stand it. My head pounds, my eyes water, my nose is raw. I have a tickle in my throat that just won't go away. I've coughed so hard today. Not a productive cough by any means, just that nagging one. I'll bet money I sleep like shit and I will not have a voice in the morning. I will be stopping tomorrow for more medicine. Oh the joy of having fog head. ARGH
I messed around with a few Mother's Day graphics but left them generic. Couldn't decide if I liked the steamy cup of tea or not so I did it both ways. You decide. I made the new tag for request but can't figure out what I did to the scrolling text. GRRRRRRR I did offer it up so if you'd like it click on the graphic. I will probably try another one done the road. The good night graphic didn't do that or maybe it did but the black background hides it. Who knows. Maybe it's my sneezing and coughing.. accidentally hit something......
I'm feeling like that cat so I am off to bed. Hope everyone had a great day.

Sorry to hear you have that sinus crud. I know the feeling well. Get to feeling better soon.
Feel better soon!
I love how u have the steam coming
off the coffee cup...how kewl!
I like the cat, mother's day for us was in March, halmark like to make their money twice lol. Hope your meds work and you soon feel more human.
We have been through the allergy season down here big time and are just emerging from it. It was 88 degrees today. The pollen season down here was almost unbearable this year and many nights were as you describe. I hope you guys have it a little better than we did. The graphics are nice and like the cat, I am going to curl up and go to sleep now,
ah I cnat remember which two over th ecounter meds the dr told Tracy to mix but it works great for her mixing the two meds. I love the steamy cup best
WOW I love the lady and baby graphic Donna I snagged it thanx a million.I preffered the one with no steam on the cuppa.All of them are brilliant.I do hope you will soon feel better.Still if the weathers warmer thats a bonus for you.Cole and dull here today Grrrrrr.Take Care God Bless. Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Hope the meds clear your head ,it must be so uncomfortable ,what lovely gentle colours in the fantastic graphics for Mothers day ...love Jan xx
"The good night graphic" may be an orient girl, and i think she is "Chang E" in Chinese story.i don't know have you heard of it. it told that a lonely woman who stays in the moon were wating for her half called "Niu Lang" .
As always your graphics rock ......Love your work and hope you feel better soon
Love & Hugs Diane
Hope you will feel better very soon. Wonderful graphics. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Maria
Thank you SO much for the Mothers Day tags....there havent been many around to snag. Your tags are BEAUTIFUL. I hope you feel better today. Its warm here.....about 70. BE safe.
LOVE,lisa jo
These are awesome tags! You are sooooo good at this! I hope you feel better soon.
Please get well, Donna. My eldest is also feeling kind of in a "draggy" mood, due to her allergies. Just glad they have kleenex on sale right now. Loved your Siamese cat graphic, as I've been feeling like that, lately. Our Vancouver Canucks aren't doing so well, and it's worn me out. Also enjoyed your last graphic. Can I ask where you got the image from? Just reminds me of a poem that I was working on lately. Funny, how I often have an image in mind before I even finish writing. Will post is as soon as I finalize it. Hope your team wins tonight, also. Go, Go Buffalo!
Sincerely, Rose~*
Thanks again - I hope you and your team are doing well! Take Care!
they are beautiful graphics. ty i snagged. I do hope your feeling better also. (((((((hugs)))))))))))))
The tags are all beautiful...thanks for sharing...hugs and love,
The steaming cup is good :-) Sorry to hear your not too good ~ hope the fog head doesn't last xx
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