No, it's not what you think, pigs! LOL The day was actually good. It never got real sunny but it didn't rain either. The temps were in the mid 70's and made for an enjoyable 'work' day. I got things done around the house and then got moving. I stopped at my nieces house to pick up her shop-vac so I could take it to my parents. When I pulled in the drive, I was notified by 'Bug' as she ran towards me with her bike helmet still firmly in place on her head that Gagie got hurt. 'Oh noooo' I replied, 'what happened?' She didn't miss a beat and proceeded to tell me in her fastest speech mode that he had fallen off his bike and he was bleeding all over. I looked at Dad he and rolled his eyes so I knew it wasn't as bad as she was making it sound. He stepped on his brake and lost control, the back tire slid and over he went. He has a doozie of a brush burn on his knee. He proudly displayed it as he walked out to greet with me with two plastic baseball bats supporting himself like crutches. Oh, and limping on the wrong leg! It was hoot. I had to hear how he slid on a leaf. Me thinks he was going to fast and skid the tires causing the whole mess. They were working in the yard weeding and getting ready to put in some flowers. I had my camera in tow so I went back to my car to get it. I couldn't resist getting shots of the wonderful colors. Bright yellow and deep purple. As I was snapping away, Bug asked to have her picture taken. 'What? You want to pose?' She giggled and said yes. So she climbed up on her little swing set and stood in the castle area where the slide comes off. I snapped and snapped and then she asked me to climb up there too. I laughed and told her my big butt wouldn't fit. 'Yes it will, try.' Thank goodness it was then that Dad had the vac ready to go. I gave kisses and hugs and headed out to my car. She followed along and told me as I was ready to get in, 'Watch for me out your window. I am going to sleep over your house later.' I got one extra squeeze and kiss in.
Got to my parents and got the vac in the house. My sister, Martha Karen, was dressed in her paint clothes with an old baseball hat of my son's. She was ready to climb in the attic and vacuum it out. It wasn't too awful bad, but you know how it is when you move in some place new. She was up there for some time when she reappeared with a brown paper bag, 'I found the family jewels' Inside was several pieces of costume jewelry. Most plastic, but some silver and gold (plated at best, I am sure) Bug will have a hay day! Spent a few hours there getting boxes of Christmas decorations and 'stuff' up into the attic. My son and his girlfriend stopped by and we had an assembly line going. Passing boxes through the house. It went rather smoothly and definitely quick. Helped these old legs too. No doing stairs over and over :) It was probably after 5 when I finally arrived home. Since I had my camera I took a few pictures of the wild flowers displayed along the front of the house. Don't ask me what any of them are, except for maybe the buttercups ::grin:: Remember picking them as youngsters and holding them under your chin to see if you like butter? If you saw the yellow reflection it meant yes. LOL
Wanted to try the new slide show type that AOL has, not sure if I like it. To me the pictures aren't as crisp and clear. Maybe it's me. Rarely do I post pictures without being in a collage anyway, but thought it would be a bit different. Aaahhhh gives you an idea of the nature I captured today. The robins were actually on the lawn next door. Not to bad for the distance.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday! I will most likely be back with some snags. If not tonight first thing tomorrow.

love your slideshow pics. I also love hearing how you were being goaded on to that slide lol
D, your pictures are great. Nature Calls hehehehe cute title. I see what you mean about a bit fuzzy, but they do get the point across. That child is beautiful, no wonder you like taking her photo. I can tell she adores you. Did she make it for the sleep over?
Great pics!
Have a Happy memorial Day.
Hugs, Sug
I agree since the change in aol pictures, I don't think they're as clear either. Thought it was just me seeing things !!
i dont like how AOL does the pics..Bug is a doll..i love the collage tag you made of her. Sounds like you had a good day with family, good for you. Plus you got to see your son!
Bug is so cute. I don't like the new way AOL does pictures either, hopefully it will be changed back to the classic view this week. Glad that you all had a good day helping parents out. Helen
Bug is such a cutie! That is quite a playset she has in her back yard. The nature shots were very nice. It was great of all you kids to go over and help your mom and dad settle in and get the attice cleaned and loaded.
Great pictures! Bug is adorable as usual. What are the blue/purple flowers called the ones with the crown and things sticking out from them. Linda
Your Mum and Dad raised a lovely family ,sharing the good and the bad the work and the fun ,the Kids and the old baseball caps lol ,lovely pictures loved the story of Gages injury,and THE BUG IS GORGEOUS Jan xx
Aren't kids so funny the way they dramatize everything! Love the pics! Linda
What a total cutie pie. She reminds me of my nieces. They are very, very dramatic and they must be the first one to tell you the story. Any story even if it didn't happen to them. (giggle). Take a rest today you sure had a day yesterday. Hugs. Tish
she is too cute! :) Very pretty pictures too of nature!!!
The Tags of Bug is ADORABLE. :)
With the exception of one, like two weeks ago, I have been able to see a SINGLE SLIDE SHOW. All I get is a little black box at the top of the entry that indicates something cool SHOULD be there, but it won't let me play... :(
what great pictures why is her nickname bug?
I love the pics and yes they are not as sharp but still look good. I only thought Robins came when it snowed lol got it wrong again.
love and hugs
There's that darling little girl again. She is so photogenic. I enjoyed the new blending of photos in this case. Nice. I have not learned to use the zoom on my digital camera yet. Now will be learning the ins and outs of the camcorder. Doc says he will be through studying it and have it running by tomorrow, and then it will be lesson time for me! Gerry
Bug is just adorable love the collage!
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