Wednesday, May 23, 2007

~ An Expert ~


.... I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be one.  I received several emails and comments asking about the license number, the cost, the tags, the art.  I'm going to try and explain it in layman's terms using the information I have or have been given.   First though I do want to address the several comments saying I did nothing wrong.  I did.  I bent the rules as does just about every tagger I've seen on AOL Journals.  I used work from an artist that requires a license be purchased before using.  Does that mean every tag needs a license number on it?  No.  


There are several guilds out there that have contracts with different artists to sell licenses to use their artwork.   This is fairly new, and the lists of artists grow daily and I am sure the guilds will too.  Most taggers get their supplies from different groups and they are shared via email.   It's not always known when we receive the work who the artist is.  Personally, I am learning but I am not going to claim to know them all.  I, as we all have, assumed that since we are being sent them it's ok, or since others use them so can we.  We bent the rules.  It was a quiet community here in JLand and we got away with it until over this past weekend we were exposed, all of us. 


I contacted CILM and discussed a number of different things.  Michelle Geurra was great, and very helpful.  I can't speak for the other guilds, nor can she but she did tell me they are not the 'Big Bad Wolf' they are made out to be.  After talking to her for hours in the course of a few days I will agree.  They are trying to educate.  I don't like the idea of having to pay for something that I basically give away, but the rule is the rule.  Since I will now have to look over my shoulder with each tag I personally will take the extra steps. 


I haven't contacted the other guilds, which I have linked below, but the CILM works fairly easy.  You do not purchase a registration license, but rather a package of tubes.  Once you do that you have the number to use on all tubes you purchase from them.  That doesn't mean you can slap that number on each tag you do that may contain a tube or graphic that they do sell but is in your inventory.  You are purchasing the right to use it.  It's a rather simple process and you can get things almost immediately.  They give you directions and the term of use for each artist as it could be different.   You can do it online with a credit card, paypal, or call them on the phone. 


The other guilds I've been made aware of are below, if you know of more by all means leave a comment and I will add it to the list :)



Michelle was also kind enough to send me some basic guidelines on the use and copyright

Basic rules for proper copyright and graphic use are:

1. If you know the creator of the work ALWAYS give copyright credit.
2. If you don't know the creator of the work try to find out in order 
to give credit.
3. If you can not find out who the creator of the work is then you 
are better off NOT using the work and certainly NOT passing it on to 
other people.
4. If youknow or think you know an artist is pay to use then you 
should have a purchased a package and obtained proper licensing from 
their respective licensing company in order to legally use the work.
5. Never share your license or your paid tubes with anyone.

When using your very own artwork ( not your tag creation ) but say a personal photo you have taken yourself for a tag background then you MUST put your copyright information on it as follows:

photo©and your name, you can't use a nickname it has to be at least your real first name and last name initial if not your entire name.

You MAY NOT put a © symbol on any tag you create with ANY pieces of work that you did not create from scratch all by yourself. If you obtain elements from scrap kits, art work from Free to use artists or artwork from Pay to use artists you may not but a © symbol on your creation.  The exception to this would be if you have your own photos.  You would then do photo©your name (see above)

You MAY however put:

tagged by: and your name or designed by: and your name, in these 
cases you may use your nickname.

Here is a helpful link about copyright and common myths among digital 
artwork users.





Sorry for the boring information but I thought it easier to do here then send a gazillion mails.  Some tags will have license numbers and copyright information, some just copyright information, and some nothing.   I will do my best to look up each artist before I use it, but I am human.  I am not a machine that knows all the answers.  I don't think it makes me a bad person.  I would hope that going forward if someone recognizes something and I've done it wrong they'd contact me.  Not go running to the graphic police.  I would never in a million years turn anyone in for making an error in judgment or making a mistake.  It's up to everyone who makes tags to make a decision based on them, not me or anyone else.   


Wow.. that is a lot of information, eh?  I hope it makes sense.  It's for sharing purposes only.  I am not pointing at anyone, I am not accusing anyone.  I'm giving the information I have or have been given.  Do with it what you think you need to.  I'm going back to being me and having some fun now.  :)


Anonymous said...

I can see it from the artists point of view...but it sure got complicated, didn't it?

Anonymous said...

what a shame, all of it.
XO lj

Anonymous said...

What a mess! Glad at least, you got a part of it straightened out, & hopefully can move forward now.

Anonymous said...

D, only scanned this entry but I see you have once again accepted responsibility.  Something others don't have the guts to do.  Instead they continue to trash you and shift the blame.  Someone said previously 'the cream always rises to the top!'  They are so right, wish I had thought of it.  Great job in showing that you have class and integrity.  Can't wait to see what you have in store next.  I am sure your readers will find this entry interesting and enlightening.  

Anonymous said...

Very informative and while you may not believe this, I actually was fascinated by the process.  It does seem a bit cumbersome, but I imagine, like anything else, once you have a system down it'll all fall into place.  

You rock D!  You don't place blame with others and you do live up to your responsibilities.  If only more of us could follow suit.  :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info.  I think I am a little more clear now on what has transpired, but I will understand more as I see work in progress.  It is interesting to see what has developed in the world of graphics.  Glad you are feeling better.  Gerry

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

very informative and simple to undertsand though I cant understand all of it since I don tdo it much. But I got the gist of it. Im glad you admit when you have made a mistake . tkaes a very big person

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna I realize there are copyrights and licenses for arts and graphics, but you have always been up front and I admire your forthrightness in admitting a mistake.  Your my kind of people.  I truly admire your artistic talent and the wonderful graphics you have given us all.  I am sure in time you will work it all out.  In the meantime, again thank you for the joy you bring to us through your wonderful graphics and tags.  

Anonymous said...

You are so very gracious Donna, about this whole mess. I am glad that you will be continuing with your creative talents. (((Hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the imfo Donna.I agree with most people here.Let me say what most of you do in the US of A.  You Rock!! so keep on rocking girl!! I am  behind you 100% .Take Care Have a great Thursday if possible.Glad it's getting sorted,God Bless. Kath

Anonymous said...

GREAT information! Its a bit more clear as to what the laws are.  All that copyright and license stuff is confusing, wish it wasn't such a hassle though. Thanks for sharing this with us all.

- Jessica

Anonymous said...

Thanks for th concise and correct information.

Anonymous said...

LOL...D, more info that I ever wanted to know.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.  Maybe not legal but bliss.  I suppose my computer will be zooming soon.  No use keeping thousands of illegal tubes.  (Yeah, right...they are going into the external drive.)  Anyway, love your latest "legal" tag and this one is really cute.  Have yourself a good day!  Love ya, Chris

Anonymous said...

What?  You're not a machine?  LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that info, Donna.

Anonymous said...

Very informative and detailed...thanks for posted ...and always know we support your wonderful work...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

I knew everyone would flood to you... lol  Hang in there!

be well,

Anonymous said...

It all sounds very confusing.


Anonymous said...

Thankyou for clearing all that up ,well explained Donna ,blessyou Jan xx

Anonymous said...

So confusing and I don't even make them...
You wouldn't think there would be so many rules in doing something you love and enjoy... I hope most of the taggers don't stop because of all of this , it would be a sad sad day in Jland =(   We appreciate and enjoy...and are so thankful for everything you all do for us!


Anonymous said...

Well put, graphic police, hmmm that sounds familiar...  Linda

Anonymous said...

great job finding out and sharing all that info.  Now start sharing some of your graphics, again!!!  LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information~I'll save it for when I learn how to do this stuff (I can't wait!!!!)