Tuesday, May 29, 2007

~ Back to Work ~


UGH!!!  The time off flew by way too fast and I can't believe it is time to go back to work.  I should be grateful it's only 3 days and then the weekend, but I'm feeling like I should have taken off more time.  Greedy SOB I am, eh? 


Did take my younger sister to the Dr. this morning, along with my Mom.  Got into the waiting room and she checked in.  It wasn't long before the nurse came to get her.  My Mom joined her, and I stayed in the waiting room.  I grabbed a magazine and thought to myself, not a bad wait.  I read and read and read some more.  It was a good 40 minutes when my Mom came out.  I asked how it went and she replied, 'she hasn't even seen the Dr. yet.'  I was floored.  Forty minutes in the examining room and no Dr. yet?  Mom went on to say that my sister had gone to the restroom and passed by the Dr's office and she was on the phone making reservations for what appeared to be a trip.  WTF!?!  How rude!!!  We were the only ones there, she couldn't see my sister and THEN do that?!?!  It was then we realized that the nurse was tucked away in the check in station out of site.  Oh well, it was true.  She slithered off and my Mom returned to my sister.  It was probably not 15 minutes later and they came out.  I wonder if the nurse went and told the Dr.  I hope so!!!  You wait all that time and then get 5 minutes with the Dr?  I can tell you now I don't like this new Dr.  My sister is fine, she has been on medication all her life and this Dr wants to wean her off and change it up.  It's a tricky thing, and I hope this Dr knows what the hell she is doing!  Her previous Dr tried on several occasions and it didn't work.  She didn't seem to care when both she and my Mom said something. 


Got back home about 2 with a pounding headache.  I tried to putter but instead took some aspirin and laid down.  I woke myself up about an hour later snoring.  LOL  I flew out of bed thinking I was late for something.  Then realized I really didn't have to be any place.  I called my other sister's house to see how her 'cocktail' was, and today was not good.  Her husband answered the phone and she was ill.  Very ill and not even in mood for her milkshake.  I was disappointed, but more worried about her.  This was the first time she got sick.  Maybe too much weekend, over did it, too much snack and crap food yesterday.  Not sure, but I didn't go over.  I let her have that misery in private. 


I did go to the soccer game.  It was a hoot!  This is Gage's first year playing.  Last year he participated in an indoor class and really liked it so they signed him up.  It was more then obvious who the experienced players were, but he did get out there quite a bit.  I have some really great action shots but didn't use them here as they had other children in them.  I tried to blur them but I didn't like the effect so I used ones where he was alone.   He has always commented on the sparkle or what not effects I give to 'bugs' pictures and I've told him he didn't want that on his.  LOL  No sparkles for a boy!   I saw this effect elsewhere and thought I'd give it a shot.  I love it!  Maybe a bit much for this, but he will love it!


Hope everyone had a great day!  Is it Friday yet?  LOL





Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was so rude of that Doc! Don't they understand that the patients don't wanna be there any longer than they have to?
Hope you have a good night.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

D, this graphic is awesome!  The affect is so cool and I know Gage is going to be pleased.  That Dr. sounds horrible, can she find someone else?  The last thing you all need is to worry about another family member.  Sending prayers for your other sister, I hope she feels better now.  Sounds like it was a rough day for her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that is a cool pic.
the reason I dont deal with drs is I see far too much of that in the past.  wait and wiat then get you in. suppose that dr went ot have his car worked on his car sat untouched for 40 mins then they finally get it in and talk to him. OH they wuld be livid. I KNOW hubby works on cars the drs are the most demanding he gets in.
sorry about your sister i really hope she is feeling better today.

what is it about when we age that we more an more often wake up confused or with that feeling of Im late or I over slept or missed something ???????

Anonymous said...

That Dr. was extremely rude.  I hope your sister feels better soon.  Gage looks adorable!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for your sister to see a doctor.  That is happening more times than not throughout the nation and it must stop.  I'm of the opinion our entire medical system in this country is in need of reform.  I was sad to learn that your other sister was ill from her coctail and canceled out for the usual milkshake.  I'll be keeping her in my prayers.  The pictures of Gage are excellent and you did a marvelous job with the graphic.  I am sure he will be impressed.

Anonymous said...

I want it to be Friday already too!  Linda

Anonymous said...

How very rude od your sisters Doc , and yes Iagree Ihope the nurse did tell her ,and it made her feel bad ,so sorry your other sister has felt so ill this time prayers for her continue ,I love what you did with Gages pictures ,Im sure he will to ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You have it right on the wait at a Dr's office. Wait a couple of hours and he sees you in 5 min. So it makes you wonder how much time he spends with other patients. You did great on  that picture. I love it. Helen

Anonymous said...

love what you did with the pictures but have to say as we invented the game it's called FOOTBALL not soccer lol. Hope you sis soon improves sorry she isn't feeling good at the moment. Please give her my best wishes.

Anonymous said...

I hope your younger sis does ok with the med changing. I would not want to be in her shoes. why the docs can not leave well alone is behond me. If the meds she is on now work well why fix it. Cage looks brilliant. I am so sorry your other sis is feeling so ill maybe your right about the weekend being too much. But she would not want to miss it for the world. I hope she is feeling better after a rest.
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

The pics are cool!!! I hope your sis is feeling better. I know how hard it is to find a new DR. if this one doesn't listen to her, then go looking for someone who will. Tawnya

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!!!!

As for the DR. I would have been pissed and probably raising some heck to get their attention to come see me LOL

I sure hope your sister feels better soon!!!


Anonymous said...

I think that is a darling soccer photo.  I know he will like it.  One to keep forever.  I am still posting my kids photos and I am 75!  Good photos are forever.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

Gage is so handsome! I hope your headache is gone and i am praying for your sister..i hate to hear that she is feeling poorly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate waitinag like that in the doctor's office.
Gage is precious!


Anonymous said...

Well I like it... and it is very masculine flashy!!!  Sorry about your sis' appt!


be well,

Anonymous said...

I love the 'Gage' graphic!!  I think your little sis should find a new dr.  That makes me so angry when they think we have all the time in the world to wait on them.


Anonymous said...

I love the graphic, it's very boy-ish, bet Gage loves it too!  I'm sorry your sister doesn't feel too good, I'm hoping this will pass and she'll feel better as the treatment continues. As for your other sisters' doctor, that is so rude and unprofessional! My doctor did that once, I was waiting to see him and had sat for 40 minutes, then he came out of the back of the reception office drinking coffee! He'd been waiting for me while I was waiting for him, the receptionist hadn't told him I was there! Sorry you're back to work now, should have taken the whole week off! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/  

Anonymous said...

What a cute graphic of Gage...love the name too! Waiting is the name of the game at hospitals...you really wonder why, they do that to everyone.  Hope you have a great end to your week...hugs,

Anonymous said...

Wow, great sport collage!!!

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare at the doctors for your sister.  Sorry she's not doing very well :(



Anonymous said...

Gage is so cute!!!!!!!!