I tried to get myself back to normal after a disappointing display earlier. The graphic surely fits the mood. I've often said I go as my boys go, and I do. I think I'm so bummed because they failed to keep the pressure on in the third. Not their way at all. I kind of hope this loss eats at them they way it is eating at their fans. Make then come out with a huge fire in their belly for game two on Wed. I've not lost faith or given up, I just want them to play better. Make it look like it means something. I hate being down 1-0 in this series, and having their play be the cause. Giving your all and losing is one thing, but this.......... GRRRRRRRRRR

I did the pimpin graphic for a friend. She was looking for one to use as she pimped someone in her journal. I had never thought about it, but did it quickly and thought I'd offer it up as a snag. The other made me laugh when I first saw it. All I could think of was the WWII poster, and of course it's a 'take off' on it. Just played quickly with it and actually like the look.
I'm calling it a night and going to bed. I will be wrapping tightly with covers... well at least my sheet.. it's a bit warm for much more then that. I will also be hugging the hell out of my pillows. LOL I'll try to get out of the funk, but not sure if that is going to do it.
Hope you all had a great day............. tomorrow is Friday.... YEAH!!

I sure hope you have a good night sleep and feel better tomorrow!
I know your boys will rally around for Game 2. Hope they can rest up a little, and hope you do, as well. T.G.I.F. soon. A good excuse to regroup. Enjoyed your graphics tonight, Donna. ty, for sharing!
Wishing your team all the luck in the world for there next match. You are right in what you are saying some times teams get complacent and you can tell in how they play. Your team will fight back i am sure
have a lovely weekend
yeah does remeind me of what did they call working women back then???????? cant remember butthat does remind me of that. Glad you made something for Lisa Jo. I just cant be creative I wanted to make her somehting but did not get it hope you get a mood lift today.
Hi Donna although I dont comment often I have been following the Buffalo Sabres very closely. I wish your Team the best and I am here in Ontario cheering for them. Your graphics are always wonderful. My son is a die hard Buffalo Bills fan and he just purchases seasons tickets. Everything Buffalo Bills I think he owns, lol. Him and ten others are getting tickets for the October 8 game between Dallas and the Bills they are already totally excited.
Hope your mood is better this morning. Graphics are great, and that first one is fabulous. Showing a dark side but some how it's beautiful.
You are the BEST....really. Feeling low and upset over your hockey and you still made TREASURED tags! Love you girl, truly. Thank you. J Land will use the tags over and over. I wish i could make you feel better.
OK so, I have to admit, I know nothing about these grapics. I don't know how to snag them, I don't know how you make them (they are really amazing) and I don't know how to ask for them!?!?!?! I would love to have one in my journal... is it OK to ask you to make one for me? then come to my house and and istall it in my journal? Jsut kidding. I am a total dork when it comes to these things, so I am probably better off just saying, good job...they are very creative, and keep up the good work. Journal land is better with you in it.
God Bless-
I have pimped people on a number of occasions ,and could have used this graphic ,wonderful idea thankyou ...love Jan xx
I'm sure your boys will be fired up and ready to play better in the next round xx Love the graphics and snagged the pimpin one. Thank you
TGIF, Donna lol
Well, Donna, its Friday night and I do hope you have come out of your funk. I am hoping, too, that this loss will spark a fire in the guts of your boys and that will propel them on to victoryin this series. Great job with that "pimping" snag. The "Pieces of Me" work at the top is awesome in more ways than one, LOL.
lol, cute pimpin tag!! :)
I hope you have a great Friday and weekend!
be well,
love the "We can do it graphic" it`s great have a good weekend. luv bella xx
Sorry your guys aren't doing so good.
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