***some graphics removed***
Anyone who knows me, knows as the Sabres go, I go. I feel as though I played my heart out and came up empty. I wish I could go back to earlier in the day.
One day a week on my home I take a vanilla shake to my sister and we sit for a couple of hours and visit. I call before hand to make sure she is up for the visit. Day of chemo can be rough on her but I want to be there for her. Bring her something special and just visit a bit, our time. Today was a good day. As I drove to bring her a 'special delivery' I passed a local town park. The buildings that line the street are the police department, courthouse, townhall and the library. The grass in front that meets the sidewalk and then street was a vibrant green. Colorful flowers sprouting or recently planted dotted the edges and garden sections strategically placed in front. Today it was covered in white. As I made my way closer I couldn't imagine what was all over. From the distance I first noticed, it looked as though someone had left white plastic shopping bags scattered all over. The closer I got the more I could make out. The lawn was covered with seagulls. Hundreds and hundreds of seagulls. A peaceful sight really, reminded of summer. Then I chuckled and remembered the days of my son playing football. He played for the town team since he was about eight. On several occasions practice was held in another town at a local park. They would scrimmage that towns team. The first time we went I wondered what the hell was all over the grass. It looked like chunks of mud that got pulled up because of spikes. Divots of sorts. I didn't pay much attention at first, but then I noticed it was every where. Later during practice as the Moms and Dads stood talking, off in a distance there were 100's of geese. We marveled at the number and the beauty. The fact that they weren't afraid of the many people in the park. Then we realized. We were not standing on divots. We were standing on goose shit. Who is the lucky soul that gets to clean the seagull shit off that lawn in front of townhall. I chuckled even more. Do seagulls shit while they are on the ground or only when they fly? I know as a child when we were in the Outer Banks of NC the entire family was feeding the birds. Laughing and playing as we threw bread in the air. The gulls would swoop down and catch it on the fly. Circle around and come back for more. The more we threw, the more they came until the sky was full of birds. Over the surf you could hear them squeal and squawk. The flapping of their wings an added addition to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Then without warning, PLOP. Yeap, seagull shit on my head. I don't think I've fed a bird since!!! Well, while they were flying overhead.
Aaaahhhh this entry is much better then what I had planned to write. The thoughts and memories that came back to me today are a much happier note. :::patting self on back::: good choice. LOL I think the graphics speak for my mood. No need to write that way too. I'm off to bed. Happy hump day!

Funny Story about the geese.... Nice story about the time your sister and you get to spend together. She's still in my prayers, I haven't stopped or forgotten!
Excellent memories.
I'd loved to have had a sister like you...poop'd or not.
Living at the coast Donna .Folks here tend not to feed the seagulls where our homes are.You are right the more you feed the more they come.They are all around the harbour mostly where I live waiting for tit bits from the fishermen and tourists flock to the harbour as it is full of food cafes etc. I am always hoping new residents who come to live in our area realise this.It's the worst thing out is the droppings too for your car.It is said it takes the paintwork off if you do not clean it off as soon as possible.It does seem they only drop in flight LOL!!! Iv'e been lucky when going shopping but my friend got a showering one day Good Grief what a mess she was LOL!!My windows sometimes (cop for it ) too as the saying goes here,when they fliy past overhead. Urrrrrrr its hard work it sets like B------ concrete if you don't get it off quick Haaaaaaa.Your graphics are missing by the way.Take Care God Bless.Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
ah how nice of you to get your sister a treat.
I geuss the seagull incident just goes to show dont poop on the hand that feeds you lol
Acording to fishermen, what happened to you is a sign of good luck!!! Take it that way.... Tawnya
Yes its very lucky if a bird dumps on your head ,Ibet your sister looks forward to your visit ...love Jan xx
I got crapped over by a seagull, all over my head, shoulder leg and handbag, I think he had been saving it up for me! Lol! We had one goose years ago, I remember the mess he made in the garden, I can't imagine having to clear up after a whole flock!! Glad you managed to see your sister and she was up for a visit. Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
Sorry about the Sabres. Yea, there is a park in a town south of us that has a big problem with geese. No one can swim in the lake because of all the goose goo. Linda
I will never forget one morning whilst driving to work along a tree lined road. Out of nowhere my windscreen was dumped on by a bird up in the branches above. I couldn't see a thing. Can cows fly? Jeanie
I love your sense of humor. Rick loves to feed the birds....i am glad the bird pooped on your head and not on your face!
LOVE, lisa
Your sis is always in my prayers.
I think this was a perfect entry. (((((Donna))))))
my aunt always said if a bird poops on your head, play the lottery. she got pooped on, played the lottery and went to casino that night. she won 2000,00 in lottery and hit for 10,000 at casino. all i can say to that is, here birdie birdie, lol. ((((((hugs)))))))))
Love ya,
Glad you had a good visit with your sister, D. LOL at the seagulls. I have been hit twice at the beach. Once I was laying on a blanket with my eyes closed and plop...right on my closed eye. Glad you finally got your pc running right. Love these tags! Love ya, Chris
That is really nice of you to take your sister a milk shake once a week to spend some time with her. I liked your memories of the birds. I can just imagine the expression on the parents faces when they realized they were stand on piles of goose dung, LOL.
Sooo glad you went to visit with your sister and brought her a surprise...ya know she loves that =) Hope she is doing okay...i think about her often and keep her in my prayers...
Wow Donna the graphic up top is AMAZING! I would almost have to say my favorite...the windchimes blowing...the trees...the sad fairy...fits my mood just perfect sometimes...
I would love to snag it...if it's okay..?
Hope tomorrow is better for ya....
I HAVE heard, although never experienced personally, that getting "Plopped" upon by a feathered friend is a sign of good luck!
Thank you for sharing your day and the memories it brought to your heart. Hope your mood lightens as well.. ((((((((((d))))))))))
I bet your sister loves that shake and the visit! What a nice thing for her to look forward to.
I've fed the gulls like you described before. I never got pooped on by a gull...but I think I was just lucky LOL!
D- these out of this world. The first graphic is stunning. Great job! I know your sister is loving your company the shake is a bonus. Like I've said before your goodness shines.
You are a wonderful sister!! My prayers are still with her and you!
Love you... keep hanging in there!
Awww you are being very sweet to your sister :-) Hugs to you both xx Ugh I hate seagulls LOL
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